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In this video clip, Ken Akune describes an incident with the military police while in Japan. He also provides wisdom about the nature of war and how important it is for American soldiers to spread good will as American ambassadors.

Akune discusses his reasoning for volunteering to serve in the military. He discusses Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Mississippi before being shipped out for basic training.

Akune describes his basic training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and his life on a liberty ship before landing in Perth, Australia, his assignment working on a propaganda project and his duties as a part of a propaganda project and interrogating…

Akune discusses his experiences interrogating Japanese Prisoners of War (POWs) and assisting the British Army with "flushing" Japanese soldiers and situations in which he faced discrimination in the military.

Akune continues his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) as an interrogator. He discusses some of his experiences interrogating soldiers and also talking to "comfort girls." He describes escorting Prisoners of War (POWs) from China…

Akune discusses his service during the Post-war Occupation of Japan -- he was a translator for the war crime trials. He introduces his wife and family. He ends by sharing a message to future generations and the importance of the Nisei veteran story.

Hagino discusses his parents and their employment; his siblings; and describes his childhood homes. He then talks about his family's farm; provides definitions for the terms "Issei" and "Nisei"; and discusses his childhood including talking about…

Hagino talks about his experiences in school including discussing influential teachers and going to Japanese language school. He also talks about speaking Japanese at home; his parents' involvement in the Japanese community; and his experiences after…

Hagino talks about the formation of the 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion, and also discusses his experiences in the 1399th including his duties as a bulldozer operator and receptionist; recreational activities he participated in while in the…

Hagino discusses receiving a good conduct medal, getting discharged, and going to Okinawa as a civilian to work on a construction project. He then talks about his experiences interacting with Okinawa civilians; visiting Japanese POW camps; and…

Hagino discusses working in accounting; retirement; his job freelance writing newspaper articles; and talks about his wife and children. He then talks about his friendships with other veterans; provides some thoughts about World War Two in regards to…

Kenneth Inada begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu. He would be immersed in Japanese culture and ethics, watching Japanese movies and attending Japanese language school after his normal…

Inada talks more about his family background, including his mother's interests and discipline as a housewife and the languages they spoke in their household. He would grow up in the Great Depression, but still enjoy going to the movies and joining…

Inada continues talking about his high school years, talking about associations with Daniel Inouye, who later became a Medal of Honor recipient and American senator. He also discusses the discrimination that was faced before the war, such as not…

Inada talks about his shipment to mainland America, seeing the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge on the way and then landing in Oakland. When arriving, all soldiers would have their diaries taken away and told they would not be able to get them back.…

Inada discusses more about his unit detail, going from C Company to K Company as replacements were all moved. He also talks about replacements and his brother that passed away in Europe after the war had ended. Next, he talks about his first combat,…

Inada continues talking about his war experiences, including joining up with I Company, before getting wounded in action. He talks about being in combat and getting a hand injury, causing him to leave and head to a field hospital. There, he begged…

Inada finishes the interview looking at a picture of a Zen Buddhist scholar named Dr. D. T. Suzuki.

Kenneth Masamitsu describes his personal history and family background. He talks about his parents, siblings, and about his childhood, which include attending Japanese language school, learning judo, and growing up in Lomita, California.

Kenneth Masamitsu describes how his life changed after his mother's passing, about becoming employed, and his experience attending high school.

Kenneth Masamitsu describes being drafted into the military, about his experience in basic training, and his recruitment into the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also recalls hearing the news of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and visiting a few of the…

Kenneth Masamitsu talks about how his brother was wounded in action, about becoming a commissioned officer, and his journey overseas. He also describes his experience fighting in the European Theater, and becoming assigned to the Anti-Tank Company.

Kenneth Masamitsu recalls how he was wounded in Italy, and about returning to his platoon before they entered France. He describes his experiences in Bruyeres, and about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also talks about receiving a Purple Heart…

Kenneth Masamitsu describes more memories from his military service overseas, his duties at the end of the war, and becoming a farmer. He tells the story about how he met his wife, talks about his family, and about the importance of remembering the…

Mitsunaga discusses his childhood growing up on a family-run dairy farm in Manoa Valley, Hawaii. He talks about farming and his adolescence. He also talks about his experiences being drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. military…

Mitsunaga discusses aspects of his experiences in basic training for the army. He talks about his assignment after the Pearl Harbor attack; traveling to the U.S. mainland for the first time; and describes his military as a jeep driver. Mitsunaga also…

Mitsunaga discusses some of his combat experiences: Salerno Beach and Cassino. He also talks about being in a racially segregated military unit; and his impression of Colonel Turner. He also discusses Nisei veterans he knew who got into politics in…

Mitsunaga discusses his experiences at: Cassino, Anzio, and Bruyeres. He talks about casualties, award recipients, and members KIA. He also shares anecdotes regarding a childhood friend he ran into on the battlefield; and an Italian child he…

Mitsunaga discusses his post-war life. He reflects on his overall war experiences and awards he received. He also talks about his family life and career after the war; and talks about his children's lives.

Muroshige describes growing up in Hawaii and his conscription into the United States Army. He is suffers a leg wound during the Allied invasion of Italy and is left stranded for a day before being evacuated to military hospitals and eventually…

Muroshige recounts his parents' encouragement of his service in the U.S. military despite their own allegiance to Japan. He describes the use of various nicknames and racialized terms for Japanese Americans such as "Buddhahead" and "Kotonk". He…

Muroshige describes his return to U.S. Mainland after being wounded in battle in Italy, learning about the War's end in the hospital, and gradual reintegration into civilian life. He speaks extensively about the good qualities of his wife and…

Ogata discusses about his family, home life, and childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor, aftermath, being drafted, and its induction experience. Ogata also discusses about his experiences at Camp Blanding and heading overseas. He also details about…

Ogata discusses about the time he spent in Italy. He details about his sister who was in the Women's Army Corps (WAC) and reenlisting. Ogata also discusses about getting married, settling down, and family. He details about the legacy of the Nisei…

Ota begins the interview talking about his family and how his parents came from Nagasaki to Washington. His father would work his way up from being a janitor to owning hotels and restaurants while Kenneth and his siblings went to school and played…

Ota talks more about his childhood in Washington and being able to travel around the state playing sports. He would enjoy playing basketball at the YMCA the most and would continue to help his dad working at the hotels they owned. During the summers,…

Ota continues his recollection of going to Camp Shelby for basic training. He talks about the rivalry between the Hawaiian soldiers and the mainland soldiers and seeing segregation in the South. He would spend a year at Camp Shelby before being…

After getting wounded during the Lost Battalion campaign, Ota would return to the United States to recover and rehabilitate for about a year and a half. He discusses the recognition he received from other members of the military after the war and the…

Takehara begins the interview speaking about his family background and growing up in Maui. During his childhood, he would attend school and Japanese language school, where he would learn kendo and judo. He would attend high school in Maui and then…

Takehara discusses his responsibilities and experiences as a medic during combat. He would end up treating a lot of soldiers' wounds and seeing a lot of casualties as he would run around through combat to those in need. Along with that, he also…

Kenneth is joined by his wife for the last part of the interview. They discuss their family, which even includes a great grandchild. They also talk about the Amache concentration camp in Colorado and knowledge of the 442nd Regiment within the camps.…

Namba discusses his siblings; and talks about his parents immigrating to the United States from Japan, his father's work as a farmer, and his mother's education in Japan. He then talks about traditional Japanese family values; his father's…

Namba discusses his childhood and post-war experiences with racism and discrimination. He then provides some thoughts about what the Pledge of Alligence and United States national anthem mean to him; discusses his childhood ambitions and heroes; and…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Namba talks about leaving Minidoka to go to Fort Douglas for induction; describes barbed wire; and talks about basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. He then talks about his brother's military service; traveling overseas on the Queen Mary;…

Namba discusses a Sergeant who was killed in action, as well as other soldiers who were wounded and killed in action when a mine was set off during a night patrol. He then discusses how war is portrayed in movies and television; provides some…

Namba discusses his post-war experiences with discrimination in Oregon and talks about a local pastor who showed kindness to Japanese Americans during that time. He then talks about his brother's military experiences including his involvement as part…

Miyamoto describes his childhood in Merced County, California. His recollections include playing with neighbors and busing to school, and helping out with family farming and participating in the Cortez Growers' Association. In high school he took an…

Miyamoto recalls his experiences at various military encampments including Camp Robinson in Arkansas, and Camps Carson and Hale in Colorado. His family was incarcerated at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp, and he recalls being denied access to…

Miyamoto describes his survival strategies at various military bases on the U.S. Mainland. He was valued for his skill as payroll and personnel officer and then he transferred to Camp Hale from Camp Carson. He did not encounter discrimination for…

Miyamoto finishes the story of joining the 442nd two weeks behind schedule because of a mistake in communications. He and his platoon narrowly avoided being sent into the Battle of the Bulge, and then, due to late arrival in Italy, they were spared…

Miyamoto describes learning about the War's end while in Italy when a military aircraft dropped leaflets on his Jeep convoy. He then recounts searching and dispossessing the many German Prisoners of War and waiting for a long time to leave Europe for…

Kajiwara describes his early life on a sugar plantation. He explains how and why his father immigrated to the United States. He talks about his parents marriage. He describes Japanese language school. He describes his mother's childhood. He…

Kajiwara talks about his father's visits to Japan. He briefly describes working for Hawaiian Pineapple. He discusses the work he did on a sugar plantation. He talks about having a twin brother. He talks about primary school. Kajiwara describes his…

Kent Kajiwara continues to talk about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses the FBI's attempt to arrest his father. He talks about his security work while working at Hawaiian Pineapple. He talks about enlisting in the Army. He…

Kajiwara describes the cohesiveness of Company K. He talks about his interactions with a top officer at Camp Shelby. He shares his memories of his visit to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He discusses his friendship with Earl Finch. Kajiwara describes his…

Kajiwara shares memories of his experiences in Belvedere. He talks about Hill 140 and the Arno Campaign. He describes his journey to Marseilles, France. He also describes Company K. He discusses his combat experiences in Southeastern France. He…

Kajiwara talks about his guard duty assignments. He briefly talks about the Champagne Campaign. He describes his unit's successful attempt to take a hillside from German soldiers. He discussing being discharged and his return to the United States.…

Kajiwara describes the comradery in Company K. He extensively talks about the 442nd Veterans Club. He shares funny memories from when he was stationed overseas. He list Company K's medals and awards. He explains the legacy of the Nisei. He talks…


Takabayashi discusses his family and what it was like growing in Brigham, Utah. He details about facing discrimination and recalls December 7, 1941.

Takabayashi discusses more about farm life. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. Takabayashi also discusses volunteering for the army and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Takabayashi discusses the reason he joined the army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his voyage overseas. Takabayashi also discusses about arriving in France.

Takabayashi discusses the voyage on The Queen Mary and the journey to the front line once in France. He details about his early experiences in France and his combat experiences. Takabayashi also discusses about his experiences in Italy and France and…

Takabayashi discusses his experiences from the Gothic Line. He details about surprising the enemy and losing friends. Takabayashi also discusses about finding a dog and taking it home.

Takabayashi discusses the realities of shell shock. He details about his career after the army. Takabayashi also discusses the legacy of Japanese Americans and what it meant to fight in the war.

Photo of kids in the street in Seoul

Photo of three soldiers setting up a tent

Kim Hatashita sitting at desk working on papers and holding a pipe.

Kim Ida Surh begins by discussing her background and her family's background, including her family's time in Mexico, California, and Arizona. She also recounts some memorable childhood stories of her antics with her Uncle Bob before proceeding to…

Surh begins the interview by recalling the story about how her parents met, married, and started a family. After that, Surh recalls her parents' work before reminiscing about different stories that reflected her personality and behavior as a child.…

Surh begins by discussing her childhood in Los Angeles by recounting different childhood activities and memories. She also talks about a painful moment at Sunday school where she and her brother were excluded from a party by adults. She later…

During this interview, Kim Ida Surh touches on some personal, emotional memories. She first discusses the pain of her Sunday school teacher excluding her brother and her from a party and the effect it had on her emotionally as she grew up. Later,…

Surh begins by describing her friend Nish, a Japanese American. She recalls going to Jerome in Arkansas to visit Nish and her family while they were imprisoned in camp. She also describes the poor conditions that Nish and her family lived in while at…

Surh begins by recalling the capacity of her contact with her husband, Young Kim, while they were in different parts of Europe serving in the Army. She proceeds to talk about her work treating patients as an Army Nurse. Afterwards, she talks about…

Surh begins the interview by discussing her visit to Jerome to see her best friend Nish and her family. She expresses confusion and disappointment at the fact that the U.S. government would incarcerate its own citizens. Surh also talks about the…

Surh begins by expressing her appreciation for army medics, since she served as an Army Nurse. She also briefly talks about her and her husband (at that time), Young Kim, deciding to not share their war experiences with one another. Surh moves on to…

Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the treatment of Japanese Americans; discussing her parents and her father’s employment as a doctor; and talks about speaking Japanese at home. She then talks about attending Japanese language school and…

Sugamura talks about moving to Japan pre-war with her family and her experiences there such as traveling by ship to get there, speaking Japanese, culture, her experiences in Tokyo, and discussing Japanese people. She then continues to talk about her…

Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the war; discusses the Kempeitai (Japanese military); tells a story regarding a friend who was being watched by the Kempeitai; and talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She then talks about her father…

Sugamura talks about her experiences while working for the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD); discusses Nisei linguists at CCD; provides some thoughts regarding the United States occupation of Japan; and discusses recreational activities while…

Murumoto discusses his familial description. He recalls the living condition growing up and helping out on the farm after school. Murumoto shares some of his childhood activities, one of them being watching baseball games with his Father, After high…

Murumoto discusses Executive Order 9066 and his camp experiences. Murumoto is able to leave camp to work on the farm by answering the loyalty questions yes yes and is drafted to military service. Murumoto goes to Camp Shelby for basic training before…

Murumoto discusses the advancement of the Gothic Line and final casualties. He shares his feeling of the Japanese American soldiers who fought in the war. At the end of the war, Murumoto returns home and gets married and has children and…

Photo of group of Kindergarten kids
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