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Isonaga discusses his parents, siblings, recreational activities while growing up in Kauai, and his family’s grocery store business. He also talks about learning Hawaiian culture in elementary school, attending Japanese language school, religion, and…

Isonaga discusses his involvement with Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), his kitchen duty assignment, and friendships he formed while serving in VVV.

Isonaga discusses the Varsity Victory Volunteers, joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, traveling to the mainland, and basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about the relationship between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, discusses his…

Isonaga discusses his wife and children; provides a message to future generations; and talks about values he learned from his parents.

Yikimura discusses his family and his childhood. He details about religion and his schooling. Yikimura also discusses about his life after high school and recalling December 7, 1941.

Yukimura discusses Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about being in the Hawaii Territorial Guard and being discharged from the guard. Yukimura also discusses how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed and he joined the Army. He also details…

Yukimura discusses about his duties in Australia, New Guinea, and Manila. He details about his experiences in Japan during the Allied Occupation of Japan. Yukimura also discusses about being present for the Official Surrender of Japan on the USS…

Yukimara discusses revisiting the USS Missouri and coming home. He details about his employment and career after the war. Yukimura also discusses about his life after retirement, his family, and gives a message to future generations and Nisei…

Ariyoshi discusses his parents immigrating from Japan to Hawaii, his siblings, and his father’s occupations. He then talks about getting thrown out of Japanese language school for fighting, his father speaking about the importance of education, and…

Ariyoshi discusses his experiences in Minnesota while at Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including the cold weather, building an ice skating ring in the barracks, and becoming friends with the local townspeople. Ariyoshi was then shipped out to…

Ariyoshi discusses his experiences becoming an elected representative in Hawaii, and running for lieutenant governor. As lieutenant governor, Ariyoshi worked closely with Governor Jack Burns, and became acting governor when Governor Burns became ill.…

Ariyoshi discusses his transition to business consulting after completing his term as governor of Hawaii, as well some of the other positions he held in various industries. He then talks about meeting his wife, and discusses his children and their…

Nakabe discusses his parents including his father's immigration, employment, physical traits, demeanor; and talks about his mother's physical traits and demeanor. He then talks about lessons he learned from his father, the community he grew up in,…

Nakabe describes the school house he attended, talks about seeing snow in his neighborhood as a child, and discusses religion including his family's religion as well as his religion while in the Army. He then talks about Japanese American priests who…

Nakabe discusses his experiences at Merced temporary detention facility as well as the mood of incarcerees there, and discusses the Japanese family structure in regards to incarceration. He then talks about leaving Merced and traveling to [Granada…

Nakabe talks about his duties being in charge of meal tickets on the train while traveling to Camp Shelby; discusses 'Axis Sally; and talks about segregation at Camp Carson and in the Southern United States. He then talks about the relationship…

Nakabe discusses his first experiences after landing in Naples; talks about civilians he encountered; and describes the Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion; discusses different uses for Army…

Nakabe discusses his friendships with fellow soldiers; talks about combat experiences; and discusses his experiences in Bruyeres. He then talks about his hospital stay after getting wounded; discusses the Maginot Line and guard duty assignment; and…

Nakabe talks about fellow officers he served with, as well as discussing Colonel Pence and General Mark Clark. He then talks about his experiences getting back on the line; talks about booby traps, mines, and weapons used during combat; and discusses…

Hashisaka begins the interview talking about his life, growing up on Kauai and moving to Honolulu and attending McKinley High School. He then talks about his family background, his parents came from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and would settle in…

Hashisaka would work at the post office as clerk until he volunteered for the Army as part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He would first head to Schofield Barracks in Honolulu before being sent out on a victory ship to California, where…

Hashisaka talks about his assignment in the Philippines with the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, capturing documents and translating them. He talks about one of the diaries that he has and the contents of it. He also talks about the…

Hashisaka discusses the war crimes trials that he was involved with, acting as a court interpreter. He brings a charge document from one of the defendants and talks about the intricacies of the trials. He would continue working at the trials until he…

Hashisaka discusses his family background, including his children and grandchildren and their involvement in the oral history program and continuing the history of the Japanese Americans. Next, he discusses telling his own personal story to his…

Sakaji discusses growing up in California in a farming community; and talks about his father’s personality, physical traits, and employment. He then talks about his childhood home, siblings, religion, and discusses his mother. Next, Sakaji talks…

Sakaji discusses his high school activities and classes; and talks about learning how to dance and playing sports. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor; discusses race discrimination against Japanese Americans; and talks about Executive…

Sakaji discusses attending trade school; talks about his knowledge of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion; discusses getting drafted and his induction; and talks about his 4C and 1A classifications. He then talks about basic…

Sakaji discusses his encounters with French civilians; talks about the black market trade; and discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He then talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion and General Dahlquist; discusses General Mark…

Sakaji talks about receiving a Presidential Unit Citation; discusses getting discharged and returning home; and talks about seeing friends in Chicago while on route to California. Next, Sakaji discusses his brother’s military service and sister’s…

Shigeru Inouye is born February 3, 1919, in Honolulu, HI. He is the youngest of seven children.

Shigeru recalls his school years at McKinley High School and the University of Hawaii. On November 14, 1941, Shigeru receives his draft notice. He…

Shigeru Inouye outlines the aftermath of December 7. After Pearl Habor, Shigeru's sister is in California and goes to Rohwer, AK. Shigeru visits his sister at Rohwer and describes the living conditions. He reunites with his sister again at Camp…

Shigeru Inouye discusses his medic training and being an aid man. In late September 1943, Shigeru recalls his first battle in Salerno, Italy. After each combat, he is placed in another company to go to the front lines. He experiences his first…

Shigeru Inouye recollects the events that lead to his injury in the battle at Cassino, Italy. He goes to the 36th General Hospital in Italy and is in the hospital for two weeks. Later, he is transferred to an Evacuation Hospital and returns to the…

When Shigeru Inouye is at McCormick General Hospital in Pasadena, CA, he meets another wounded Lieutenant who encourages him to go to school in Kentucky.

On August 25, 1947, Shigeru received an acceptance letter to Centre College. Shigeru shares…

Kojimoto and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kojimoto talks about his parents marriage. He explains the origin of his name. He discusses his father's backstory. He shares his father's employment ventures. He describes his father's name. He…

Kojimoto continues to talk about his extended family. He describes a trip that he took to Los Angeles, California. He discusses his parent's plans after World War Two. He talks about his involvement in high school sports. He describes his…

Kojimoto talks about applying to Southern Pacific Railroad. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about his friend who was in the intelligence service. He discusses the purpose of the Japanese American Citizens League.…

Kojimoto explains how he met his wife at Santa Anita Assembly Center He describes what he did in his leisure time at Santa Anita Assembly Center. He talks about his employment at Santa Anita. He discusses working and living in Utah. He talks about…

Kojimoto talks about his machine gunner squad. He explains the difficult aspects of using a machine gun. He describes his positive and negative experiences during wartime. He discusses the injuries in his unit. He describes landing in Naples, Italy.…

Kojimoto talks about volunteering to go to Fort Snelling. He discusses his employment at a laundromat. He describes his return to San Francisco, California. He explains how he reunited his future wife. He talks about his employment as an accountant.…

Takahashi discusses about growing up in Washington. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takahashi also discusses volunteering for the Army, experiences during basic training, and going overseas. Takahashi details about his families…

Takahashi discusses about joining up with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Italy and heading to France. He details about his experiences in France. Takahashi also discusses about the final push in Italy and the end of the war.

Takahashi discusses about his best and worst experiences during the war. He details about his interactions, experiences in France, and in Italy. Takahashi also discusses about how he was treated upon returning home, family, and reentering civilian…

Takahashi discusses the state of the Japanese American community. He details about not getting married and the Korean War. Takahashi also discusses about Civil Rights being violated during World War Two and details about his hope for future…

Watada discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Watada is born on December 21, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. Watada's Father, Jay Watada is from Japan and immigrates to the United States with his Father. They both come in hopes to make…

Watada discusses his Father's personality. Synonymous with Japanese identity and values, there are responsibilities; however, Watada's Father different. As an Issei he speaks English and associates with younger people. This is culturally…

Watada discusses life at camp consist of working during the day, meals in the mess hall, and socializing in the recreation hall. Watada works in the warehouse and working in the silk screen shop printing silk screen posters with slogans. Watada's…

Watada discusses events after basic training, he gets to go on furlough before going overseas. He returns to Granada (Amache) to see his family.

Watada goes overseas on the Queen Mary and lands in France. After the rescue of the Los Battalion,…

Watada discusses how the aerial tactics is helpful in clearing the grounds for the United States soldiers to advance forward in combat. Whereas the German soldiers did not have planes to assist them.

Watada notice progress is happening on the…

Watada discusses how the legacy of 442nd Regimental Combat Team proves that the Japanese Americans are Americans. After the contribution of the Nisei soldiers there is better treatment of Japanese Americans for the future. Watada can see the…

Sumida discusses his parents including how they met; their immigration from Japan; and his mother's schooling. He then talks about his childhood growing up in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles; discusses his father's immigration and employment;…

Sumida discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about attending church and Sunday school; and discusses learning Kendo. He then provides some thoughts regarding race and citizenship; talks about volunteering for Military Intelligence…

Sumida discusses attending high school; talks about Japanese values he learned from his parents; and describes the term, "Yamato-damashii". He then talks about how Japanese values helped him while in combat; and discusses the experiences of soldiers…

Sumida discusses his experiences as part of Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) including discussing his training and his cases. He then talks about the Japanese mafia (Yakuza); and discusses his assignment monitoring Japanese POWs who were captured by…

Sumida discusses the repatriation of Japanese citizens from Manchuria and his assignment monitoring Japanese repatriates; and talks about receiving a Bronze Star. He then talks about his assignment in Korea, his translation assignment after Korea,…

Sumida discusses the experiences of a Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) soldier in the 187th Infantry Battalion in Korea; talks about the loyalty questionnaire he took in Rohwer incarceration camp and getting drafted; and discusses working as a…

Kishaba discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii and learning how to cut hair. He also discusses his family and childhood. Kishaba discusses embracing his Japanese identity and values.

Kishaba discusses about life after high school, going to vocational school, and working on the railroad until volunteering for the military. He talks about his experiences going to the Mainland leaving Hawaii for the first time. Kishaba also…

Kishaba discusses going overseas. He details about assignment and experiences in Italy. Kishaba also describes combat, patrolling, and casualties.

Kishaba discusses, patrols, war stories, and bath time. He discusses about leaving Italy and going to France. Kishaba discusses about his best friend getting injured in combat and passes away.

Kishaba discuss about post-traumatic stress disorder and being wounded. He also talks about the Champagne Campaign, Po Valley, and the ending of the war. Kishaba details about his post-war life and shares advice for the future generation.

Kodama begins the interview talking about his parents and how they came from Japan and settled down in Mountain View, California. They would become farmers, specializing in fruit, and help to run an on-sen as well. He also talks about his sisters and…

Kodama continues to discuss growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist, having many restrictions such as not being able to go to football games or movies. After this, he talks about the holidays he grew up celebrating, including New Years and Christmas,…

Kodama discusses the feeling he had that Japanese Americans were limited in their activities during his childhood, including dances and sports. He had hopes of attending UC Berkeley and was originally accepted but was later rejected and would end up…

After the evacuation, Kodama and his family would head to Santa Anita race track where they would spend some time in a temporary detention center, where they would have almost no privacy. It was there, that he would meet his first wife, who taught…

Kodama talks about his shipment overseas following his basic training at Camp Blanding. He would get on a liberty ship and head for Southampton, thinking they would meet up with the 442nd in Belgium, but instead they would join up at Sospel, France.…

Kodama continues talking about the end of the war, helping with the interrogation process of German prisoners of war. He would miss the first pool of soldiers to head home on the points system but be granted a 30-day leave, in which he would travel…

Nishimura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his parents and siblings. He describes his involvement in sports. He describes his religious background. He talks about the social activities…

Nishimura describes shipping out the Big Island. He talks about his journey to Wisconsin. He discusses Camp McCoy. He describes his life in Wisconsin. He talks about his interactions with civilians. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He…

Nishimura talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his journey overseas and landing in North Africa. He talks about being stationed in North Africa. He discusses his first time in combat. He describes the weather in Italy.…

Nishimura describes his recovery time in a hospital. He explains what happened as he awaited transport to the hospital. He talks about the fruits and vegetables in Italy. He discusses his time in a field hospital. He briefly describes the 100th…

Nishimura describes F Company reunions. He briefly talks about the F Company motto. He discusses his friendships. Nishimura tells a joke. He explains how he met his wife. He describes what it is like to live with his adult children. He talks about…

Matsuura talks about his parents, going to school in Spokane, being sent to Japan as a child; and returning to the United States and working on a farm. He then talks about attending high school, the Attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army,…

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Matsuura talks about his trench foot condition, his experiences after rejoining the 442nd in Italy, getting discharged; and reenlisting and going to Japan. He then talks about his assignment in Japan in technical intelligence, and discusses his…

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Yokoyama discusses his family and home life. He details about volunteering for the Army and his farewell parade. Yokoyama also discusses about traveling, music, and his assignment in the military.

Yokoyama discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Yokoyama also discusses about Japanese language school.

Yokoyama discusses about living in Japan, schooling, and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his home life and experiences at Camp Shelby. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the military, at camp Savage, and his family.

Yokoyama discusses about being bugler and music. He details about joining and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama discusses about the atomic bombings.

Yokoyama discusses about fields commissions, rank, and war crime trials. He details about his experiences in the Philippines as a part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama also discusses about New Guinea and airplanes.
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