Ishikawa discusses the treatment of Japanese Americans. He overviews the jobs he had in Hawaii and in the army. Ishikawa also discusses the furloughs he took and is health.
Ishikawa discusses his experiences in Italy including Monte Cassino and Anzio. He details about his experiences in France, about he got wounded, and his recovery. Ishikawa also discusses about his homecoming experience and his life after the…
Ishikawa discusses his family and what it was like growing up on a ranch. He details about his educational experiences and Pearl Harbor. Ishikawa also discusses experiences with training and his early time in Italy.
Kim finishes discussing how the war monument came to be and the importance of the monument. He details about the process of being upgraded to the Medal Of Honor. Kim also reflects on his life and accomplishments. Kim finishes with discussing the…
Kim finishes discussing what makes a leader, making colonel, and retiring from the military. He details about working with the community after retirement. Kim also discusses how the war monument in Los Angeles came to be.
Kim discusses his experiences in the Korean War. He details about his military career and the unbreakable bonds he formed. Kim also discusses what makes a leader.
Kim discusses his experiences at Biffontaine. He details about the journey to the aide station and his recovery after being wounded a second time. Kim also discusses his 30-day leave and being reassigned after the European War had ended .
Kim finishes discussing the Battle of Hill A. He details about Chuck Feibleman the artillery liaison officer. Kim also discusses about the battle to take Hill C and the aftermath.
Kim discusses the Battle for Hill A. He details about how the 100th Infantry Battalion relieved the 179th Infantry. Kim also discusses how he utilized tanks.
Kim discusses gaining recognition and being placed on Honor Guard Duty. He details about his experiences in Leghorn (Livorno). Kim also discusses about his experiences in Vada, Italy.
Kim finishes discussing the events that led to receiving the Distinguished Service Cross. He details about capturing the Lanuvio Pass. Kim also discusses the events after Rome.
Kim discusses the end of Cassino and receiving replacements. He details about his experiences at Anzio. Kim also discusses the events that led to him receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.
Kim discusses his experiences with winter and combat in Italy. He details about the structure of Headquarters Company. Kim also discusses the Battle of Cassino.
Kim discusses the recovery process and the time he spent in the hospital. He details about returning to the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the events before the Battle of Cassino.
Kim discusses growing up in California. He details about his experiences when joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the training he implemented with 100th Infantry Battalion.
Nishihara discusses more about his time in Italy. He gives his opinions about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also details about the end of the war and his life after the war. Nishihara talks about the legacy of 100th Infantry Battalion.
Nishihara discusses about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about furlough and leisure experiences. Nishihara also discusses his voyage overseas and his experiences in Italy.
Nishihara discusses what it was like growing up in Maui. He details about joining the Hawaiian National Guard and his experiences while in the National Guard. Nishihara also discusses the journey to becoming the 100th Infantry Battalion.
Miyagawa discusses he first combat experiences in Italy. He details about his time at Cassino. Miyagawa also discusses the times he was wounded and his life after the army.
Miyagawa discusses what it was like growing up in Spreckelsville. He gives details about being drafted and the affects of Pearl Harbor. Miyagawa also discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby.
In this brief concluding interview, Mr. Kobashigawa focuses on the actions that eventually led to him receiving the Medal of Honor and also gives his thoughts on his upgrade from the Distinguished Service Cross. He briefly discusses his family life…
Mr. Kobashigawa describes a few battles he took part in including those in Belevedere and Cittavecchia. Throughout the video, Mr. Kobashigawa also mentions a few of the fellow soldiers he knew that were killed during battle. Other topics discussed…
Mr. Kobashigawa describes his arrival in Italy and talks about the action he saw throughout the Anzio Campaign. Mr. Kobashigawa was wounded in battle several times and discusses how military hospitals functioned at the time. Near the end of the…
Mr. Kobashigawa introduces himself and talks about his family and childhood. He grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, his father worked as a truck farmer, and Mr. Kobashigawa played baseball throughout his youth. Forced to drop out of school at a…
Hayashi wraps up the discussion about his military service, discussing his trip back home and visiting cities on the mainland on his way back. Hayashsi describes the reunion with his parents and friends on his return to Hawaii and also talks about…
Hayashi recalls battles in Coli, Italy and Cassino, Italy. After taking medical leave, he arrived back to his company in time for the Anzio Campaign, where he soon received the Distinguished Service Cross. Hayashi concludes by discussing his memories…
Hayashi recalls his thoughts on the ship from Hawaii to the mainland, unsure of where he was going and the nature of his military assignment. Arriving first at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin, he later was sent to Camp Shelby, where he underwent more basic…
Hayashi recounts his family and childhood growing up on a plantation in Hawaii. He describes working with his parents on the plantation and later jobs he worked to try to make a living wage. Hayashi was drafted into the 65th Engineer Battalion in…
Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…
Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…
Uchida describes walking to and from school through the mountainous terrain where he lived. An avid surfer, he describes building his own surfboard out of inferior materials for lack of balsa wood. Later, he describes his role in the popular…
Uchida recalls his childhood on Kawaii, first employments working in sugar cane fields, and eventual move to Honolulu at the age of 18 to live with his sister. There he found work at the Halekulani Hotel near Waikiki Beach where he remained an…
Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts
Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…
Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…
Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.
Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…
Thomas Ukichi Wozumi goes on leave to New York before going overseas. He shows an original menu he got from Miyako Restaurant in New York. Thomas departs on a cargo ship and lands in Iran and travels to Naples, France.
Thomas Ukichi Wozumi discusses basic training and going to the Mainland to McCoy and Camp Shelby. Thomas changes from the regular Army to the 100th Battalion. There are differences between the Mainland soldiers and the Hawaiian soldiers. However,…
Thomas Ukichi Wozumi is born July 24, 1918, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Utaro Wozumi, and mother, Otsuru Yamamoto Wozumi are Issei from Japan. He has two older siblings, Mildred and James.
Taketa discusses about the wars end, veterans, and reunions. He details about his family and living in Hilo, Hawaii. Taketa reflects on his military service and gives a message to future generations.
Taketa discusses about being a medic and the meals they ate. He details about getting wounded and recovery process. Taketa also discusses playing golf and his post-war life.
Taketa discusses about becoming a medic and his experiences as a medic. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and Camp McCoy. Taketa also discusses about Hawaii, family, and the treatment of Japanese Americans.
Taketa discusses about life after high school and living in Hilo, Hawaii. He details Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Taketa also discusses about his ship getting hit by a torpedo.
Taketa discusses about his family and growing up on Kailua-Kona. He details about his schooling and childhood. Taketa also discusses about religion and vales taught.
Yamada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Yamada also discusses about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).
Yamada discusses about his family, briefly living in Japan, and growing up in Kahului, Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Yamada also discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), his…
Miyake discusses his life after his military service, and after his completion of Northwestern University. He worked in Law and Accounting, then held a political office. In addition, Miyake talks about Hawaii's transition from U.S. territory to U.S.…
Miyake talks about how the 100th met with the 442nd. He also discusses his life after the war; he declined participation in Occupied Japan in order to return to Hawaii. He shares his experiences attending college at Northwestern.
Miyake talks about his military job as Supply Sergeant at military camp and on during European Campaign. He shares stories about childhood friends who had served with him. He also discusses recollections of military tactics he observed from the…
Miyake describes his experiences in basic training at both Camp McCoy then Camp Shelby; he compares the differences between the two camps. He also discusses the cultural differences between the Hawaiian Niseis and Mainland Niseis. In addition Miyake…
Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.
Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…
Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…
Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…
Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…
Nishihara discusses about his experiences during the Lost Battalion and his other war experiences. He details about coming home and his pos-war experiences. Nishihara discusses about various photographs.
Nishihara discusses about his family and growing on Hawaii. He details about his childhood , joining the Hawaiian National Guard, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Nishiara also discusses about traveling to the Mainland, his experiences on the…
Ishikawa discusses being a horse jockey and working on a plantation. He also recalls the best and worst parts of war. Ishikawa receives medals and badges for his service in war.
Akira Ishikawa discusses wartime experiences such as using mules to carry military equipment in Italy, Mainland soldiers and being injured in battle. When Ishikawa is discharge, he learns of Germany's surrender. Post-war he gets married and has…
Akira Ishikawa discusses his prefecture origin and his nickname "Jockey". His nickname comes from the love of horses and horse racing. Ishikawa recalls the Pearl Harbor attack, being drafted, and going overseas. He also shares his wartime experience…
Oura discusses about his experiences in In Italy and France. He details about his family and post-war life. Oura also discusses about his hobbies and gives his closing remarks.
Oura discusses about his family, childhood, and growing up in Hawaii. He details about the coffee farm and his schooling. Oura also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and his experiences in the National Guard. Oura discusses about his…
Hamasu discusses his reasons for re-enlisting for the Army, attending radio repair school, and his assignments during the Korean War as a chief radio repairman for the 5th Regimental Combat Team. Hamasu also talks about what Korea was like when he…
Hamasu discusses his first day in battle and combat experiences in Italy, provides his thoughts about war experiences, and talks about witnessing wounded soldiers and how they were medically treated. He then talks about his trench foot condition…