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Akune begins with describing his childhood and family. He moved to Japan at the age of ten, after his mother passed away. When he turned fifteen, he returned to the United States to help his father.

In this video clip, Ken Akune goes into detail about his experience during the Occupation of Japan. He talks about being reunited with his family, what type of service he provided, and describes the devastation that he saw within the city.

Kawano speaks about one of his exhibits that was presented in Japan and the response that it received from the community and his parents. Next, he talks about how he came to settle in the United States, including photography of the Navajo code…

Kawano begins the interview speaking about his family background including his father, that was involved in World War Two. He talks about the samurai spirit and childhood values that would lead him to a career in graphic design and then photography.…

Watanabe discusses his father's immigration from Japan to the United States and his work at a plantation in Hawaii. He then talks about his mother; discusses attending Japanese language school; discusses Japanese dialects; talks about attending…

Sato begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Fukushima to Maui. His father would farm silk worms and work on the sugar plantation, also learning sumo and carpentry along the way. He talks quickly about his wife's parents route to…

This segment is a joint interview with K. Maruyama and his wife. They talk about their courtship and their lives after World War 2. Mrs. Maruyama also talks about her family background, and experiences living in Japan circa 1940s. The couple also…

Maruyama discusses his work in occupied Japan as an interpreter for the war crime trials. His wife joins the interview and talks about her family background and her experience being a Nisei civilian working for the U.S. military in Japan. The couple…

Yamaki discusses about his impressions of Southern Italy. He details about meeting his wife, children, and grandchildren. Yamaki also discussing the community clubhouse and the treatment as a replacement.

Onodera discusses about his experiences in Japan and his discharge. He details about his wife and family. Onodera also discusses about his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei.

Onodera discusses his experiences being a translator for US commissioned officers in Japan. He recounts the living conditions in the US military barracks and some details of his job. In addition he talks about how 5 of his siblings also served in the…

Onodera discusses his, and his brothers', experiences serving in the US military. He talks about working at Vint Hills Farm Station in Virginia, and later working in Yokohama after the war ended. He discusses the post-war living conditions in Japan…

Onodera discusses about his family, childhood, and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his home life and moving to Los Angeles. Onodera also discusses about living in Los Angeles.

Onodera talks about his youth and early adulthood growing up in Seattle. His mother was a Japanese language school teacher (father a plumber) and he had an uncle in the Japanese navy. He also discusses how his family got separated during the Japanese…

Miya discusses his prefecture origin and changing his last name from Miyagishima to Miya. He feels that Miya would be easier for his friends to pronounce. Growing up, his family are Christians. The Miya family does not tend church regularly due to…

Yamaguchi discusses about his family and visiting his parent's hometown. He details about his schooling and getting drafted. Yamaguchi also discusses about his pre-war military service, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Mr. Yamane introduces himself and describes what Honolulu was like when he was growing up, as well as what brought his father to settle in Hawaii.Mr. Yamane discusses his father's success as a businessman and describes the multiple businesses that…

Kazuo Yamaguchi talks about his cousin's military service in the Imperial Japanese Army during the war. He describes his journey home, after receiving news of his father's death. When he returned home, he received a Bachelor's degree and started his…

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss part of their childhoods. They give details their parents, siblings, and attending Japanese language school. They compare then to now and their experiences with prejudices.

Kazuo Hinatsu begins the interview talking about growing up in Oswego, Oregon, where there were very few Japanese Americans and his family would have a farm. Next, he talks about how his parents came from Japan and settled in Oregon, becoming…

Kazuma Taguchi continues to describe his visits with the families of fallen soldiers. He lists the advantages of being in the military. He talks about his medals and awards. He discusses his children and his marriage. He describes his sibling's…

Hamasaki begins by giving a background of his family, as well as a sense of what it was like growing up in Maui. Next, he talks about the Pearl Harbor attacks and the effects that it had on the community, the ministers and the Japanese language…

Yamada discusses learning Japanese at a young age, taking Japanese language school, in addition to his regular schooling. He would also visit Japan with his family and see the farming community that his family came from. While back in the United…

Yamada begins the interview talking about his family and how they came to move from Hiroshima to Los Angeles. His father would work as a flower farmer while Kazuhiko and his siblings attended english and Japanese school. He would attend Gardena High…

Hayakawa discusses his childhood and recalls his parents' boarding house and renters who boarded there; his neighborhood community in Utah; friendships; and experiences with discrimination. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses…

Tabata discusses about his family, childhood, and rememberingPearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about growing up in Lahina (Maui), Hawaii. Tabata also discusses about his schooling

Katsumi Yagura tells his father and mother's immigration stories. He also shares his memories of his parents and their physical descriptions. He briefly talks about his father's farm work in Utah. He talks about his siblings and his religious…

In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido discusses his experiences near the conclusion of World War II and much of his life post-war as a mechanical engineer. Hikido also talks about his family and shares stories regarding staying in touch with the…

In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido begins by recalling his childhood on the family farm, detailing his family members and his household. He moves on to speaking about his education and the importance of education to him and his family. Lastly,…

In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido gives an introduction before talking about his family background and history. He focuses on his parents, but also mentions his grandfather and siblings as well. He also describes his childhood spent growing up…

Miho discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Miho also discusses about his high school experiences and loyalty.

Masuda talks about his early life in Pleasanton, California. He talks about his father and mother. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his visits to Japan. He talks about his siblings. Masuda explains why his…

Toyota discusses his parents immigration to the United States, his childhood and his military service. Toyota's Father is a trained as a carpenter in Japan and when he migrates to America, he becomes a barber and a farmer. During the Great…

Nishijima discusses his parent immigration from Japan to the United States. He moves to Japan to live with his Uncle when his Father passes away. He attends school and works on a silk worm farm. In his later teenage years, Nishijima returns back to…

Kaneshige discusses his daughter, grandchild and great grandchild. He works for the Hickham Air Force base for 24 years and six years for the Defense Department before retiring. He shares his feelings about war.

Kaneshige discusses his prefecture origin and when his parents came to Hawaii. Kaneshige discusses about his siblings and growing up on Sugar Cane plantation. He also details about his childhood and educational experiences.

Yamamoto discusses his parents and their immigration to the United States; talks about his father's employment; and tells some of his memories from childhood including his experiences during the Great Depression, working on a farm, friendships, and…

Shiosaki begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family and how they came from Japan and ended up in Idaho. His father would work on the railroads and the family would live in railroad housing in Fort Hall and in Blackfoot. He…

Fukushima discusses his birth and foster parents; talks about the reasons why he was adopted; discussing his brothers; and talks about his foster father's employment. He then talks about his step-siblings; his foster parents' personalities; attending…

Hamanaka discusses his parents orign and growing up as an only child. During his adolescent years he helps with his Father's business after school and is active in journalism at school. Hamanaka recalls learning how to cook in Puyallup and making…

Kurata discusses his family. He also list the community organizations that he is a member of. Kurata discusses the message he wants to leave for future generations.

Kurata discusses his parents and his other family members. He also details what it was like growing up in Lodi, California. Kurata discusses his educational experiences.

Ikeguchi discusses his parents and their employment; and talks about growing up in a farming community in California. He then talks about his parents' physical traits and personalities; discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about family…

Allman continues his in depth recollection of his time overseas in China during his second enlistment into the US Army, this time working for the American Graves Registry. He talks about various missions throughout Asia, searching different islands…

Allman starts the interview speaking about his family and background, including growing up in California during the Great Depression. His recollections of past jobs and schools detail what it was like during the times leading up to the war. He then…

Ushijima and the interviewers introduce themselves. Ushijima describes his early life in Hilo, Hawaii. He talks about his mother's cooking. He discusses his father's war service record and how he immigrated to America. He shares his mother's…

Noguchi discusses the deaths of his parents and first wife; and talks about how he met his current wife. He then talks about his involvement with veteran organizations such as the American Legion Nisei Post and MIS club; and tells a story regarding…

Noguchi discusses his parents and their immigration to the United States; his father’s employment and death; and his mother’s physical traits and personality. He then talks about attending school and Japanese language school; going to church;…

Sakamoto discusses his experiences while being in the regimental band. He details about his life after being discharged. Sakamoto also discusses the plane crash at Camp Beale and seeing the unveiling of the Civil Liberties Monument.

Sakamoto discusses his family and his childhood experiences. He details the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and the affects it had on his family. Sakamoto also discusses he time in the military before being shipped overseas.

J. Owada discusses his farm chores as a youth and events that happened to him and his family in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his father being taken away by the FBI and how he and his brothers did not have their mother…

J. Owada talks his early childhood living in the Pacific Northwest during the Great Depression. He provides some background on his parents, and talks about living on Puget Sound. He also talks about his parents separated when he was a toddler, and…

Fuyuume begins the interview speaking about growing up in Pasadena, being neighbors with Jackie Robinson, and his family background. Next, he talks about the activities he grew up doing, including playing baseball, piano lessons and helping out in…

Murakami talks about his relationships with his grandchildren. He also discusses his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers during World War Two. He shares his thoughts on wars after World War Two.

Murakami describes his childhood in Sherwood, Oregon. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States and his father's career. He talks about his mother's immigration to the United States. He describes the…

Masunaga discusses his family, the family farm, and growing up in Colorado. He details growing up during The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Mansunaga also discusses about joining the service, becoming a medic, and basic training.

Kashiki discusses high school, what his hometown community was like, provides his thoughts on prejudice; and discusses advice for his grandchildren regarding work and education. He then talks about his children, his experience when trying to…

Kashiki discusses growing up in Southern California, his family's farming business, going to school, his parents, and father's various jobs. He then talks about childhood activities such as fishing with his father, walking to school; and playing…

John Allen Tagami discusses being a military brat and traveling around during his childhood. Tagami's Father served in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and meets the Emperor of Japan. Tagami's Mother works for Reader's Digest during the war…

Mr. Sako discusses his childhood growing up in his home near the copper mill in Arthur, Utah. He describes day to day life and activities, like his mother's cooking, bathing, and childhood games in the nearby hills. Mr. Sako discusses the make-up of…

Mr. Sako introduces himself and talks about his father and mother's background in Japan and what brought them to the United States. Mr. Sako's father found work in a copper mill, settling the family in rural Arthur, Utah. Mr. Sako describes his life…

Saito discusses his childhood going up in the rural community of Oregon and his Issei parents. His Father works in the Farm Trucking business and Saito leaves Junior High School due to his Father's ailing health. Saito helps with the family business…

Onchi discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares his childhood activities and talks about influential teachers from his informative years. Onchi recalls being inducted, basic training and joining the 442nd Regimental Combat…

Nagano discusses his father and father's employment; elementary school; attending UCLA; and his siblings. He then talks about helping out with his father's gardening business, his experiences after the Long Beach earthquake, his father's life in…

Nagaki talks about his company’s commander- Captain Keegan, returning home and working on a farm with his brothers, and discusses receiving badges and medals such as the Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about how he met his wife, and discusses…

Inami discusses the aftermath of Hiroshima from the atomic bomb and the Japanese Nationals. Inami is discharge in 1946 and goes home to help his parents with the grocery store. While in service, Inami's family is relocated from Jerome to Rohwer and…

Inami discusses his name, date of birth, and parents' prefecture origin. Inami's Father comes to the Untied States for more financial opportunities. He works on a farm and then opens a store. Growing up Inami sends his time helping his parents'…

Yikimura discusses his family and his childhood. He details about religion and his schooling. Yikimura also discusses about his life after high school and recalling December 7, 1941.

Mori discusses his prefecture origin, familial description and two variations of his name spelling. Growing up, Mori goes to Japanese School and English School. He shares details about his childhood activities, family pet, and religion. Due to the…

Katayama discusses a number a photographs and the stories connected to the photographs. He gives an overview of his military history.

Katayama discusses more his family. He details about the businesses in his hometown and the Mayor of Ogden, Utah. Katayama also discusses his life in Chicago.

Makino talks about moving back to the west coast; his post-war employment; experiences with discrimination; and shooting at the enemy during the war. He then talks about his post-war home, meeting his wife, adopting a daughter, and discusses his…

Makino discusses his father and his employment; his parents' marriage; his sisters; and his parents market. He then talks about attending Japanese language school, speaking English at home, friendships, grammar school, and his neighborhood growing…

Konno discusses meeting his wife while in graduate school; and tells stories regarding their interracial relationship, including experiences with prejudice. He then talks about his children and grandchildren, and passing on Japanese culture and…

Konno discusses his parents and talks about his brother’s involvement with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He then talks about growing up on an orange grove in Azusa, California, his experiences with prejudice in high school, going to Japanese…

Shikashio and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his hometown Shelby, Idaho. He talks about his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his father's physical appearance and personality. He shares memories of his…

Tokushige discuses the German POW camp at Fort Knox; his experiences while recuperating in Miami; and discusses his wife, children, and grandchildren. He then provides a message to future generations. Lastly, Tokushige shows and describes photographs…

Tokushige discusses his parents; talks about a typical day growing up on a farm; discusses his siblings; talks about his home's outdoor bathing area; and talks about his relationship with the owner of the farm. He then continues to talks about his…

Yamate explains how he returned to civilian life. He talks about making a home in Chula Vista, California. He continues to discuss his wife. He talks about the Nisei Memorial and citizenship rights for Japanese Americans. Yamate explains how he met…

Yamate talks about the Battle of Bulge. He discusses 552nd Field Artillery Battalion and the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his unit, 44th division. He describes the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He talks about the end of World War Two and…

Yamate talks about his parent's early lives. He describes his family farm in Modesto, California. He discusses the dynamics in his family's home. He talks about his childhood visit to Japan. He describes the farm work that his family performed.…

Urata talks about the legacy of the Nisei. He discusses the lessons his parents taught him. He shares his hopes for the future. He also shares his thoughts on 9/11. Urata talks about deaths in his family. His wife joins the interview and answers…

Urata talks about his birthplace. He describes his father, mother, and his family's grocery business. He talks about prominent uncles in his family. He discusses his mother's death. He shares memories of his mother. Urata talks about his religious…

Suzuki describes a visit with Pete's family to explain how Pete died. He talks about his college studies and his employment ventures after college. He explains how he met his wife. He discusses his children and grandchildren. He describes his first…

Robinson Jr. and the interviewers introduce themselves. Robinson shares stories from the front lines. He talks about his parents. He describes his early life in Maine. He discusses his childhood education. He talks about his work on his family farm.…

Oura begins the interview talking about how his family came from Miyagi prefecture to Honolulu, Hawaii. His father came to work at the sugar plantation, where James and his siblings would grow up with very little money and food but surviving…

Omatsu discusses about his most positive and worst war experiences. He details about German weaponry, life after the Army. Omatsu also discusses about his career, family, and shows some photographs.

Omatsu discusses about growing up in Hawaii, his family, and their store. He details about his schooling and experiences with discrimination. Omatsu also discusses about his childhood and life after high school graduation.

James Iso describes his family history, including where his parents immigrated from in Japan and their settlement in the United States. He talks about his siblings, about his childhood memories, and about attending Japanese language school.

Araki begins the interview with a short introduction and speaking about his time at the Japanese language school. Being born in Sacramento and then moving to Hawaii, he had a different type of upbringing than most kids in Hawaii. The kids would call…

Morisawa discusses his prefecture origin, family, and living in a Japanese Community called "pocket patch" in Hawaii. Morisawa details about does not experience prejudice until the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) discharges all Japanese…

After his time in the service, Nagano would begin his career as a trader of securities. He would work for a couple of different firms before retiring and opening up his own firm with some partners, called Westfield Investment Group. Next, he…

Nagano begins the interview talking about his family background and his grandfather immigrating from Japan to Canada. The family would enjoy success there but Nagano's father decided he wanted to pursue opportunities in California. He would move to…

Kawakami discusses his family and childhood. He details meeting an uncle in Japan and his experiences during the Great Depression. Kawakami also discusses his experiences with prejudice.

Yokooji discusses his nickname; moving to different Hawaiian islands as a child; and his experiences while living on Lanai including attending school, his childhood bicycle, and discussing a swimming accident that resulted in the deaths of his…

Oka discusses what it was like growing up in Watsonville, California. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while living there. Oka also discusses what it was like upon returning to the United States.

Kikuchi describes Manzanar Concentration Camp including discussing the living conditions, barracks, food, and his job as a lifeguard. He then talks about his parents' jobs at Manzanar; discusses the riots; tells a story in which he escaped but…

Kikuchi discusses his father including talking about his immigration to the United States, employment, and experiences in college. He then talks about attending Japanese language school, attending high school, growing up in Los Angeles, playing…

Isamu Sugimoto talks about what it was like spending time with other Nisei soldiers. He discusses being discharged. He describes his life in Kansas City, Missouri. He talks about his employment after the war. He discusses reuniting with his…

Sugimoto talks about his birthplace in Yuma, Arizona. He shares his parents backstories. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his parents marriage. He discusses his siblings. He talks about high school. He…
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