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Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses his military duties during the occupation of Japan and the Nisei and Kibei contribution as translators. Ichikawa talks about General MacArthur's plan to rebuild Japan and keeping the Emperor of Japan safe. He feels the…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses the language team and their assignments. He describes the difference between Kibei and Nisei and how their attributes working together up contribute to the rebuilding of Japan. Ichikawa also shares how he meets his wife…

Mr. Watanabe first discusses where he was born and raised, and talks about his passion for music, which included a career as a musician. Leading a unique military career, Mr. Watanabe served in the 442nd and the MIS, before he was finally assigned to…

Mr. Watanabe discusses the importance of Nisei storytelling and committing these stories to tape through oral histories. He next describes what it was like coming back to Hawaii after the war and talks about the important event of Hawaiian statehood.…

Iso discusses about the time he spent in the Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He also details about the struggles that Japanese Americans faced in the military and in american society. Iso details the…

Iso discusses how he ended up in Japan during military occupation and what he did while he was there. He also details about the starvation and devastation he witnessed in Japan. Iso discusses what it was like interacting with the Japanese people.

Iso discusses trying to help the Japanese people as best as possible. He highlights the role the Nisei played during the occupation. Iso also discusses Japan's agriculture and food production capabilities post-war

Iso discusses his time with the Air Intelligence Service Squadron and Project American during the Korean War. Iso details his job with The Foreign Service. Iso also gives advice to his grandchildren and explains what is most important.

Kawakami discusses his family and childhood. He details meeting an uncle in Japan and his experiences during the Great Depression. Kawakami also discusses his experiences with prejudice.

Kawakami discusses Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Center and Topaz Concentration Camp. Kawakami also discusses being drafted, his experiences in post-war Japan, and the importance in Nisei…

Kawakami discusses his post-war life. He talks about Tokyo Rose. Kawakami also discusses a friend who fought in the rescue of the Lost Battalion and gives a message to future generations.

Funai discusses his familial description and his Issei Father decision to come to America. His Father marries a picture bride and has seven children. Funai grows up during the Depression Era and World War Two (WWII). He describes how the factors of…

Funai discusses University of Hawaii and joining the National Guards. He works all the way through college, Due to his participation in Reserved Officer Training Corp (ROTC), he becomes a Commission Second Lieutenant and becomes part of the Military…

Miyahara begins the interview talking about his family background and how his mother and father came over from Kyushu, Japan and settled down as farmers in the Los Angeles area. Growing up in California, he was able to live a pretty full childhood,…

Miyahara continues his recollection of his time visiting Asia in 1936 for kendo. Next, when back in America, he speaks about Pearl Harbor and the forced removal to temporary detention centers at the Pomona fairgrounds. His friends would visit him…

Miyahara discusses coming back to Japan following his discharge in the United States. Once back, he decided to re-enlist with the Army Air Force, but was sent back to Japan. While there for the third time with the Army, he met his wife but because of…

Miyahara discusses the change of Japan during the occupation, including manufacturing quality items that turned into a big part of their future economy. As a welfare officer and member of occupational forces, Miyahara helped in the recovery of Japan.…

Miyahara discusses the executive order 9066 and the procedure for getting married to a woman from Japan. Next, he speaks about the intricacies of kendo, including the senseis that had big influence on him and the specific techniques needed to prevent…

Yamada begins the interview with an introduction on where he was during the surrender of Japan during the war. He would be part of the occupation forces in Japan, specializing on translating documents that would be used in the War crimes trials. He…

Yamada discusses learning Japanese at a young age, taking Japanese language school, in addition to his regular schooling. He would also visit Japan with his family and see the farming community that his family came from. While back in the United…

Yamada continues his experiences in occupied Japan, including taking kendo lessons and the reform that was brought about. He talks about the things Americans tried to teach the Japanese such as equality, education and ethics. After his time with the…

Bright and Sam Onoda begin the interview speaking of how their parents came to the United States from Oita, and began work in the Washington area. Their father would at the lumber mill until his untimely death, while their mother would put her faith…

Bright and Sam continue their recollection of the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Their stepfather would be taken in by the FBI and they had to continue working until they heard about Executive Order 9066. With that, they were forced to evacuate their…

Bright and Sam discuss their time after the Army, Bright becoming an anesthesiologist. They finish with a message for future generations.

Ono discusses about being assigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), CIC training, and gives a brief overview and timeline of his military service. He details about his duties during the Allied Occupation of Japan, interaction with civilians,…

Yoshimura begins the interview discussing how he came to be on the USS Missouri with General MacArthur when the emperor of Japan was announcing his surrender. As a child, Yoshimura had moved from America to Japan to begin his education and to learn…

Miyamoto discusses his familial description, child rearing, and schooling. He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) an in post-war Japan. Miyamoto also discusses about his experiences with Japanese Nationals.

Miyamoto discusses about the black market. He details stories about the General Commanders about the rules and regulations in occupation in Japan. Miyamoto also talks about the new constitution of Japan, goal of occupation and illustrates the…

Miyamoto discusses going undercover to gather information during the occupation of Japan. Miyamoto recalls the Korean War and three regrets. Miyamoto discusses his post-war life and shows his achievement medals from his service in three wars.

Kamemoto talks about his father and the reasons why he immigrated to the United States; discusses his mother; and talks about visiting his relatives in Japan during his leave from the United States Army, as well as his post-war visits. He then talks…

Kamemoto provides his thoughts about citizenship and loyalty in regards to World War Two; describes the term "yamato-damashii"; and discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath including his experiences with blackouts and rationing. He then…

Kamemoto discusses Korea including talking about the Seoul city gates; transportation; living conditions; and his Army boots. He then talks about getting discharged; returning to the United States; and going back to the University of Hawaii to finish…

Ikemori talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his family's move to Japan. He briefly discusses his education in Japan. He talks about teaching Japanese language school in Hawaii. He discusses the languages spoken in his childhood home.…

Jiro Ikemori explains what his assignment was during the military occupation of Japan. He describes the living conditions in Kobe, Japan. His discusses his return to America. He talks about his work as a custodian. He reflects on his military…

Oishi begins the interview with his family background and moving to Hawaii from Hiroshima. He would grow up in Kona, Hawaii working at the family farm and then for his aunt at her grocery store, all while attending school and Japanese language…

Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…

Okusa begins the interview speaking about his time living in Japan as a child. He would attend middle school and high school before going back to the United States. Next, he talks about the end of the war and going to the occupied Japan to begin work…

Okusa discusses his position as an interrogator during occupied Japan. During his assignments there, he would interrogate a lot of prisoners of war to obtain as much information as possible to send back to the NYK building in Tokyo. He would end up…

Konoshima begins the interview speaking about his family background. As his father came over to the United States, Akio was born in Japan and brought over to California as an infant. They would move to Mountain View in northern California and lease…

Konoshima discusses the reasons for attending University of Wisconsin after the camps and his sister also attending. Next, he speaks about the effects of being born in Japan and not having the same rights that even Japanese Americans had, such as…

Konoshima begins by speaking about his time in occupied Japan. After spending time in the American concentration camps, he would be shipped to Tokyo as part of the Headquarters team. When arriving in Tokyo, he would remember the destruction of…

Konoshima discusses how he ended up joining the Army, despite not being an American citizen. He would not become a citizen until the McCarron-Walter Act would allow him to do so. Next, he discusses the importance of becoming a U.S. citizen and what…

Falk discusses his rank; talks about how he became interested in Japanese language and culture; talks about taking classes to learn Japanese language; and discusses the [Military Intelligence Service] Caucasian program and his training at Fort…

Falk discusses the transportation system in Tokyo including coal fueled cars and trains; and discusses his interrogation work in Japan processing intel. He then talks about the possible threat of Communism; corresponding with his family while in…

Muranaka begins the interview discussing his time in occupied Japan, working with Japanese officials to ease communications between the Japanese government and the United States government, which in the end netted him a gift from the Emperor of…

Muranaka goes through his work in the Army after the end of World War Two, where he served in the Korean War. Next, he discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers during the occupation of Japan, and how big of an impact communication is in order to…

Muranaka discusses both his father and mother's backgrounds and the influence that they had on his life even as young boy. Though living in poverty, his father was able to buy him an encyclopedia and type writer to instill in him the importance of…

Muranaka finds himself at home in Honolulu when the Pearl Harbor attacks occurred, which he recalls hearing a loud noise and seeing a black smoke cloud in the distance. He hitchhikes back to Schofield Barracks and is given a uniform and gun and told…

Following 20 years of service in the US Army, Muranaka gets his retirement orders and begins college at the University of Puget Sound. After working with alcoholics working for the State of Washington, he received a call from the University of…

Nishimura discusses his reaction to landing in Yokohama and duties as part of the bomb survey team in occupation Japan. He shares some interview questions and answers from his survey with women and housewives. Nishimura also recalls the aftermath of…

Nishimura discusses his free time, visiting relatives, and contact with Japanese citizens. He discloses why Japan lost the war with the United States and the objective of the bomb survey team. He contributes the success of occupation to the Kibei. …

Inui discusses about Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Inui also discusses about his post-war experiences in Japan.

Inui discusses about his post-war experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his duties with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in post-war Japan. Inui also discusses about his civilian work in post-war Japan.

Inui discusses about the rebirth of Japan and the successfulness of the Allied Occupation of Japan. He details about occupation and the importance of Nisei linguist. Inui also discusses about his family and shows some photograph.

When World War Two ended, Ray Kuniteru Mayeda attended the University of Minnesota for a year, and his finances were running low. Therefore, he decided to volunteer for two years and enlisted when he was in Chicago. Ray went to basic training at Camp…

In October 1949, Ray Mayeda worked at the Civil Censorship until it was dissolved. Then Ray worked at Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) as a translator. He translated classified documents into English for a year.

After, Ray went…

Ray Kuniteru Mayeda was born on October 18, 1922. His parents were from Kagoshima prefecture before immigrating to the United States. Ray's father came from a family of educators in Japan.

In the United States, Ray's father was a successful farmer…

After the passing of Ray Mayeda's mother, Ray's father sent his two sisters and younger brother to live in Japan with their grandmother. Later, Ray's father and Ray went to live in Japan too. After living in Japan for a few years, in 1939, Ray…

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