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Hara discusses pass forging and sneaking out of the training barracks to go dancing with the locals. Next, he speaks about the differences between fighting in France and Italy. As a Jeep driver, Hara was able to get a lot of experience and was…

Following Hara's voluntary service to the Army, he was shipped out from Schofield Barracks in Hawaii to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to undergo basic training. Along with the various training exercises, Hara also discusses fishing and the origin of his…

During his high school summer years, Hara would work at a pineapple cannery to earn money for his family, while he lived with his uncle. Later, while working as a carpenter, the Pearl Harbor bombings occurred and all the Japanese were rounded up by…

Hara starts the interview discussing his family background and what it was like to grow up in a small rural town in Honolulu, Hawaii. Growing up, Hara's father went through a multitude of jobs, with a laundry business as the most memorable. As the…

Hara discusses how the Japanese American Plaza comes about and how the moment is significant to the Japanese American Community . Hara is active in the community and participates in the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for awhile. He…

Hara discusses his occupation experience in Japan and his contribution as a Nisei. During occupation, Hara's duties involve translation and interpreting. Hara describes first experience in an interrogation is with a Japanese Admiral. He also helps…

Hara discusses his military routines in basic training and the relationship between Mainland boys and Hawaiian boys. When Hara graduates basic training, there is discrimination in the military. The Caucasian soldiers receives the higher ranks than…

George Hara discusses temporary detention center and camp life at Minidoka Concentration Camp before leaving to Delaware for medical school. While in college, Hara experience a few discrimination experiences. He gets fired for being Japanese…

Hara discusses his influential teachers during his school years and before evacuation, the High Y Club through him a banquet. As a a result of his Mother's values to work hard and higher education, Hara's aspiration is to go to medical school. He…

Hara discusses his name, date of birth and birth place. His parents are Issei and his Father comes to the United States for better opportunities. Hara's Father works in various places before leasing a hotel in Portland called Austria Hotel. Growing…

Nisei Picnic. 6-22-45. Washington, DC. On back of photograph: Stamped by Life Photograph- "This photograph is owned by Life Magazine published by Time Incorporated, Time & Life Building, Rockefeller Center New York 20, N.Y."

Hanamura recites a poem he learned in school, discusses how he would like to be remembered, talks about his friendships with other veterans, and discusses meeting his wife. Lastly, Hanamura talks about his children, discusses the differences between…

Hanamura talks about church services while overseas, interactions with German POWs; and discusses the Gothic Line battle including his experiences getting shot and taken to the aid station, and his leg amputation as a result of that wound. He then…

Hanamura talks about his combat experiences in Bruyeres, discusses his friend who was killed in action, and talks about becoming an assistant squad leader. He then talks about the weather in Southern France, Army food, the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Hanamura talks about his duties while at Camp Grant as part of the Quartermaster Corps; discusses receiving weapons at Camp Shelby; and talks about some of the other officers in his group and best friend in the Army. He then talks about visiting his…

Hanamura discusses prejudice he faced growing up, and also discusses his childhood friendships. He then talks about going to college, working on an apple farm, getting drafted, and his experiences after the attack on Pearl Harbor including leaving…

Hanamura discussing growing up in Alameda California; discusses his father, mother, and their marriage; and talks about his father's involvement with church. He then talks about his siblings including discussing his brother getting drafted, his other…

Hanamoto discusses translation duties and the 187th. During Occupation Japan, Hanamoto recalls visiting a Japanese National at their home and topics of discussion that they discuss. When he is discharge, Hanamoto see discrimination still exists,…

Hanamoto is in Junior college when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He discusses discrimination, concentration camps, and the meaning of barb wires. While in camp, Hanamoto volunteers to work on a farm. He recalls induction, Military Intelligence Service…

Hamasu discusses his reasons for re-enlisting for the Army, attending radio repair school, and his assignments during the Korean War as a chief radio repairman for the 5th Regimental Combat Team. Hamasu also talks about what Korea was like when he…

Hamasu discusses his first day in battle and combat experiences in Italy, provides his thoughts about war experiences, and talks about witnessing wounded soldiers and how they were medically treated. He then talks about his trench foot condition…

Hamasu discusses his role and duties as staff sergeant in F Company, leaving Hawaii and being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and what it was like traveling to the Mainland and going to Wisconsin for basic training at Camp McCoy. Hamasu…

Hamasu talks about his parents, siblings, neighborhood, and his childhood growing up on a coffee plantation in Hawaii. He also talks about his hobbies, going to Japanese language school and elementary school, being a member of a future farmers club;…

Hamashige talks about his family from his wife to his grandchildren and what they're doing now. Next, he shares stories of his time as a consultant in Honduras, where he was able to attend a dinner reception Dictator Samoza of Nicaragua. After this,…

Following his language school training, Hamashige went to continued his training, going to basic, then to Fort Snelling for interpreting training before being sent out to the Philippines for his first assignment. As the war was coming to an end, the…

As reading interested Hamashige, he began reading a lot about the racism throughout the United States government which led to a deeper understanding of the modernization of Japan, which eventually turned to the attacks on Pearl Harbor. He speaks…

Hamashige begins the interview speaking about his background growing up in Laie in Hawaii, including his childhood home and foods. Next, he talks about the background of his mother and father, who both came to Hawaii from the Yamaguchi prefecture in…


Hamasaki discusses his time overseas fighting in the war. To begin, he talks about his combat experience at Hill 140, Bruyeres, and the Vosges Mountains. Next, he talks about the Champagne campaign in France, which would be his final campaign before…

Hamasaki begins by giving a background of his family, as well as a sense of what it was like growing up in Maui. Next, he talks about the Pearl Harbor attacks and the effects that it had on the community, the ministers and the Japanese language…

Hamanaka discusses his time of occupation in Japan and his length of Military Service. He also mentions Japan's civilians thoughts on Military Intelligence Service in Japan. When Hamanaka is discharged, he goes back to school and receives two…

Hamanaka discusses his experiences in Puyallup Temporary Detention Center and Minidoka Concentration Camp. During his time in camp he sees how the family dynamic changes. Hamanaka leaves camp when he goes to basic training. After graduation he goes…

Hamanaka discusses his parents orign and growing up as an only child. During his adolescent years he helps with his Father's business after school and is active in journalism at school. Hamanaka recalls learning how to cook in Puyallup and making…


Hamada discusses taking a loyalty questionnaire and the aftermath which included getting sent to a segregation camp and expatriation to Japan. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including traveling, discussing food, visiting relatives, and…

Hamada talks about his experiences as part of ROTC; discusses his thoughts regarding citizenship; and talks about how his grandparents moved back to Japan while he was still in high school. He then talks about his knowledge of pre-war tensions…

Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…

Hamada reflects on some of the experiences he had during the war. He also details about his career after leaving the service. Hamada discusses the medals that he received.

Hamada discusses Operation Magpie and the role he played in it. He also details of what some of the Doolittle Flyers went through as prisoners of war. Hamada discusses his family.

Hamada discusses what the role the OSS played in Burma. He details his experiences during his first assignment. Hamada also discusses a little more about the specialized OSS training that he received.

Hamada discusses more about basic training. Hamada details about volunteering for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Hamada discusses the specialized training he received from OSS.

Hamada discusses what it was like being a high school student. He also details what it was like being there and witnessing the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Hamada also discusses volunteering and his experiences and Camp Shelby.

Hamada discusses what it was like growing up on a sugar plantation. He also details about the relationship he had with his parents and siblings. Hamada discusses about childhood activities.


Barney Hajiro recalls the locals of Bruyeres and Biffontaine were friendly and nice. However, they were confused to see Japanese Americans in an American Army uniform. Barney was in M Company then transferred to I Company. The guys in I Company were…

Barney Hajiro was born on September 16, 1916. He was the second oldest of his siblings. He grew up on a plantation in Maui, Hawaii, during the Great Depression.

During Barney's school years, he attended first through eighth grade. He did not have…

In this brief final portion, Mr. Hajiro talks about how he met and married his wife. He goes on to talk about visiting his parents after the war and reflects on some of the aspirations he held prior to the start of the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects of his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses life after the war, including his return trip home, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and later the Medal of Honor, and his career after the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects on what helped him survive during the war and gives his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses his first court martial, which in turn led to his transfer to I Company and his training with the BAR machine gun. He continues on to talk about combat he saw in Bruyeres and Biffontaine, where he captured several German POWs.…

Mr. Hajiro describes his early childhood growing up during the Depression on the island of Maui. As his parents were poor, Mr. Hajiro was forced to drop out of school to work in the plantations to help support his family. He eventually traveled to…

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Hagiwara talks more about his war experiences, starting with the Bruyeres-Biffontaine area, which included the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about the dense forest of the Vosges Mountains and getting into fights when other soldiers used…

Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…

Hagiwara talks more about seeing his parents and gives background on how he met his future wife. While at Fort Sheridan, he would often visit his wife but would get word that he would get transferred. After moving around to a couple of places, he…

Hagiwara continues talking about his experience in the National Guard and the times leading up to Pearl Harbor, as they worried more about Russia invading than Japan. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing…

Hagiwara continues talking about his time growing up in Ketchikan, Alaska. He would take an interest in basketball, and even be able to travel to different areas for competitions. Next, he talks about the population of his neighborhood and the…

Hagiwara begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Nagano and Shiga in Japan and both settled down individually in Ketchikan, Alaska. He talks more about his family, such as his family learning how to cook and becoming a baker and…


Hagino discusses working in accounting; retirement; his job freelance writing newspaper articles; and talks about his wife and children. He then talks about his friendships with other veterans; provides some thoughts about World War Two in regards to…

Hagino discusses receiving a good conduct medal, getting discharged, and going to Okinawa as a civilian to work on a construction project. He then talks about his experiences interacting with Okinawa civilians; visiting Japanese POW camps; and…

Hagino talks about the formation of the 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion, and also discusses his experiences in the 1399th including his duties as a bulldozer operator and receptionist; recreational activities he participated in while in the…

Hagino talks about his experiences in school including discussing influential teachers and going to Japanese language school. He also talks about speaking Japanese at home; his parents' involvement in the Japanese community; and his experiences after…

Hagino discusses his parents and their employment; his siblings; and describes his childhood homes. He then talks about his family's farm; provides definitions for the terms "Issei" and "Nisei"; and discusses his childhood including talking about…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga talks about his experience moving to Arizona to be with his children. Next, we hear about the medals and honors that Thomas received in honor of his military service. From here, Thomas discusses the…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga talks about his military experience, namely his embarkation and personal travels to the India-Burma Theater. Next, we hear Thomas discuss interrogating prisoners of war, as well as returning from the…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga gives his personal introduction, as well as information regarding his parent's background. In addition, we hear about Thomas' sibling's background and Thomas' early education and attending Japanese…

Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…

Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…

Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…

Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…

Guy discusses more about his war experiences, and how he came to befriend Marty Higgins. He talks about about his combat towards the end of the war, and getting liberated. After this, he would return to the United States, where he would settle back…

Guy discusses the German weapons that were used in the war, including the screaming mimi's which is what ended up wounding him during combat. Next, he talks about the Alamo Regiment from San Antonio, combat throughout Southern France, which earned…

Guy talks more about his combat experiences, including taking heavy casualties at the Battle of Rapido River. There he would receive a wound and be hospitalized, requiring surgery in Naples. While there, he would meet members of the 100th Infantry…

Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Gustafson discusses losing men and the restructure of the division. He details about close combat with German soldiers and when the German soldiers surrender. Gustafson discusses a story about crabs and other wartime shares, and his promotion.
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