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Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Raymond C. Wells is born May 5, 1922, in Eagle Colorado. Julian Minor Quayles, Jr is born January 15, 1917, in Staunton, Virginia. Both men serve in the 141st Infantry Battalion during World…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Julian Quayles discusses what happens after he escapes from the German soldiers. Julian with another Officer, finds shelter on an Italian civilian's property until they can rejoin the American…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Wartime is a heavy discussion. However, in this interview, Ray Wells and Julian Quayles talk about the lighter side of World War Two. Both men highlight areas of v-mail, homecoming, and…

Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles.

Raymond C. Wells is born May 5, 1922, in Eagle Colorado. Julian Minor Quayles, Jr is born January 15, 1917, in Staunton, Virginia. Both men serve in the 141st Infantry Battalion during World…

Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles

Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He describes…

Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles

Julian Quayles discusses what happens after he escapes from the German soldiers. Julian with another Officer, finds shelter on an Italian civilian's property until they can rejoin the American…

Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles.

Wartime is a heavy discussion. However, in this interview, Ray Wells and Julian Quayles talk about the lighter side of World War Two. Both men highlight areas of v-mail, homecoming, and…






Airheart discusses his family and childhood. He details about his hometown, being drafted, and basic training. Airheart also shares his experience going overseas, the equipment he carried, and his combat experiences.

Airheart discusses his combat experiences in France, religion, and his wife. He details his experiences during The Lost Battalion and being wounded. Airheart also talks about his post-war life and family.

Oshiro discusses his childhood and family. He details his employment and remembering December 7, 1941. Oshiro also details about volunteering for service.

Oshiro discusses about his early experiences in the army, traveling to the Mainland, and Mississippi. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. Oshiro also discusses about his voyage overseas, arriving…

Oshiro discusses about being wounded, coming home and his homecoming experience. He details about his post military life and his life during retirement. Oshiro also discusses The Lost Battalion, tree burst, and gives a message to future generations.

Janet Brown Hardwick and Susan Hardwick come from a family of men who serves their country. Their great-grandfather serves in the Civil War, and their father, Bill Hardwick, is part of the 36th Infantry Regiment during World War Two. Following their…

Janet Brown Hardwick Brown is the oldest of the Hardwick sisters. She is married to Phil Brown and has three children and grandchildren. Susan Hardwick is the youngest sister and is a real estate agent for 30 years. The Hardwick sisters start a…

Shigeo Iwamasa is born November 12, 1923, in Waihee-Waiehu, Maui. Shigeo's father is an Issei from Yamaguchi Prefecture Japan, and his mother is from Hilo, Hawaii. Shigeo has five brothers and a sister.

Growing up, Shigeo has an active childhood.…

In Berlin, Shigeo Iwamasa is assigned to be a driver. He describes the experience driving through the bombed cities in Germany. In Koblenz, there is a distinctive smell due to the dead bodies under the building rubbles. The bombed cities in Germany…

In May 1984, Shigeo retires from Northrop Grumman and returns to Hawaii to live with his sister. Shigeo is grateful for those who have shown him gratitude for his service, especially his doctors. He shares his experience of appreciation with the…

Leo Morishita is born December 24, 1923, in Shelley, Idaho. Leo's parents are from Hiroshima, Japan, and immigrates to the United States for a better life. When Leo's father arrives in the United States, he works on the railroad and later becomes a…

Leo Morishita gives a little fun fact about his last name Morishita. Morishita means underwood in English. Before his high school graduation, on December 7, Leo is at the Japanese American Citizen League (JACL) planning on an early Christmas party.…

From Fort Meade, Leo Morishita goes to Newport Dunes, Virginia, for additional training and his final medical shots. Leo boards the USS West Point and goes overseas. The voyage takes 24 days, and Leo describes the daily routine on the ship before…

Before going overseas, the three Morishita brothers, Kenzo, Leo, and Yutaka receives a good luck charm from their mother. After his tour, Leo receives a ribbon for being in the European Theater and a good conduct medal for his service. At the end of…

Momoda discusses about his family and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his education, the business he ran and working in Alaska. Momoda also discusses about being drafted, basic training and his experiences in France.

Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.

Ishikawa discusses his family and upbringing. He details about Pearl harbor and its aftermath. Ishikawa also discusses about volunteering for service and his brief experiences with Japanese Prisoners of War.

Ishikawa discusses about his journey to the Mainland and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his experiences in Italy. Ishikawa also discusses about his experiences in France and leaves a message for future generations.

Kawamoto discusses his parents and siblings. He details about his home life and education. Kawamoto also discusses about his hobbies and what is was like to grow up on California.

Kawamoto discusses his teen years, childhood community, and his employment. He details about being drafted and training. Kawamoto also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Kawamoto discusses his experiences at Camp Savage. He details about his experiences in Australia. Kawamoto also discusses about his experiences in New Guinea and the Philippines.

Kawamoto discusses his experiences in the Philippines and the atomic bombs. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan and his family. Kawamoto also discusses about his post-war life.

Kawamoto discusses his love for architecture and his post-war life. He details about his wife and gives a message to future generations. Kawamoto gives some closing remarks and describes various photographs.

Ko Stanley Sameshima is born December 6, 1921, in Long Beach, California. Ko's parents are Issei from Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. His father immigrates to the United States at seventeen years old with dreams of a better future with his younger…

In the fall of 1941, before the Pearl Harbor attack, Ko Stanley Sameshima, is a student at Cal Tech University. Ko is doing well in his academic studies and is on the Varsity Cross Country Team. In Ko's spare time, he attends social school functions.…

Ko Stanley Sameshima's Army career is full of many contributions and accomplishments. He graduates from Military Intelligence Language School and becomes a linguist during the Occupation of Japan. Ko joins the civil censorship as a First Lieutenant…

Dan Uchimoto is born October 9, 1921, in Loomis, California. Dan's Issei parents immigrated to the United States from Japan for better opportunities. His parents are sharecropped farmers, raising canning tomatoes. People of Japanese descent are not…

Dan Uchimoto explains the meaning of his last name "Uchimoto" in Japanese. In Japan, "Uchimoto" means original home. "Uchi" means a kind of home, "Moto" means original home or basic home. Besides farming, Dan's parents have two additional businesses.…

In Iowa, Dan Uchimoto receives a draft notice from the Army and leaves Loras College. Dan's parents leave camp voluntarily and resettle in the East. However, some people stay in camp until World War Two ends. A family friend tells Dan's parents about…

Dan Uchimoto discusses the effects of war and the atomic bomb. He shares his opinion of having a military career for future generations. Dan feels going to college and educating yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Dan is discharged…

Kimura begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family background. He was born on the Hawaiian island of Kauai and was raised by a man he would know as his brother, though he was actually an uncle. He speaks about his childhood…

Kimura would graduate from high school at the young age of 16 and would move out on his own to Waimea in Kauai. He would continue playing baseball and football, but would also work as a carpenter. Next, while practicing for an upcoming baseball game,…

Kimura discusses his reaction to arriving in Naples following his basic training. Next, he talks about his job as a mine sweeper throughout the war and the dangers that he faced while doing that. He also talks about the various battles that he was…

Yoshiro "Yosh" Tokiwa is born on April 29, 1925, in Pismo, California. Yoshiro's Issei parents are from Japan. In Salinas, CA, his father is an independent farmer. Yoshiro has four siblings, three brothers, and a sister.

Growing up in Salinas,…

When Pearl Harbor is bombed on December 7, 1941, the lives of the Tokiwa family change. Yoshiro Tokiwa discusses the aftermath of the attack.

Few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese Americans' status changes to 4C, enemy aliens. In…

At Camp Shelby, Yoshiro Tokiwa describes the living conditions and meals. He leaves Camp Shelby to go to Fort Meade. Yoshiro receives orders to go overseas to join the 442nd.

He travels overseas on USS Washington. The voyage takes two weeks for…

Robert "Bob" Takashi Sugimoto is from the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He is born on November 28, 1919, in Watsonville, California. In 1906, his parents immigrated to the United States from Japan. Robert has four sisters and three…

Robert Sugimoto's family moved to Watsonville, CA, after a death in the family. He graduates high school in 1938 and continues farming. He discusses social activities and dating in Watsonville. In 1941, Robert receives his draft notice into the…

At Camp Savage, Robert Sugimoto reports to the Headquarters Company. When Robert joined the Military Intelligence Language School, the classes have already started a few weeks earlier. The class focus on Japanese conversation skills. Robert recalls…

At Camp Shelby, Robert Sugimoto learns he is AWOL because there are no traveling orders. He tries to visit his family at Poston. However, Poston is under the Western Defense Command. Although Robert is in Army, he is not allowed to go.


Robert Sugimoto moves to California from Detroit with his sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. He enrolls in television school and graduates six months later. Robert works several jobs before buying an appliance store. He operates a store called Bob's…

Minoru "Minor" Miyasaki was born March 18, 1925. Minoru's father immigrated from Japan to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantation. Later, he moved to California to sharecrop strawberries and vegetables. Minoru lost his mother at an early age, and his…

Minoru Miyasaki recalls the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. When President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, Minoru and his family went to Tanforan on a Greyhound Bus. The Miyasaki family left their belongings with Mr. Driscoll. However, in 1946…

Minoru Miyasaki reported to Fort Douglas before going to Camp Shelby for basic training. At Camp Shelby, the Privates and Rookies were all Nisei with a few Hawaiian Nisei. Minoru was assigned to 442nd, Company G, 4th Platoon, and trained as a…

Overseas, Minoru Miyasaki spent his time in Italy seizing the mountain from the German soldiers. When Minoru was not in combat, he was a litter-bearer. He recalls carrying Senator Daniel Inouye in a stretcher to the Aid Station. Minoru explains the…

Kenichi Muranaga is born on December 21, 1924, in Los Angeles, CA. Kenichi's father immigrates to the United States from Japan and meets Kenichi's mother in Hawaii. The two get married and move to Los Angeles, CA, before settling in Gardena, CA.…

Kenichi and Kiyoshi Muranaga leave Amache to work on a sugar beet farm. Kenichi describes their living accommodations and their duties at the farm. Their father also has a job but he works in the mess hall at Amache.

In 1944, Kiyoshi volunteers…

After the war, Kenichi Muranaga gets married in 1946 and works serval jobs before starting his laundromat business in 1963. Kenichi and Yoshiko have one son, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Kenichi is proud of his family,…












Murumoto discusses his familial description. He recalls the living condition growing up and helping out on the farm after school. Murumoto shares some of his childhood activities, one of them being watching baseball games with his Father, After high…

Murumoto discusses Executive Order 9066 and his camp experiences. Murumoto is able to leave camp to work on the farm by answering the loyalty questions yes yes and is drafted to military service. Murumoto goes to Camp Shelby for basic training before…

Murumoto discusses the advancement of the Gothic Line and final casualties. He shares his feeling of the Japanese American soldiers who fought in the war. At the end of the war, Murumoto returns home and gets married and has children and…



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