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Imada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Imada also discusses about his family and gives a message to future generations

Nukuto discusses about his family. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while there. Nukuto also discusses about his educational experiences.

Nukuto discusses about more growing up in Japan. He details about returning to the Untied States. Nukuto also discusses about his life once returning to the United States.

Nukuto discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and his experiences in Kansas. He details about his parents incarceration. Nukuto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and going to Japan.

Nukuto discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about meeting his wife and living in Chicago. Nukuto also gives a message to future to future generations.

Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.

Tojo discusses about Hawaii, childhood, and the term Go For Broke. He details about mindset during combat and the pre-war atmosphere. Tojo also Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Tojo discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about a war experience. Tojo also discusses about volunteering for service.

Tojo discusses about his first day in the Army. He details traveling to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Tojo also discusses about his experiences Camp Shelby and Fort Sill

Tojo discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences inItaly and in combat. Tojo also discusses about the realities of war.

Tojo discusses about code talking and the O'Connor Task Force. He details about an interaction with a German soldiers. Tojo also discusses about his experiences in France.

Tojo discusses about his non-combat experiences in Europe. He details about his experiences in Germany. Tojo also discusses about a letter and his personal philosophy.

Tojo discusses about his experience in Germany and other parts of Europe. He details about his son. Tojo also discusses about his life.

Hara discusses about his childhood, household, and growing up during the Great Depression. He details about his family, schooling, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Hara also discusses about volunteering for the Army, joining the Military Intelligence…

Hara discusses about his family and their history. He details about his experiences in Hiroshima and Japanese women. Hara also discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan.

Hara discusses about geopolitics and post-war Japan. He details about rocket programs, prisoners, and the end of his military service. Hara also discusses about his post military life, family, and gives advice to future generations.

Ishizaki begins the interview with his outlook on the surrender of Japan. As he had previously volunteered for the Army, he was already in Manila, awaiting his shipment to Japan. Once arrived at Atsugi Air Base, he immediately noticed the flat…

Ishizaki continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, including discussion on the black market and women's rights. After his time in Japan, he was moved to Australia to begin work with the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section,…

Kawahara discusses getting married, basic training, and his trip overseas. He details about his combat experiences and his post-war life. Kawahara's son (Sheldon) discusses about his relationship with his father and discusses about the legacy of the…

Kawahara discusses his father and home life. He details his childhood, hobbies, and life during the Great Depression. Kawahara also discusses his high school years and more about aviation.

Kawahara discusses his prom experiences, life after high school, and his college studies. He talks about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath, including his experiences with forced removal and at Poston Concentration Camp. Kawahara also discusses about…

Kawakami begins the interview speaking about how he got the nickname "Joe" and his family background as his father was from Kumamoto and his mother was born in Hilo. He would attend school and grow up playing a lot of sports until the Pearl Harbor…

Kawakami continues talking about his experiences overseas during World War II. He was wounded during combat in France, and was in the hospital for about a month, but prior to that he was involved in many big battles including the Lost Battalion and…

Ono discusses about being assigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), CIC training, and gives a brief overview and timeline of his military service. He details about his duties during the Allied Occupation of Japan, interaction with civilians,…

Miyamoto discusses his familial description, child rearing, and schooling. He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) an in post-war Japan. Miyamoto also discusses about his experiences with Japanese Nationals.

Miyamoto discusses about the black market. He details stories about the General Commanders about the rules and regulations in occupation in Japan. Miyamoto also talks about the new constitution of Japan, goal of occupation and illustrates the…

Miyamoto discusses going undercover to gather information during the occupation of Japan. Miyamoto recalls the Korean War and three regrets. Miyamoto discusses his post-war life and shows his achievement medals from his service in three wars.

Yenari discusses his Issei Father immigrating to the United States and working in the saw mill. Yenari recalls his Father as a quiet man and enjoys raising flowers. Yenari' s Mother is religious and he would help her in the kitchen and with house…

Yenari discusses his influential teacher is Mr. Hayashi from Japanese School. Yenari defines what is means to be a good citizen, an American, and to have moral and ethics.

Growing up Yenari plays baseball, golf, and pole vaulting. In high…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses graduating high school in 1938 and being aware about world events. He recalls asking his parents to go watch a play about antiwar and writing a school paper on Manchuria.

On December 7, 1941, Yenari is working…

Yenari discusses his dreams of leaving the Pacific Coast. Although these dreams of leaving happens due to evacuation, he still remain optimistic about the outcome of camp. At Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center, Yenari helps with the production of…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses his experience at Fort McClellan, Camp Snelling and Turkey tent. He shares funny moments from basic training and Colonel John Aiso who is an influential figure during his training.

When Yenari goes overseas to…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses the war ending when he is in Okinawa as a paratrooper. He explains the warfare and the use of the war weapons. During the occupation in Japan, Yenari recalls his assignments with the bomb disposal group and traveling…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses meeting his wife, children and grandchildren. He shares his hopes and dreams for his grandchildren for the future. After his military career, Yenari is active in community organizations and competes in pole vault,…

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.

Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…

Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…

Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts


Thomas Sakamoto participated in the Occupation of Japan as a Language Aide (interpreter/translator) for War Correspondence. He talks about his experience as a Language Aide and the different assignments he completed. He describes what it was like to…

In this video clip, Thomas Sakamoto talks about his parent's immigration to the United States, where they permanently settled in San Jose, California. As the eldest Nisei son, Thomas completed his middle school education in Kumamoto, Japan, where he…

Thomas Sakamoto describes the implications of the Occupation of Japan. He talks about his role as an interpreter and translator during the occupation. The involvement of the Nisei and Kibei in Occupied Japan was an important component to the success…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about the wartime atmosphere in Japan prior to the outbreak of World War II. He returned to the United States in the 1930's, where worked on a farm and started a Kendo school. He was drafted into the army in February 1941 and…

In this video clip, Thomas Sakamoto talks about saying good-bye to his family before being shipped out for military service. He was shipped to Camp Savage in Minnesota to teach at the Military Intelligence Service Language School. He later decided to…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience as a Military Intelligence Service linguist. His responsibilities were to translate captured Japanese documents and interrogated Japanese prisoners of war. He explains the conditions of jungle warfare in the…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience witnessing the official surrender of Japan aboard the USS Missouri. He also talks about the time when he escorted the American press to the Hiroshima atomic bomb site. He believes that it is important to…

Thomas Sakamoto shares more personal photographs from his World War II military experience. The first two are from his time spent in Japan at the Lutheran Missionary School in Kyushu. He shares a photo album from the Military Intelligence Service…



Tony Koura is born on June 26, 1926. Before being drafted into the military, Tony is at Manzanar. Despite the discrimination after the Pearl Harbor attack, Tony wants to volunteer for the Army because of patriotism.

After the draft notice, he…

Tony Koura goes to Manchuria to observe the mission of the repatriates returning to Japan. Tony says the repatriates are older men, women, and children who are malnourished. However, they are happy to be going to Japan.

Tony arrives back in…

When Tony Koura goes back to Japan after the occupation, the locals have changed. The people have money, there is no food shortage, no one is starving, and every one is employed. There are thousands of linguists during the occupation. Tony says the…

Uesato begins the interview speaking about his family background, including his mother and father. Next, he talks about keeping up with the wars overseas and how unexpected the attacks on Pearl Harbor were. Living in Hawaii at the time, they were…

Uesato discusses his assignment in Burma, where his team would be in charge of opening back up the Burma Road. Next, he would head to China where he would get the rare chance to be around elite military leaders, including Mao Zedong of China and many…

Uesato continues his discussion of his time in occupied Japan. During this time, he was an interpreter for political analysts who were trying to get as much information as they could regarding Japan's population in politics. In this way, Uesato was…

Uesato looks through various pictures and narrates them. The pictures include moments from the Taj Mahal, political leaders (including Mao Zedong and Ambassador Hurley), and a picture from a graduation.

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada introduces himself and begins talking about his early life in Santa Maria, California. He describes his family and his time spent working on the family, which he eventually was charged with managing. In addition…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes much of his life prior to the war. He first describes his awareness of the tensions between countries that eventually boiled over into total war. Next, Harada recalls his family moving to Japan prior…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes many of his war experiences. First, Harada recalls meeting two Navajo code talkers in New Guinea. Next, he recalls being wounded during a Kamikaze attack at Leyte and having to be evacuated to treat…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his work as a baseball promoter and adviser during his service in Allied-occupied Japan. Serving as an aide for General Marquat, Harada was given the freedom to re-introduce professional baseball to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his career working as a baseball promoter, executive, and entrepreneur. He recalls many memories from his career, including events, professional relationships, friendships, and changes he made to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses some memories and highlights from his work as a part of the Allied occupation forces in Japan in addition to his career as a sports executive. Harada also shares a message meant for future generations…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada displays some personal photographs from throughout his life and provides context and commentary on the photos.


Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Nishibayashi continues his recollection of his language training at Presidio and his thoughts about what to expect in an occupation. While shipping to Yokohama, he would enjoy a furlough in Hawaii before getting into Japan to begin his time there.…

Yamada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Yamada also discusses about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Yamada discusses about his family, briefly living in Japan, and growing up in Kahului, Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Yamada also discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), his…

Moto discusses about her life growing. She details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Moto discusses about her name, meeting her husband, and her husband being upgrading to the Medal of Honor.

Oka, a native of Hawaii, describes witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent government and military presence in his family's home, including the monitoring of his brother's shortwave radio and the FBI's interest in his knowledge of…

Oka discusses his observations while in Occupied Japan. He details about his interactions with Japanese citizens. Oka also discusses his work with the Military Intelligence Service.

Oka discusses more about his experiences in Occupied Japan. He details about his family and how he ended up in Ohio. Oka also discusses about the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), Aikido, and his name and citizenship.
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