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Aiko Nakahara, Peter's wife, tells us of her early life growing up in Seattle, Washington. She recounts her experiences at Puyallup and Minidoka Assembly Centers.The interview ends with photos from Peter's life and a final word regarding advice he…

Kurokawa begins the interview speaking about his family background. He would grow up first in Hawaii, and then around the age of 5, move to Kyoto, Japan. There, he became immersed in the Japanese culture and began to lose his English, so his parents…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…

Hishinuma talks about his birthplace in Oahu, Hawaii. He explains how he got his name. He describes his family's poverty. He discusses his life on a plantation. He talks about his father's early life. He describes the Concentration Camps built for…

Hishinuma continues to talk about his work for the Atomic Printing Company. He describes how he and his future wife applied for a marriage license. He discusses his wife application for citizenship. He talks about the female companions that his job…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka talks about his family and growing up in Hawai'i. He recalls instances where he faced racial discrimination in the work force.

Takisaki talks about his birthplace. He describes his mother and father's early lives. He explains why his father immigrated to the United States. He discusses his parents marriage. He talks about the Japanese cultural concept of a Mukoyoshi.…

Takisaki talks about separating from his girlfriend. He explains how he met his first wife. He describes his marriage with his first wife. He talks about his children and grandchildren from his first marriage. He briefly discusses his dry cleaning…

Kashino describes her family's second grocery store business. She talks about her New Years Eve celebrations with family. She discusses her birthplace. She explains what happened to her family's grocery business after they were forced to leave the…

Louise Kashino talks about Shiro's medals and awards. She discusses the children that she had with Shiro. Raymond Jiro Takisaki returns to the interview. She explains how she met Takisaki. Takisaki also talks about how they met. He talks about their…

Murakami discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Murakami also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Marysville Temporary Detention Center.

Uno shares his father's backstory. He talks about his father's career. He discusses his parent's marriage. He describes his parent's appearances and personalities. He talks about the land that his family owned in Japan. He discusses his mother's…

Uno describes Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He briefly talks about his father's death. He discusses the military recruiters that came to Heart Mountain. He describes the Nisei soldiers that he met in camp. He talks about the jobs available in…

Muranaka discusses both his father and mother's backgrounds and the influence that they had on his life even as young boy. Though living in poverty, his father was able to buy him an encyclopedia and type writer to instill in him the importance of…

Following 20 years of service in the US Army, Muranaka gets his retirement orders and begins college at the University of Puget Sound. After working with alcoholics working for the State of Washington, he received a call from the University of…

In this interview, Richard "Dick" Narasaki shares his childhood battle with tuberculosis and the loss of several members of his family to the disease, living with his grandparents in Santa Clara, and attending high school. He also recounts hearing…

In the final part of his interview, Richard Narasaki shares his message to future generations on the importance of education and perseverance. He also implores youths to remember the impact that the 442 had and to take advantage of the opportunities…

Furukawa talks about his childhood growing up in Missouri and California, and differences in race relations between the two states. He describes his parents backgrounds, and shares how his older brother did not move to America with his parents and…

Nakamura discusses about his family and childhood. He details about food and his family home. Nakamura also discusses about friends, his neighborhood, and schooling.

Nakamura discusses about his family in Japan, visiting Hiroshima, and his experiences in Japan. He details about coming home, going to college, and his career. Nakamura also discusses about his wife, baseball, and gives a message to future…

Nakamura gives a message to his family. He gives his closing remarks and relatives that served in the military. Nakamura also discusses photographs.

Saito and the interviewers introduce themselves. Saito talks about his parent's immigration. He discusses his father's values. He talks about the languages spoken in his home. He describes volunteering for military service. He discusses his cultural…

Watada discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Watada is born on December 21, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. Watada's Father, Jay Watada is from Japan and immigrates to the United States with his Father. They both come in hopes to make…

R. Tanaka discusses his experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about interpreting assignments he had and interactions with Japanese citizens. He also talks about visits with relatives in Fukuoka both as a child and during his furlough in Occupied…

Tanna discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Tanna also discusses about baseball.

Tanna discusses about his family and career aspirations. He describes Honolulu growing up. Tanna also discusses about his schooling and best childhood memories.

Aoki discusses his family and childhood growing up in Hawaii, He details about moving to California and being drafted. Aoki also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Wisconsin.

Endo discusses the reasons why he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name; and talks about his parents and grandparents including disucssing his grandparents immigration and his parents employment. He then talks about a fatal car accident…

Foote discusses his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Foote also discusses about his social awareness while growing up.

Fujimoto discusses his father and his employment; talks about import businesses in Hawaii; and discusses the reasons why his father immigrated to Hawaii. He then talks about his mother, languages spoken at home, and tells a story regarding how he got…

Fujimoto talks about moving to a different house after high school, discusses his siblings, and talks about how his sister helped him with school work. He then talks about food he ate during his childhood, his family’s religion, attending Japanese…

Hinazumi describes his interactions with Japanese civilians that worked for the military. He talks about visiting a Leper colony. He discusses meeting a Japanese governor. He explains how he communicated with his girlfriend while overseas. He…

Katayama discusses his youth in Hawaii. He talks about his parents backgrounds; Nisei mother, Issei father. He talks about his childhood with extended relatives after his mother died. He also discusses some of social aspects of his youth in Hawaii:…

Robert "Rusty" Kimura begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Japan and settled in Oroville, California. He would grow up there, getting into a lot of fights as he grew up a small child and people were always picking on him. He…

Moteki discusses his family and their history. He details about visiting Japan post-World War Two.

Moteki discusses about his siblings and neighborhood. He details about his childhood. Moteki also discusses about the pre-war political situation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Nakamoto discusses prefecture origin and familial description. Nakamoto's Father is a Founder of the Second Buddhist Church and his Grandfather is a Founder of the First Buddhist Church. Nakamoto grows up on a farm and helps with the farming chores.…

Sato discusses his family and remembering December 7, 1941. He reflects on his early Army experiences and training. Sato also discusses his experiences in Europe.

Robert Sato begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kagoshima prefecture in Japan and settled in Washington state. He gives more in depth background on his father and mother, telling of the discipline they had, the foods…

Following the end of the war and guarding prisoners in Europe, Sato would get his chance to return to the United States. He would first stop at Fort Myer, where he would be asked to march to the White House, as President Truman gave his famous…

Takashige begins the interview talking about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and settling in Honolulu. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend both English and Japanese language…

Teragawa begins the interview speaking about his family background and early childhood, where he moved to Japan at the age of four with his brother to get a Japanese education. Next, he speaks about moving back to the United States to work at his…

Yano begins the interview talking about being born and raised in California, playing marbles and hanging out with friends and neighbors. His family would come from Hiroshima, Japan and settle in California, his father as a farm laborer and his mother…

Shiosaki discusses familial description and home life. He recalls life in Hawaii during his adolescent years and discrimination. Shiosaki signs up for the military and completes basic training at Camp Shelby. After graduating from basic training,…

Miyamoto begins the interview speaking about his background and his life growing up in Hilo, Hawaii. He would help his grandfather run a bathhouse and spend his free time going down to the beach to catch crabs. Next, he talks about his family…

Miyamoto continues his recollection of growing up on Hilo, where his pidgin English was heavy and his normal English was inconsistent. After graduation from high school, he and his family would move to Kalihi on Oahu. It was there that he would see…

Nishijima discusses his father; his grandfather's immigration; his father's employment; and the reasons why his father returned to the United States. He then talks about his father and grandmother's personalities and physical traits; discusses his…

Nishijima discusses returning home after his overseas duty and going back to school. He also talks about his post-war employment in a produce market; meeting his wife; experiences with discrimination while trying to find an apartment; and discusses…

Yoshida discusses about being drafted, some of his family history, and his experiences at Military Intelligence Language School (MISLS). He details about thoughts and opinions about Japan before arriving. Yoshida

Yoshida discusses about his experiences in Kyoto and discusses Japanese culture. He details about traveling in Japan, writing father, and reflects on his military service. Yoshida also discusses about being discharged and gives advice future military…

Yoshida discusses about leaving camp for college and his experiences at college. He details about his life in the Army and his employment with the Marquardt Corporation and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Yoshida also discusses about his family,…

Fujiwara talks about his birthplace. He describes his father's early life. He discusses his Japanese identity. He talks about his siblings. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his father's family. Fujiwara…

R. Honbo talks about his experiences and thoughts regarding race relations in American society. He shares his observations and feelings regarding African Americans and Caucasians. He also talks about his children's' interracial marriages, and the…

Roy Nakawatase begins the interview by discussing the background of his father and mother, detailing his parents' travels to the US and working on the farm. He describes his childhood on the farm, the presence of the Japanese culture in his home, and…

Sato begins the interview talking about being born in Stockton, and then moving to Fresno at the age of three. He would grow up in Fresno on a farm, selling vegetables and fishing occasionally, though he did not enjoy it. Next, he talks about his…

Tsuya and the interviewers introduce themselves. Tsuya talks about his early life on the plantation. He describes Lihue, Kauai. He discusses Japanese language school. He lists the languages spoken in his home. He shares his parent's backstories. He…

Tsuya describes what winter was like on the front lines. He briefly talks about the Lost Battalion. He discusses the Champaign Campaign. He explains how he was injured. He describes his return to the United States. He talks about his time in business…

Roy Yokote talks about his childhood growing up in rural California and how Japanese culture played a part in it. He also goes into his family history-- in particular, the backgrounds of his mother and father before moving to the United States and…

Doi discusses about he parents and siblings. He details about his home life. Doi also discusses about his childhood.

Doi reads a description about special services. He details about his post-war career. He details about his family. Doi discusses about his antiwar protest and retirement.

Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada joins his wife Tsugie in discussing her background and their life together. The couple talk about how they met, their wedding, and starting a family together. Lastly, they talk about their long marriage and how…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada gives an introduction and a glimpse into his childhood in Hawaii. He discusses his parents and their background while describing their hard work at the plantation and the tough conditions of his upbringing. Okada…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada begins by speaking about the pumping stations that he previously worked while growing up in Hawaii. After that, he recalls seeing a friend from Hawaii while serving overseas in New Guinea. For the remainder of…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada discusses a variety of topics. Initially, he talks about the latter portion of his military service and reflects upon some of the locals that he met during his time in the Pacific Islands. Okada moves on to…

Sam Furukawa describes his parents relationship. He recalls the death of his sibling. He talks about his family's farming activities. Furukawa describes his family home and Japanese language school. He discusses his friendships and his experiences…

S. Ozaki discusses his youth growing up in the South Bay area of Los Angeles. He talks about his parents and family life; and school experiences. He also discusses his recollections of Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of being evacuated and the FBI…

Sakamoto describes his early life and memories on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about fishing on the island. He describes his mother and father. He discusses his father's agricultural career and his family home. Sakamoto continues to describe…

Terasaki discusses his name, his neighborhood growing up in Denver, Colorado, his parents, siblings, and his father's import/export business. He then talks about his childhood including discussing playing sports, friendships, neighbors, food, and…

Terasaki discusses returning to the United States and landing in New York. He then talks about a welcome celebration for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which included attending a baseball game and a dance. He also talks about Earl Finch, who was in…

Fujimoto talks about growing up in Los Angeles and describes his neighborhood. He then talks about his father's life in Japan and immigration to the United States; and his father's various jobs including his nursery business. Lastly, Fujimoto talks…

Fujimoto talks about his mother, his family's friendships with Japanese American families, typical meals at holiday celebrations, having asthma as a child, memorable teachers, and his art hobbies. He then talks about the impact World War Two had on…

In this interview, Samuel Harano describes his early childhood in Hawaii and the tragic loss of his mother in a house fire. He recalls being sent to Japan where he spent his school years rebelling against an increasingly militaristic culture. Upon…

In the second part of his oral history interview, Samuel Harano recounts the constant skirmishes with the Japanese as they moved through the Burma jungle and interrogating prisoners. In particular, he goes into the importance of translating captured…

Sasai discusses his parents including retelling the story about how and why they immigrated to Hawaii. He also talks about his father's childhood, and discusses his grandfather on his mother's side. Next, Sasai talks about attending school; playing…

Sasai talks about traveling back to the United States, and discusses his experiences as a sentry duty while traveling back to Hawaii. He then talks about his brother-in-law who was killed in action in Italy, discusses seeing his family for the first…

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses growing up San Diego. He talks about his high school experiences and home life. He talks about his reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and gives a summary of his military service.

Samuel Yamaguchi talks about his family moving in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He discusses moving to central California to join his uncle. He also describes moving to the Poston camp after Executive Order 9066.

Tanamachi talks about her grandparents; and some of her mother's experiences including her childhood on Terminal Island, and her forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility and Rohwer incarceration camp. She also talks about how her…

Kimoto continues to discuss life on coffee farms and sugar plantations. Kimoto details more about his family life. He also discusses his education experiences and one of his favorite teachers.

Hoashi talks in depth about his family and the relationship he had with his grandparents. As he was adopted and his mother had re-married, Seichi was brought up by his grandparents in Kauai, running a boarding house. He talks also about his knowledge…

Shimomura discusses his father including the origin of his name, his fishing hobby, and his immigration from Japan. He then talks about his parents' education and employment in Japan, as well as their disposition and his mother's love for baking.…

Aizawa discusses about his family and the community he grew up in. He details about his childhood and home life. Aizawa also discusses about being American, schooling, and the Great Depression.

Aizawa discusses in the Korea. He details about his experiences in the military. Aizawa also discusses about his family.

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Oshiro begins the interview with a short introduction and talking about his whereabouts during the Japanese surrender during World War Two. Next, he talks about his childhood, growing up in Hawaii and being brought up with a heavy influence of…

Oshiro describes his early life in Papa'aloa. He describes his parents and siblings. He talks about the chores that he had as child. He describes what he would do in his leisure time, including fishing. Oshiro talks about school and the learning…

After his time in occupied Japan, Oshiro would be discharged from the Army, as he wanted to pursue his higher education. He discusses the success of the occupation and the role of Nisei linguists and why that model should be used in future…

Taba begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over to Hawaii from Okinawa. Growing up in Hawaii, he was able to attend Japanese language school and have a close family relationship, including a handful of…

Taba continues talking about his time in combat throughout Europe with the 100th Infantry Regiment. He talks about various battles that he was involved with, including the Gothic Line and the Lost Battalion. Shortly after this, the war came to an end…

Mr. Seiso Kamishita describes his personal history and family background. He talks about his siblings, childhood, and growing up poor. He also describes his education background.

Akamine discusses about his life after returning from the war. He details about his career after being discharged. Akamine also discusses his family and gives a message to future generations.

Kishi discusses about his family. He details about what it was like growing up inLivingston, California. Kishi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal.

Kizuka discusses about his experiences in Italy, coming back home, and the "no-no-boys". He details about his post-life. Kizuka also discusses about his family and shows photographs.

Kawamoto talks about growing up in Hawaii and his life before the war. He also recalls seeing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his reasons for enlisting in the army.

Kawamoto discusses leaving Hawaii and his journey to Camp Shelby. He also talks about the training he received and briefly about being wounded by a mine. Finally, Kawamoto recalls his furloughs to New York City and Camp Rohwer incarceration center.

Kawamoto recounts his life post-war in which he was studying to become an optometrist. He talks about working as an optometrist in Tokyo for the US military hospital and for Kaiser Permanente in Japan. He also shares how he met his wife through…

Kawamoto continues his interview by talking about looking for housing in Tokyo, going out with friends in Battle Creek, and the occupations of his family members and children. He imparts his message to future generations and states again the…

In the final part of his interview, Shigeo "Doc" Kawamoto shares more photos of friends and family as well as his time spent in France.

Takayama discusses about family, growing up in Pasadena, and plying baseball with Jackie Robinson. He details about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Takayama also discusses about being reassigned and helping others learning how to…
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