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Shimizu discusses about having pride, trying to volunteer , and getting drafted. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences from Poston Concentration Camp. Shimizu also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Shimizu discusses about his childhood. He details about his household, self identification, and school years. Shimizu also discusses his life after high school, geopolitics, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about growing up in Clovis, California. Shimizu also discusses about his schooling.

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Furukawa reveals his hopes for the future, including racial tolerance. He explains several pictures and documents that are shown on camera.

Furukawa discusses the Champagne Campaign. He describes his leaves in France and Switzerland. He talks about the end of World War Two. He explains how he got back to California. Furukawa reflects on his time in work camps. He talks about joining the…

Furukawa talks about his work in the car repair industry. He also discusses college and being drafted. He describes preparing for deployment and his time at Camp Shelby. He explains the different types of military training that he received. Furukawa…

Furukawa describes his childhood extracurricular activities. He talks about spending time with an Italian family. He discusses the entertainment that he enjoyed as a child. He describes his family's relationship with Japan and his Japanese American…

Sam Furukawa describes his parents relationship. He recalls the death of his sibling. He talks about his family's farming activities. Furukawa describes his family home and Japanese language school. He discusses his friendships and his experiences…

Yoshimura discusses starting a gardening and landscaping business with his brother-in-law, being a part of the Norwalk Japanese Community Center, and talks about some of his hobbies. He then talks about values and lessons he learned from his Issei…

Yoshimura discusses his assignments protecting tunnels during the Lost Battalion rescue and while in Sospel, as well as his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about communicating with his family during the war, earning a Bronze…

Yoshimura talks about getting drafted, and getting sent to Camp Shelby for basic training. Yoshimura discusses his duties at Camp Shelby laying and clearing mines as part of an anti-tank company, his interaction with Hawaiian soldiers; and the types…

Yoshimura discusses growing up in Wyoming on a farm, and going to school. He details about his family moving to Japan where he lived until he was fifteen. He then discusses moving to California by himself where he lived in a boarding house, and…

Kashiki discusses his friendships with Hawaiian soldiers, and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He also talks about visiting friends in Hawaii; returning to the United States and seeing family again; and seeing his daughter for…

Kashiki discusses a friendship, provides an explanation of a proximity fuze and other explosive devices, discusses traveling with the unit at night; and talks about German weapons and equipment. Kashiki also talks about combat experiences and terrain…

Kashiki discusses his reasons for volunteering, talks about the leadership in his unit including discussing Colonel Pence and Lieutenant Earp; and discusses the formation of the Cannon Company. He also talks about his duties and training in the…

Kashiki discusses high school, what his hometown community was like, provides his thoughts on prejudice; and discusses advice for his grandchildren regarding work and education. He then talks about his children, his experience when trying to…

Kashiki discusses growing up in Southern California, his family's farming business, going to school, his parents, and father's various jobs. He then talks about childhood activities such as fishing with his father, walking to school; and playing…

Ichikawa discusses his life once returning home and how he ended up on a television show. He details about his interactions with veteran organizations and also gives a message to Nisei veterans. Ichikawa also discusses acts of heroism, losing…

Ichikawa discusses a few comical stories, photography, and his worst war experience. He details about heading to France, back to Italy, and his experiences in Italy before and after the war. Ichikawa also discusses mail, awards, and returning home.

Ichikawa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and what it entailed to carry a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). He details about his combat experiences in Europe and being wounded. Ichikawa also discusses losing comrades and…

Ichikawa discusses his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center. He details about experiences at Granada Concentration Camp. Ichikawa also discusses why he volunteered for the service and his experiences at Camp Shelby for basic…

Ichikawa discusses his childhood, family, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details values, religion, and his neighborhood. Ichikawa also discusses his reaction to forced removal and experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Assembly Center.

Iguchi discusses about life after the war. He details about his community involvement. Iguchi also gives a message to future generations.

Iguchi discusses about his experiences as a medic and being wounded. He details about the events after The Gothic Line. Iguchi also discusses about his best and worst experiences in the war and reflects on his military service.

Iguchi discusses about the journey overseas, training to be a medic, and arriving in France. He details about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign and life as a medic. Iguchi also discusses about The Gothic Line.

Iguchi discusses about his father sending Honeydew Mel ons and life after after high school graduation. He details about being drafted and receiving training to be a medic. Iguchi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and joining the…

Iguchi discusses about his family and growing San Fernando Valley. He details how he identified himself and home life. Iguchi also discusses about school activities and religion.

W. Kohashi discusses his life post-war in Hawaii. He talks about his employment history and family. He also talks about a 1946 tidal wave that demolished the Shinmachi neighborhood.

W. Kohashi talks about his last days in the European Theater and his return to Hawaii after the end of the war. He also discusses his brothers' military services. He shares anecdotes regarding: fellow soldiers he knew; travels in Europe; and spending…

W. Kohashi discusses his combat experiences in the European Theater. He talks injuries he, and fellow soldiers, sustained. He shares anecdotes regarding: battles; a trip to Paris; and recollections of slain friends.

W. Kohashi discusses his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack aftermath and volunteering in the military. He talks about experiences and basic training at Camp Shelby; and shipping out overseas. He also discusses his early combat experience and…

W. Kohashi discusses his youth in the Shinmachi neighborhood of Hilo. He talks about his family, early education, and his father's fishcake business. He also talks about Martial Law in Hawaii after the start of World War Two.

Hibino talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He lists the contributions of Japanese American soldiers. He explains how he met his wife. He describes his courtship with his future wife. He discusses his emergency return to the United States.…

Hibino talks about his combat experiences on the Gothic Line. He describes war-torn Nuremberg, Germany. He discusses his interactions with civilians. He explains what happened when his unit found Dachau Concentration Camp. He talks about advancing…

Hibino continues to explain how he was assigned to an artillery unit. He describes his journey to Europe and landing in Bari, Italy. He talks about joining the allied forces. He discusses how other soldiers reacted to Japanese American soldiers. He…

Hibino describes his experiences while living at the Tanforan Temporary Detention Center. He talks about the journey to Topaz Concentration Camp. He shares his first impressions of Topaz. He discusses the living conditions in Topaz. He lists the…

Hibino explains how his parents and grandparents immigrated to the United States. He briefly talks about his aunt. He describes the influence of his grandparents. He discusses his relationship with his brother. He shares his brothers life story. He…

Hibino and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his family. He describes his early life in Berkeley, California. He discusses his involvement in the Berkeley Japanese American community. He talks about his experiences in primary…

Fukuzawa discusses about Ms. Moss who had an impact on his life. He reads a letter out loud. Fukuzawa also shows and describes some photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences with the Memorial Foundation. He details about the term Go For Broke and lessons learned from service. Fukuzawa ends the interview by giving some closing remarks and discussing a few photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about his fondest memory and the people he looked up to. He details about the Gothic Line, the end of the war, and his homecoming. Fukuzawa also discusses about his post-war life, going to college and becoming a teacher.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences in Italy both during and post-war. He details about his experiences in France, including the Champagne Campaign and his interactions with French citizens. Fukuzawa also discusses about the casualties of war.

Fukuzawa discusses about a friend and his experiences at Camp Blanding. He details about his family affection and his voyage overseas. Fukuzawa discusses about traveling to and experiences in France.

Fukuzawa discusses about life outside of camp including working and college. He details more about forced removal and being drafted. Fukuzawa also discusses about his send off, induction, and experiences at Camp Blanding.

Fukuzawa discusses about his childhood and parents. He details about Pearl Harbor and it aftermath. Fukuzawa also discusses about his families personal experiences with forced removal.

Kawagoye discusses his grandsons; talks about his friendships with veterans; and discusses his involvement in community groups and the 100th/442nd Veterans Association. He then talks about the Go for Broke monument; provides some thoughts regarding…

Kawagoye discusses corresponding with his family while overseas; talks about his assignment processing German POWs post-war; and discusses the Army point system. Next, Kawagoye talks about traveling back to the United States and his stopover in…

Kawagoye discusses getting wounded in France; talks about being awarded a Purple Heart; and discusses his combat experiences in Bruyeres. He then talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion; discusses the different types of mines German soldiers…

Kawagoye discusses the civilians and countryside in Italy; talks about his first combat experiences in Italy; and discusses what it was like to experience artillery fire. He then talks about his duties as part of an Antitank Company; discusses his…

Kawagoye talks about his assignment at Fort Riley working with a butcher; discusses rations; and talks about his brothers' military service. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; discusses…

Kawagoye discusses his parents including his father's employment and death; and his mother's remarriage. He then talks about his childhood chores; siblings; attending high school; childhood friendships; and some of his post high school employment…

Murakami goes on to describe his involvement with the Champagne Campaign and the Lost Battalion. He also describes his journeys after World War Two. Murakami reveals his involvement with the development of shopping centers in Kauai. He ends the…

Murakami describes his reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He also reveals the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Murakami also describes his time at Camp Shelby. He reveals details about his time overseas with…

Murakami talks about his early life in rural Hamakua. He goes on to discuss his family and stepmother. Murakami reveals his experiences while in Japanese School. He ends this section of the interview by discussing what he did after high school.

Goto discusses getting injured in Carrara, Italy and talks about his friendships with other soldiers, including those that were killed in action, and what it was like seeing his war buddies postwar. He then talks about going back to Hawaii at the end…

Goto provides an overview of a headquarters company and all the various platoons that it is made up of. He describes his duties within the headquarters platoon, including following the battalion's executive officer. He also talks about what he…

Goto begins by talking about working as a medical supply clerk and veteran service counselor; and then discusses volunteering for the Army and going to Camp Shelby for basic training. Goto talks about the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian…

Goto describes growing up on a planation in Ewa, Hawaii and taking the train into Honolulu to go to school. After graduating from high school, Goto worked at a 7UP bottling company as a soda salesman and delivery man. He also talks about being a…

M. Fujita shares his combat experiences in Italy, he describes the weapons he used, food, and traveling to battlefields. He also talks about his army discharge and aspects of his post-war life. He shares anecdotes regarding: friendships developed in…

M. Fujita talks about his childhood experiences in San Diego county circa 1930s. He also talks about his family's experiences in Santa Anita and Poston. He shares anecdotes regarding: basic training in Camp Shelby, getting wounded in combat, and his…

Suyama explains how he got his name. He talks about his father's early life. He describes his father's work on the railroad. He talks about his father's knowledge of languages. He talks about his father's educational background. He shares memories of…

Yamane continues to reflect on his war service. He talks about his son's service. He discusses his wife's first marriage. He describes his children and grandchildren. He shares his best experiences while in the military. He talks about training new…

Yamane continues to talk about the end of World War Two. He describes his journey home. He discusses his friend's injuries and his friendships. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with the public. He talks about the ways in…

He continues to talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He discusses the rescuers who survived the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He briefly describes a rest period. He talks about the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he was injured for the…

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…

Mitsunaga discusses his post-war life. He reflects on his overall war experiences and awards he received. He also talks about his family life and career after the war; and talks about his children's lives.

Mitsunaga discusses his experiences at: Cassino, Anzio, and Bruyeres. He talks about casualties, award recipients, and members KIA. He also shares anecdotes regarding a childhood friend he ran into on the battlefield; and an Italian child he…

Mitsunaga discusses some of his combat experiences: Salerno Beach and Cassino. He also talks about being in a racially segregated military unit; and his impression of Colonel Turner. He also discusses Nisei veterans he knew who got into politics in…

Mitsunaga discusses aspects of his experiences in basic training for the army. He talks about his assignment after the Pearl Harbor attack; traveling to the U.S. mainland for the first time; and describes his military as a jeep driver. Mitsunaga also…

Mitsunaga discusses his childhood growing up on a family-run dairy farm in Manoa Valley, Hawaii. He talks about farming and his adolescence. He also talks about his experiences being drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. military…

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