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Saito discusses his childhood friendships; participation in Boy Scouts and Nisei Week; and discusses experiences with prejudice prior to World War Two. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath; discusses his pre-war employment…

Saito discusses the living conditions at Poston Concentration Camp as well as talking about other incarcerees, friendships, wildlife, recreational activities, employment, food, guards, and dances there. Next, Saito discusses the conflict between…

Saito discusses his experiences at basic training at Camp Blanding; talks about preparing to go overseas; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during a hurricane. Next, Saito talks about his experiences with discrimination; talks about his…

Saito discusses his experiences after induction including going to Fort Douglas and Fort Meade; discusses traveling overseas and his first experiences in Europe; and talks about his first assignment in Italy after joining up with the 442nd Regimental…

Saito talks about some of his fellow medics; talks about his experiences as a replacement soldier; discusses rations; and talks about his clothing during combat. He then talks about getting sick while overseas; discusses how he adjusted physically…

Saito discusses going to Switzerland on furlough; talks about his experiences with snow; discusses his exercise hobby; and talks about his post-war employment. He then talks about returning home; getting discharged; and the restrictions Japanese…

Nakamura discusses growing up on a sugar planation in Ewa, Hawaii and what it was like attending Japanese language school, and working on the planation, as well as recalling stories regarding values he learned and the discipline he received. He then…

Nakamura discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy, including making a skating rink, and then describes going to basic training at Camp Shelby; and what the weather and scenery was like, as well as his relationships with commanding officers and the…

Nakamura discusses some of the officers he encountered during World War Two, including Colonel Farrant L. Turner and Major James Lowell; and talks about correspondence with his girlfriend during the war. He then describes his trench foot condition…

Nakamura talks about his children and grandchildren, including discussing his children's schooling and occupations. He then talks about how his efforts as part of the 100th Infantry Battalion have helped future generations of Japanese Americans, and…

Shinmoto discusses name, birth date, birthplace and growing up during the Great Depression. He recalls his Father and Mother's personality and child rearing. Shinmoto's Father is a quiet man and he learns about his Father history through his Uncle. …

Shinmoto discusses moving to Kingsburg a Swedish farming community. Transitioning in High School is a difficult time for Shinmoto. He recalls sports help him make friends but is lonely during lunchtime. He is also put in the same grade with his…

Shinmoto discusses Gila River Concentration Camp and the living conditions. Approximately 10,000 Japanese Americans are interned there. At Gila River, Shinmoto finishes Senior year of High School and enjoys art classes. He creates an oil painting…

Shinmoto discusses moving to Burlington, Iowa due to the efforts of War Relocation Authority. His family also moves to Iowa and helps at the Hotel to get away from poor living conditions. At Gila River, Shinmoto recalls taking the loyal…

Shinmoto discusses his Mother's reaction to hearing about the atomic bomb and their relatives survival. Going overseas, he arrives in Japan and sees the devastation of Hiroshima. He describes the aftermath of the city from the bomb. He recalls his…

Shinmoto discusses the family business and meeting his wife. Shinmoto and his wife have three children, two grandchildren, and a great grandchild. He shares advice for the future generation and photographs prewar and post-war.

Kamiya discusses his life before the war as an orphan, with siblings, on a sugar plantation in Kekaha and as a young adult in Honolulu. He also gives an account of being drafted and his experience during the Pearl Harbor attack. In addition he…

Kamiya discusses his experience being an army runner and radio man until he got injured and had to be reassigned; and how his two brothers also got drafted in the war. He also discusses the impact of Japanese American soldiers becoming commanding…

Kitaoka discusses his birth date, birth place and his parents. His Issei Father immigrates from Japan to the United States and works on the Railroad. Eventually he returns back to Japan to marry Kitaoka's Mother who is a picture bride. Growing up…

Kitaoka discusses the Alien Land Laws and the reasons why Japanese immigrants are only able to lease land and not buy. Kitaoka recalls his Father transitioning form produce farming to a chicken ranch because farm the lease expires. At this time only…

Kitaoka discusses the family business and routine on the chicken ranch. Norwalk is primarily a Dutch community and Kitaoka describes the high school transition. He discusses identity and his heritage.

On December 7, 1941 Kitaoka is working on…

Kitaoka discusses going to school the day after the Pearl Harbor bombing. Although it is uncomfortable not knowing how his classmates feels, Kitaoka does his best in class. He recalls the climate on the school campus , the Unites States President's…

Kitaoka discusses experiences of Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp. At Santa Anita, the horse stables are converted into living conditions for Japanese Americans and Kitaoka relates to his farming background. At…

Kitaoka discusses going overseas and his occupation phase in Berlin. He recalls what Berlin look like after the devastation of the war. Many of the structural buildings are in rubles and the buildings that are still existing are being occupied by the…

Kitaoka discusses a bomb run experience. He releases a bomb and his radio does not work. The only available option for Kitaoka is to land and wait for his jet to be repair. Kitaoka is picked up and returns to his carrier to continue his fire pilot…

Sakaguchi talks about his birthplace. He discusses his siblings and his parents immigration to the United States. He describes his parent's personalities. He briefly talks about his nickname. He discusses his family home and his community of…

Sakaguchi briefly discusses the Axis powers. He talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He explains why he joined the military. He talks about the Governor of Colorado's stance on the treatment of Japanese Americans. He describes the…

Sakaguchi describes the different sounds of weapons as they fire. He talks about German military equipment. He explains how the Allies defeated the Germans. He continues to talk about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He describes the courage of the…

Iseri discusses his brother who volunteered for the Army. He details about forced removal, his experiences at Pinedale Temporary Detention Center, and at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. Iseri also discusses about his life once leaving camp.

Iseri discusses about the Issei. He details about his family and gives a message to future generations. Iseri also discusses about giving back to the community.

Nagaki talks about his family and growing up in Oregon including helping out on his family’s dairy farm, going to Japanese language school, participating in Kendo, and going to polytechnic school. He then talks about his family’s experiences with…

Nagaki talks about his duties as part of D Company, life at Camp Shelby including going into town, and his experiences witnessing segregation in Mississippi. He then talks about traveling overseas and landing in Oran, and then going to Naples. Next,…

Nagaki discusses his experiences during a combat patrol, his friendships within his company, and his experiences after the Lost Battalion rescue. He then talks about his interactions with replacement soldiers, his combat experiences after returning…

Nagaki talks about his company’s commander- Captain Keegan, returning home and working on a farm with his brothers, and discusses receiving badges and medals such as the Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about how he met his wife, and discusses…

Sakaguchi discusses leaving on a troop carrier to Europe. He shares experiences in Italy, and the Germans retreating. When the war ends with Japan, he remains in the military for a year guarding the army supply. After being discharged, Sakaguchi…

Koyama and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his hometown Nampa, Idaho. He talks about his father's immigration to the United States. He discusses his father's employment ventures. He describes his family home. He talks about his…

Koyama continues to talk about his experiences in Japanese language school. He describes what he did in his leisure time, including hunting. He continues to discuss his work on his family farm. He talks about his childhood education. He briefly…

Koyama talks about his teachers. He describes his basic training. He explains how Japanese American soldiers were grouped together. He discusses his journey to Europe and travels through Europe. He talks about the wild boars that he encountered. He…

Koyama talks about transporting prisoners. He talks about the types of injuries he saw, including million dollar wounds. He discusses the end of World War Two. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. He briefly talks…

Tommy Nishioka begins the interview with an introduction of himself and his parents, who came from Japan and settled in Hilo, Hawaii. His father would work with sugarcane workers, growing trees for firewood, while the children attended school and…

Nishioka talks more about growing up in Hawaii and his whereabouts when he first heard about the attacks on Pearl Harbor. At the time, he would be part of both the 4F Club and the Young Buddhist Association (YBA), and would be forced to black out…

Nishioka first discusses the prejudice that he saw when he arrived in Mississippi and the segregation on the buses, which he found deeply unfair. He also talks about the different things he encountered while in basic training, such as snakes,…

Nishioka discusses his situation before shipping out, getting upgraded from first scout to a non-commissioned officer but instead deciding to volunteer to be a replacement for the 100th Infantry Battalion. After this, he would get onto a liberty ship…

Nishioka talks more about his combat experiences in Sassetta, where the regiment would be involved in heavy house-to-house combat. He explains the differences between artillery shells and mortar shells and how he was wounded in action by a mortar…

Nishioka discusses what it's like to get a shrapnel wound and what happened to him after being sent back to Hawaii. He would get a second opinion of a doctor in Hawaii but he ended up not having an operation again. He also talks about his limited…

Nishioka talks about his personal history and his encouragement to other veterans to share their story if they can. Next, he talks about reunions, the monument in Los Angeles and the Medals of Honor that were given away fifty years after the fact.…

Nagasaka begins the interview with an introduction and talks about what it was like to grow up on a hog ranch near Portland, Oregon. He talks about the various ways that they made money off of the hogs and where he was when he first head of the…

Nagasaka discusses attending Japanese language school as a child and coming from a Buddhist family. He also talks about his recreational activities in school, such as handball, in which he was always the best. Next, he talks about the after effects…

After Nagasaka was at Minidoka Concentration Camp, he would be drafted into the Army and get inducted at Fort Douglas. While at basic training, he would train to be a part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, where he would learn to use various…

Nagasaka discusses gambling that occurred during and on the way home from the war, making a nice profit while he ran the craps games with two other friends. He also talks about the cigarette rations they received and how you could sell them on the…

Nagasaka talks about the facial discrimination that he faced after the war, including ignored restaurant service and equipment sales. He also talks more about his career, which included tuna fishing, working as a houseboy in college and having a…

Nagasaka looks through a couple of pictures, including one with his friends back in Idaho after the war and another that was taken in Pisa, Italy.

Kaneshiro goes through his family background, where his parents originated from Okinawa and immigrated to Hawaii. However, on a visit back to Okinawa, his mother's visa expired and she was unable to get back to Hawaii, stranding George and his…

Kaneshiro continues his discussion on the start of the war, including various reactions from family and Executive Order 9066. After preparing for the relocation camps, they were first taken to Santa Anita race track where they would stay for a couple…

Kaneshiro gives some final notes about Rohwer Concentration Camp, including how they received news of the 442nd, recreational activities and where to go after the war had ended. Once he had left Rohwer and back in Los Angeles, Kaneshiro had trouble…

Kaneshiro talks about how the details of how he and his wife met and their marriage. Next, he discusses the best and most difficult parts of being in the Army, awards received, and his ranks throughout his time with the Army. After that, Kaneshiro…

Mitsunaga discusses his childhood growing up on a family-run dairy farm in Manoa Valley, Hawaii. He talks about farming and his adolescence. He also talks about his experiences being drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. military…

Mitsunaga discusses aspects of his experiences in basic training for the army. He talks about his assignment after the Pearl Harbor attack; traveling to the U.S. mainland for the first time; and describes his military as a jeep driver. Mitsunaga also…

Mitsunaga discusses some of his combat experiences: Salerno Beach and Cassino. He also talks about being in a racially segregated military unit; and his impression of Colonel Turner. He also discusses Nisei veterans he knew who got into politics in…

Mitsunaga discusses his experiences at: Cassino, Anzio, and Bruyeres. He talks about casualties, award recipients, and members KIA. He also shares anecdotes regarding a childhood friend he ran into on the battlefield; and an Italian child he…

Mitsunaga discusses his post-war life. He reflects on his overall war experiences and awards he received. He also talks about his family life and career after the war; and talks about his children's lives.

Teramura begins the interview talking about growing up in Lents, Oregon. His family would come over from Shiga prefecture in Japan and start a farm, where Yasu would work from the age of 7 on. During the Great Depression they had to move from Lents…

Teramura continues his recollection of his school years in Oregon, his favorite subject being math. He discusses some of the impactful teachers he had and some of the discrimination that he faced during his childhood. After graduating from Oregon…

Teramura discusses seeing Ambassador Nomura while living near Portland and what it was like to work on the sugar beet farms. There, he would face some prejudice which gave him a little bit of a scare. Next, he talks about visiting his family at the…

Teramura discusses more about his time in Europe during the war. One of his assignments there would be processing German prisoners of war. He discusses the SS and the power that they had in the Nazi Army. After the war had ended, he would work as a…

Termaura continues to talk about his marriage and the wedding that they had. Next, he lists out his children and grandchildren. After this, he talks about his farming career and how he's kept up with agriculture even after he's retired. He also talks…

Iwasaki discusses his youth growing up in Manoa Valley. He talks about his father's arrival in Hawaii from Japan; and his parent's devotion to him and his siblings. He also shares anecdotes regarding: family leisure trips; working on family farm; and…

Iwasaki talks about some of his experiences in Hawaii before the Pearl Harbor attack. He shares his memories of the Pearl Harbor attack and it's aftermath. He also talks about his early military experiences after getting drafted.

Iwasaki discusses the end of his military service and his post-war life. He also talks about spouse and children. He shares anecdotes regarding: time in Europe, courtship with spouse, and Nisei veterans' legacy.

Nomura talks about his youth in Washington through the attack on Pearl Harbor. He provides background on his parents' immigration to U.S.; explains how some of his siblings lived in Japan for a period; and life on the family farm in Washington. He…

Nomura shares details about his experiences in internment camp and the European Theater. He talks about working a farm laborer in Montana; how he met his wife; and army enlistment. He also discusses his basic training and time in Italy.

Nomura discusses his experiences in the European Theater. He talks about combat experiences; illness he endured; and interactions with Italian citizens. He also discusses his life after military service: career, marriage, and family.

Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

He continues to talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He discusses the rescuers who survived the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He briefly describes a rest period. He talks about the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he was injured for the…

Yamane continues to talk about the end of World War Two. He describes his journey home. He discusses his friend's injuries and his friendships. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with the public. He talks about the ways in…

Yamane continues to reflect on his war service. He talks about his son's service. He discusses his wife's first marriage. He describes his children and grandchildren. He shares his best experiences while in the military. He talks about training new…

Takashima begins the interview discussing his family background, including how they became farmers in Chula Vista, California. He talks about various parts of his childhood from the small home he grew up in to the celebrations and values that his…
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