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In this segment, Benjamin Hazard begins by recalling his many experiences in Saipan in great detail. After that, he begins talking about going to Okinawa on assignment.

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard talks about his experience in Saipan with the Military Intelligence Service. He specifically recalls the notable story involving the heroics of Sergeant Hoichi Kubo, who negotiated the release of a large number of…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard begins by recalling his memories of the Pearl Harbor attack and his ensuing outrage at the discrimination against his Japanese American friend, Frank, and Frank's family by locals. Hazard then discusses details of his…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard continues discussing his childhood. He recalls memories involving two of his close friends and their experiences during school. He also talks about his interest in learning several different languages and also about…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard introduces himself and describes his family background and childhood. He focuses on his ancestry a great deal, and he discusses why he was so interested in exploring his ancestry. Hazard also talks about the moral…

Part 8 concludes the interview with Kuwayama and includes a few wrap-up questions. Kuwayama gives his thoughts on the legacy of the 442nd in regards to the nation and offers advice to the next generation of listeners and viewers.

Kuwayama discusses receiving a French award for his military service and describes his feelings upon receiving news that the war had ended. He next discusses his career after the war, which including him attending Harvard Business School, working in…

Kuwayama discusses his time serving as a medic on the frontline and describes his materials and the procedures for helping wounded soldiers. Awarded the Silver Star for acts of valor, Kuwayama also briefly discusses his award. To conclude the…

Kuwayama discusses his time just prior to being shipped out overseas, including assignment to a station hospital in Texas. Kuwayama describes traveling on a liberty ship as well as his first day in battle upon arrival in Italy. His missions took him…

Kuwayama discusses moving to Queens with his family when he was twelve and describes his neighborhood and playmates. He recalls his college career, discussing his major, the social groups at his school, and how his family was able to finance his…

Kuwayama discusses fond family memories and fishing trips he took with his family and siblings. He then talks about his family's austere qualities and how they did not show their emotions often, sometimes to the chagrin of Kuwayama. He concludes…

Kuwayama discusses the origin and meaning of his name also giving his siblings' names and order of birth. He continues on to describe his childhood activities with his neighborhood friends and discuss attending Japanese school at a church near his…

Kuwayama discusses his father's upbringing and his subsequent move to New York City. Upon arriving in New York, Kuwayama's father opened a Japanese restaurant and worked in the import/export business. Kuwayama concludes by describing his own…

Conclusion and wrap-up. Ito discusses his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The end of the video is dedicated to old photographs, with Mr. Ito narrating and supplying information for the pictures.

Ito discusses returning to the Unites States after the war and describes his reunion with his wife and young son. After returning, the family decided to come back to Los Angeles to return to the florist business. Ito describes the business' success…

Ito describes treatment of Nisei soldiers while training in Florida and discusses his training in voice and radio intercepting, which saw his team transferred to the Yosemite Valley. After being shipped to Guam and later Saipan, Ito helped piece…

Ito discusses memories of his mother and the difficulty of receiving a job when returning to Los Angeles. After being drafted into the Army, he first went into medical training, before volunteering to serve in the officers' mess hall, and later being…

Ito describes living in Mexico during the Agrarian Revolution and discusses two stories in which his family helped revolutionary soldiers. He also describes visiting the Japanese Naval fleet in Manzanillo and talks about his family having to move to…

Ito discusses his travels to meet with his father in Mexico as a young boy and describes his first day on the ranch. His father experimented with growing different crops and taught Arthur and his brothers many skills to be used on the ranch. Ito also…

Ito discusses his parents' upbringings and talks about his father moving to the United States at a young age, where he acquired an early job working for the Standard Oil Company. He discusses his early childhood and talks about his brothers and…

A brief, two minute clip of Mr. Hiraide describing the reactions Japanese POWs had when faced with a Japanese interrogator, such as himself. Includes a conclusion and final words.

Hiraide discusses his life after returning from his time in Asia and his reunion with his family. Initially, he joined a psychological warfare division unit so he would not be recalled back overseas during the Korean War, before graduating from USC…

Hiraide discusses travel to Tokyo and Manila shortly after the end of the war. He speaks of his duties as an interrogator of Japanese POWs in the Philippines, gathering any information he could for the upcoming war crimes trials. Hiraide concludes by…

Hiraide discusses arriving at the Manzanar Concentration Camp and describes camp conditions. Soon after arriving, he was assigned a job in the welfare office and soon befriended a woman who assisted him with a job working at the War Relocation…

Hiraide describe his family settling in Southern California, his early life living in the Los Angeles area and Japan. Hiraide describes his youth living in West Los Angeles, attending Japanese School, high school, and helping with his father's…

Nishime concludes his interview recalling his return to Italy, the end of the war, and the long journey home. After being discharged,Nishime describes getting married, his two children, his four grandchildren, as well as his hopes for the future…

Nishime describes the Anzio Beachhead and preparing for battle, as well as numerous combat stories and joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his travels to Bruyeres, becoming a Jeep driver, joining the 1st Platoon, and helping to…

Nishime describes arriving in Italy and facing combat, being wounded by shrapnel, receiving the Purple Heart Medal at a hospital, as well as rejoining the 100th Infantry Battalion. This part of the interview focuses on stories of combat and various…

Nishime describes the numerous Captains he has served under, as well as their replacements, and discusses memories of Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. In addition, he recounts the training for combat, his interactions with the 442nd Regimental Combat…

Nishime recalls rumors after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the ramifications after the attack. Next, he focused on going back to Kauai, his changing duties, leaving to join the 100th Infantry Battalion, and traveling across the country by train.…

Nishime recalls reading adventure stories, events of his life after high school and his first job. This includes brief discussions about his attending vocational school, learning about Europe and Japan in 1940, and recounting the events of the…

Nishime discusses his family history, his family's farm and working in a pineapple field, as well as attending Japanese language school. In addition, he goes on to talk briefly about the differences between being Japanese and Okinawan, as well as…

Kanaya recalls the German surrender and his journey home. He also discusses continuing his career in the Army during Korea and volunteering for Vietnam. He discusses the personal impact of a military career and expresses his thoughts on the…

Kanaya describes being captured before the Rescue of the Lost Battalion, life as a POW, the numerous chances for escape, and surviving bombing raids on the trains. This includes a successful escape attempt and subsequent surrender after running out…

Kanaya recounts treating the wounded and casualties during the Arno River Campaign, as well as the procedures for responding to a call for a medic and how to treat various wounds. He then discusses respect for a medic red cross flag on both sides and…

Kanaya discusses his arrival at Camp Shelby and experiences training other medics. From Camp Shelby, he was sent overseas from Virginia to Naples on a 30 day journey by ship that was memorable for bouts of seasickness.Finally, he focuses on his time…

He describes his basic training and transfer to Santa Barbara to work in a general hospital, his work as a firefighter and ward master, as well as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Additional topics include the forced evacuation of his family from Oregon…

Kanaya begins with his family history, his father's immigration to Portland, family occupations and education, as well as attending Japanese language school. This is followed by a discussion of religion, growing up in Oregon, his professional…

When Rudy Tokiwa came back to Salinas after the war, the Harrington family took him in. He had been good friends with Mrs. Harrington's son (all five sons were killed in action in the Philippines), and she saw him as her sixth son. Because of this,…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was sent to the Gothic Line, which was the backbone of German defense during World War II. Rudy Tokiwa describes how the 442nd made the advance at night, and it took them two days to overtake it. He talks about his…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, K Company was ordered by General Dahlquist to rescue the 141st Texas Regiment, who had been surrounded by German forces in the Vosges Forest. They were led by Colonel Pursall. Rudy Tokiwa discusses his close…

While on the front lines, the Nisei soldiers made sure to watch out for minefields. Rudy taught the new recruits how to look for mines and told them not to yell "mines" -- or else the others would jump for cover and potentially set off more mines. He…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his experience in the European Theater. He took part in the beach landing in Anzio, Italy, and met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. His first experience in combat was during the advance to…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about his father, who immigrated to America from Japan. He was highly educated for an immigrant, and was known to give advice to other Japanese immigrants in America. Rudy also talks about his mother, who was brought over to the…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about visiting his father's family in Japan. During his time in Japan, he also traveled to Manchuria and Korea because his brother-in-law worked for the Japanese railroad company. His father came to America…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the Rescue of the Lost Battalion and the Battle of Bruyeres. He talks about Colonel Pursall, who commanded the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during those two battles, and what he did for the 442nd Regimental…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his experience overseas to fight in the European Theater. After 27 days aboard ship, he and the rest of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team landed in Italy, where they met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. He describes…

Rudy Tokiwa was inducted into the military at Fort Douglass in Utah. He was then sent to report to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, but spent a layover in New Orleans for four days. His Japanese language skills were tested at Fort Snelling, but he pretended…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the activities he participated in at Poston War Relocation Center. He describes the social events that were held in camp, which is where he learned to dance. He also describes his decision to volunteer to…

Rudy Tokiwa and his family were taken to the Salinas Assembly Center for four months.They were later relocated to the Poston War Relocation Center. From there, he and many others volunteered to join the United States Army. There were many discussions…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his many experiences with racial prejudice and discrimination against Japanese Americans. He talks about the time the FBI broke into their home the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and trashed his…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his trip to Manchuria, where he and his parents visited his pregnant sister. His brother-in-law took him sight seeing in Manchuria and Korea. During his time in Manchuria, he noticed that the Manchurians respected the Japanese…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about growing up on a farm in Salinas, California. When he was in high school, he moved to Japan and traveled to Manchuria and Korea. He describes what it was like living in Japan and how his fellow Japanese students treated him --…

During the Korean War, Harry Fukuhara worked in Counterintelligence Operations while in Japan. He talks about his 40 year military career in Military Intelligence. At the end of the video clip, he offers his advice to future generations.

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes driving through Japan to reach Hiroshima, where he returned to his old house to find his Mother and Aunt. After helping his relatives in Hiroshima, he was discharged from service, but was able to return to…

During the New Guinea Campaign, Harry Fukuhara was assigned to interrogate a Japanese POW -- who reportedly was giving everyone a hard time. Upon meeting the Japanese officer for interrogation, Harry realized that the prisoner was his childhood…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes some of his experiences in the New Guinea Campaign: crossing the Bismarck Sea, the beach landing of Finch Island, PT Boat excursions (in search of Japanese POWs), interpreting New Guinea natives, and the…

Harry Fukuhara talks about being stationed on Angel Island on the way to the Pacific Theater. He describes his first experience with interrogating a Japanese prisoner of war, which was during a demonstration for government officials at 6th Army…

Harry Fukuhara discusses his recruitment into the Military Intelligence Service, and the difficulty most Nisei and Kibei had with the decision to volunteer for military service while being interned. He talks about being sent to Minnesota (Fort…

Harry Fukuhara was evacuated to Tulare Assembly Center in California. In this video clip, he talks about his experience living there. He and many other Japanese American internees were relocated to the Gila River concentration camp. From there, he…

Harry Fukuhara describes the anti-American and anti-Japanese feelings that emerged prior to the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan. He talks about the day of the Pearl Harbor attack and the confusion he felt when he heard the news.…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about what it was like living in Japan during the Sino-Japanese War -- his family was required to house Japanese soldiers. He explains the situation of the Nisei during this time. He returned to the United…

Harry Fukuhara describes his childhood growing up in Washington during the Great Depression. He and his family moved to Japan after his father passed away, where he attended high school. He describes the emerging wartime atmosphere in Japan during…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about his military experience during the Occupation of Japan. He describes the important role that he and other Nisei linguists played during the occupation. He also offers input about what the American…

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his family and about sharing his story with future generations. He goes on to describe the different medals that he was awarded, including the Distinguished Service Cross, the Italian Cross, and the…

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his return to France to be with his unit after one of the sections was bombed. He talks a little about the Champagne Campaign, the Gothic Line and Po Valley Campaigns. He describes his homecoming and…

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about the time when he went on a night patrol with Colonel Young Oak Kim to capture German soldiers. He also describes when he tripped a German mine and was sent to a hospital in Naples.

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about the Battle of Cassino -- where he escaped a falling mortar shell. He shares some funny personal stories from his time in Cassino.

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his training experience at Camp McCoy and getting into fights with the recruits from the 2nd Infantry Division. He was later sent to Camp Shelby for more training and assigned to be a rifleman in B…

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi discusses being drafted into the military before the war began. He describes what he remembered from the attack on Pearl Harbor. Upon his return to Schofield Barracks, all of the Japanese American recruits were…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga talks about his experience moving to Arizona to be with his children. Next, we hear about the medals and honors that Thomas received in honor of his military service. From here, Thomas discusses the…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga talks about his military experience, namely his embarkation and personal travels to the India-Burma Theater. Next, we hear Thomas discuss interrogating prisoners of war, as well as returning from the…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga gives his personal introduction, as well as information regarding his parent's background. In addition, we hear about Thomas' sibling's background and Thomas' early education and attending Japanese…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mutt" Sakumoto first recalls meeting Jack Wilson, a member of the "Lost Battalion," at a military hospital. He elaborates, stating that he and Wilson had remained in touch for several years after the war ended. Sakumoto…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including family, post-war activities, and his career working overseas. Specifically, Sakumoto discusses his feelings on General Dahlquist before concluding on his war…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recalls more memories from his days in combat. He begins by remembering soldiers that were killed in action before moving on to discussing his trench foot and the time he spent in the hospital treating that.…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses his memories from combat in Europe with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He goes into detail when talking about specific battles and also talks about the mission to rescue the "Lost Battalion."

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recounts parts of his military service. He begins by discussing his time at basic training before moving on to his unit, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He elaborates by discussing the chemistry between the…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto begins by discussing his favorite school subjects before elaborating on his interest in history, and specifically military history. He then recalls visiting Gettysburg while stationed on the East coast and how…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including the Japanese language and culture, sports, his family religion, and taking up smoking cigarettes. Throughout the storytelling, Sakumoto also discusses his parents in…

In this segment, Matsuji Sakumoto begins by introducing himself and proceeds to describe his childhood home in Hawaii. He also discusses a variety of other topics, including school, his family, and different activities he participated in as a child.…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine recalls many experiences from his lifetime, including his time playing sports at Schofield Barracks, his coaching career in Japan, and seeing his daughter battle and beat leukemia. He also discusses his foundation and…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine begins by speaking a little more on Japanese professional baseball before moving on to the pearl shop that he opened with his wife. He later speaks about his family and remembering his modest upbringing in Hawaii when…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine continues to share his perspective and considerable experience in the world of professional sports. He initially speaks about the impact of the mass influx of money into professional sports before moving on to talking…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine shares memories from his days of playing professional football and baseball. He specifically recalls his excitement at the opportunity to play pro football for the San Francisco 49ers before the disappointment…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine covers a wide variety of topics. He begins by speaking about his childhood and the different activities he participated in during his youth. He talks about playing many sports as a kid and eventually quitting Japanese…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine introduces the audience to his family's background. He discusses remembering his roots and his modest upbringing when he was making a name for himself in Japan as a successful professional baseball player. He also…

In this final segment, Okamoto recounts his discharge and return home, the unsuccessful job hunt due to his Japanese heritage, and returning to school to get his masters. He continues by detailing his career in research, space materials, chemical…

In this segment, Okamoto recounts his brief time sightseeing in France and interacting with the French people. He also shares his experiences of getting trench feet and battle fatigue, aiding in a sneak attack against the Germans, and VE Day. The…

Allan Okamoto recalls joining up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Italy and their great reputation. He describes the chaos and confusion of his first combat experience and the casualty of one of his squad mates. He also goes over the rations,…

In this segment, Okamoto explains his decision to waive his deferment to volunteer and the reaction of his parents. He also describes the differences between the Buddhaheads from Hawaii and the Katonks from the West Coast, and the difficulties he had…

In this segment, Okamoto continues describing his family's assimilation into the community and the values and teachings learned at church. He also shares the activities and extra-curriculars he was involved in through school and church, as well as…

Allan Okamoto begins his interview by describing his family's reasons for moving to the US, specifically Philadelphia, and his parents' personalities. He shares the demographics and community dynamics of the suburbs and his childhood growing up as…

Surh begins by expressing her appreciation for army medics, since she served as an Army Nurse. She also briefly talks about her and her husband (at that time), Young Kim, deciding to not share their war experiences with one another. Surh moves on to…

Surh begins the interview by discussing her visit to Jerome to see her best friend Nish and her family. She expresses confusion and disappointment at the fact that the U.S. government would incarcerate its own citizens. Surh also talks about the…

Surh begins by recalling the capacity of her contact with her husband, Young Kim, while they were in different parts of Europe serving in the Army. She proceeds to talk about her work treating patients as an Army Nurse. Afterwards, she talks about…

Surh begins by describing her friend Nish, a Japanese American. She recalls going to Jerome in Arkansas to visit Nish and her family while they were imprisoned in camp. She also describes the poor conditions that Nish and her family lived in while at…

During this interview, Kim Ida Surh touches on some personal, emotional memories. She first discusses the pain of her Sunday school teacher excluding her brother and her from a party and the effect it had on her emotionally as she grew up. Later,…

Surh begins by discussing her childhood in Los Angeles by recounting different childhood activities and memories. She also talks about a painful moment at Sunday school where she and her brother were excluded from a party by adults. She later…

Surh begins the interview by recalling the story about how her parents met, married, and started a family. After that, Surh recalls her parents' work before reminiscing about different stories that reflected her personality and behavior as a child.…
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