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Urastsu discusses about discrimination, gives he thoughts about Pearl Harbor, and gives a positive takeaway from World War Two. He details about he joined the army. Uratsu also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling and his voyage to the…

Uratsu discusses about his early experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his brief experiences in Manila. Uratsu also discusses about his post-war assignment and experiences in Tokyo Japan.

Tetsushi discusses about his experiences with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in post-war Tokyo, Japan. He details about his comrades and their relationships.

Wallace Nunotani talks about his family and siblings. He discusses his childhood hobbies. Nunotani describes secondary school and Japanese language school. He talks about his time at University of Hawaii. He discusses his religious background and…

Nunotani discusses the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He goes on to explain how his college education was interrupted by the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Nunotani talks about how he decided to enlist despite discrimination against Japanese Americans. He…

Nunotani describes Earl Finch. He talks about his trip to the Jerome Concentration Camp. He talks about his unit, cannon company, and their journey to Europe. Nunotani describes his combat experiences with the 442nd. He list the campaigns he…

Nunotani talks about the Champaign Campaign and the Gothic Line. He reflects on his experiences while in the 442nd. Nunotani describes the end of World War Two. He also discusses rations and his post-war activities. He talks about his military…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his children and grandchildren. He also reflects on the meaning of his experiences.

Yoshioka discusses his parents including his father’s occupation, and talks about his siblings. He then talks about working on a nursery growing up, and assisting with selling carnations at flower markets in Northern California. Yoshioka also…

Yoshioka talks about religion and attending Buddhist church, discusses his sister’s name, experiences with discrimination post-war, and his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor. He then talks about the reasons why he volunteered for the…

Yoshioka discusses life at Camp Savage during Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and his assignment in Australia translating prisoners of war (POW) interrogations. He then talks about his guard duty assignment in New Guinea, other…

Yoshioka discusses the time he spent stationed in Australia including a furlough in Sydney, his whereabouts at the end of the war, and going back to the United States where he was discharged at Camp McCoy. He then talks about attending college in…

Kurata discusses his parents and his other family members. He also details what it was like growing up in Lodi, California. Kurata discusses his educational experiences.

Kurata discusses the difference between Rural Nisei and Urban Nisei. He details trying to volunteer for the army. Kurata discusses being forced removed and his journey to Rohwer.

Kurata discusses life in the Rohwer Concentration Camp. He details he draft experience and his thoughts on the 442nd. Kurata also discusses how he ended up in the Counter Intelligence Corps.

Kurata continues to explain the training for the Counter Intelligence Corps. He details being assigned and what his arrival in Japan was like. Kurata discusses his duties while stationed in Japan.

Kurata continues to explain working in Chiba. He discusses more about the time spent in Japan, including the problem with communism. Kurata details about making a career within the military.

Kurata discusses his family. He also list the community organizations that he is a member of. Kurata discusses the message he wants to leave for future generations.

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

Tanabe discusses growing up in Marysville, California. He details about his educational experiences. Tanabe also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. The effects of Executive Order 9066 and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp were…

Tanabe discusses more about his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp and being sent to Topaz Concentration Camp. He details about volunteering for the Army and his first encounter with racism. Tanabe also discusses his experiences at Camp Lee…

Tanabe discusses about the interrogation process. He details about how he was wounded in Okinawa. Tanabe also discusses about his time in Niigata and Occupied Japan.

Tanabe discusses about his life after getting discharged. He details about his nickname, children, and career. Tanabe also gives a message to future generations.

Masunaga discusses his family, the family farm, and growing up in Colorado. He details growing up during The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Mansunaga also discusses about joining the service, becoming a medic, and basic training.

Masunaga discusses about his combat experiences as a medic. He details being reassigned, being discharged, and the horrors of war. Masunaga also discusses about post-war discrimination, his career, and his family. The interview closes out with…

Sukeo "Skeets" Oji was born on February 24, 1918, in Sacramento, CA. He got his nickname Skeets because Sukeo was hard to pronounce. Skeets' father, Ozo Oji, was a hard-working man. He immigrated to the United States by himself from Hiroshima, Japan.…

Sukue “Skeets” Oji enrolled at Sacramento Junior College and took flying classes. However, Skeets did not complete his civilian flying classes because he was drafted. Skeet went to Presidio Monterey for his induction and was stationed at Moffett…

Sukeo “Skeets” Oji was at Gila for a short time before attending school fall of 1942. The 442nd formed in early 1943, and in September 1943, Skeets was called to active duty. He went to Camp Shelby, and he was assigned Heavy Weapons.


Sukeo “Skeets” Oji discusses the rebuilding of Japan. He joined the 553rd engineering construction group to make housing in Sendai. He described the area after the bombing. The individuals who assisted with the rebuilding of Japan were Japanese…

Sukeo "Skeets" Skeets recalls the saddest part of the war was seeing political prisoners' dead bodies. He never forgot the smell of the bodies. The American troops advanced to the 2nd Infantry Division; Skeets received orders from the CIC to form an…

Sukeo "Skeets" Oji returned to the United States and was assigned to Engineer Section, Headquarters, 6th Army, Presidio, Monterey. In 1954, he was reassigned to Japan as the liaison officer between the Ministry of Construction and the US Army Forces…

Sukeo “Skeets” Oji worked for 42 years in the military and federal civil service. His hard work was due to his parent's upbringing. Skeets' mother was a picture bride who immigrated to the United States. She gave birth to eight children and raised…

William Yoshito Thompson is a World War Two veteran who volunteered for the 442nd (Head Quarters 2nd Battalion). He is born March 15, 1924, in Hilo, Hawaii. His father is from Scotland, Ireland, and moved to Hawaii. He remains a British subject and…

William Yoshito Thompson discusses going to Schofield and going overseas to the Mainland to Camp Shelby. At Camp Shelby, William is assigned to the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters and later to the Antitank Company.

There are approximately 10,000 Nisei…

William Yoshito Thompson arrives in France and lands in Marseille. William's unit is the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters, which services the Rifle Company. In the Rifle Company, there is E Company, F Company, and G Company (the heavy weapons company).…

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.

Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…

Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…

Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts

Yoshimoto discusses his childhood and what it was like growing up in Seattle, Washington. He discusses he experience being drafted into the Army. Yoshimoto also discusses his family.

Yoshimoto discusses the effects that Pearl Harbor had on him and his family. He also discusses about his time spent in the Army Air Corps before being reassigned. Yoshimoto details about the time he visited Minidoka.

Yoshimoto discusses how he ended up joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He also details he experiences in MIS before heading to Japan. Yoshimoto discusses his voyage to and arrival in Japan.

Yoshimoto discusses about his time in Japan during the occupation. He also details about meeting Tojo Hideki. Yoshimoto discusses his life once he was discharged from the Army.

Nukuto discusses about his family. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while there. Nukuto also discusses about his educational experiences.

Nukuto discusses about more growing up in Japan. He details about returning to the Untied States. Nukuto also discusses about his life once returning to the United States.

Nukuto discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and his experiences in Kansas. He details about his parents incarceration. Nukuto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and going to Japan.

Nukuto discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about meeting his wife and living in Chicago. Nukuto also gives a message to future to future generations.

Serikaku begins by discussing his early life living in Libertyville, Hawaii in Oahu (present day Kahaluu). He speaks about his parents background and their thoughts on American loyalty even before Pearl Harbor. Next, he talks about his experiences…

Stanley goes in depth on the training that was received prior to going to Europe. The training began in Mississippi, where Hawaiians and mainland soldiers were first introduced to one another, resulting in slight attitude from both sides. Serikaku…

Serikaku gives his first-hand fighting experience throughout Europe. To begin, he speaks briefly of the differences between "buddha heads" and "kotonks". Following that, he discusses first arriving in Europe, training and guarding items on ships…

Serikaku finishes up recollection of the Rome-Arno campaign and speaks about various other aspects of the war including what it's like to be shot, german guns, and uphill battles. He also talks about his feelings towards his men and keeping tabs on…

Serikaku touches on a multitude of topics, including his rehabilitation, remembrance through the years and the various commemorations throughout Europe. For Stanley, it's important to keep the legacy of the 442nd alive and continue documenting and…

Ishida discusses his parents and his father's employment; his siblings; and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about his mother; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while incarcerated; getting drafted; his childhood home;…

Ishida discusses traveling to Tanforan temporary detention facility and Topaz Concentration Camp; the security at Tanforan and Topaz; and his experiences at Topaz including living conditions, recreational activities, and Kibei. He then talks about…

Ishida discusses traveling overseas to Europe and his first experiences there; meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and his first combat experiences. He then talks about his guard duty assignment during the…

Ishida discusses his hospital stay for an ingrown toenail which caused him to miss combat duty during the Gothic Line. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn; his guard duty assignment; visiting Switzerland while on leave; getting discharged;…

Ishida discusses receiving a Purple Heart and other awards and medals; and shows and describes his honorable discharge papers and a document from President Truman praising him for his service. He then shows a Certificate of Recognition; and shows and…

Westdale discusses his family and upbringing. He details about joining the Army Air Corps and his experiences in the Corps. Westdale also discusses about December 7, 1941 and the sentiment towards the Japanese in America.

Westdale discusses more about December 7, 1941 and its aftermath. He details about why he joined the army and his family's reaction to it. Westdale also discusses about some of his time in the Army Air Corps and about some of his experiences at Camp…

Westdale discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby and his interactions with other Japanese Americans. He details about the letter his sister wrote that got him transferred to the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Westdale also discusses about weaponry…

Westdale discusses his family, childhood, and friends. He details about traveling to and his experiences in Italy. Westdale also discusses about his experiences in combat, German Weaponry, The Lost Battalion, and religion.

Westdale discusses about camaraderie and his experiences in Germany. He details about the horrors of war, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Westdale also discusses about his experiences in France and in post-war Europe.

Westdale discusses about his experiences in Germany and his homecoming. He details about his post-war life and employment. Westdale also discusses about the legacy of Japanese American Soldiers.

Westdale discusses his children. He describes photographs. Westdale shows off some his keepsakes.

Tamashiro discusses about his family and childhood.
He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Tamahiro also discusses about photography, joining the Army, going to the Mainland, and experiences at Camp Shelby.

Tamashiro discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby, visiting Jerome Concentration Camp, and traveling on the Mainland. He details about food and some of his early experiences in the war. Tamashiro also discusses his combat experiences.

Tamashiro discusses the medals and awards he received and his experiences during post-war guard duty of German Soldiers. He details about his discharge, homecoming, and his brother's military service. Tamashiro also discusses his post-war life.

Shiozaki discusses what it was like growing up in Westport, Oregon and his family. He details about his home life . Shiozaki also discusses about his schooling and father's job.

Shiozaki discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about being drafted and his early experiences in the Army. Shiozaki also talks about the time he visited Japan in his youth.

Shiozaki discusses going overseas, landing in Italy, and life as an infantryman. He details about the Lost Battalion, The Gothic Line, and what made Nisei soldiers great. Shoizaki also discusses about General Clark and getting wounded.

Shiozaki discusses getting wounded, Champagne Campaign, The Gothic Line, and his post-war experiences in Europe. He details about coming home and his post-war life. Mrs. Shiozaki gets interviewed and Shiozaki discusses about photographs.

Kawamoto discusses his youth and early adulthood in Kaimuki, Hawaii. He talks about his family's living conditions and his recollections of the Pearl Harbor. He also talks about how his mother was widowed before his birth and how his older half…

Kawamoto discusses why his parents moved back to Japan before the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about his experience being drafted in the army. He shares anecdotes regarding: basic training, battle experiences, and his post-war life.

Kawamoto discusses his post-war life: family life and employment. He talks about the lives of his children. He also discusses his longevity. He concludes with a message to future generations.

Background of Hiro Nishimura's parents and growing up as a Japanese American and a Buddhist in Seattle, Washington.

Hiro Nishimura grows up attending Japanese language school and public school with many different races of children. He also experiences enough racial discrimination to consider moving to Japan. He also speaks about employment and attending college.

Hiro Nishimura remembers the events and consequences surrounding the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He is drafted into the army and experiences segregation before serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). His family experiences forced removal to…

Hiro Nishimura is upset to be separated from Kazuo Otani to go to Military Intelligence Service Language School. He describes how Kazuo Otani earned the Medal of Honor as well as his efforts later to contact Otani's family. He also describes Steve…

Hiro Nishimura further speaks about his connections to Harry Fukuhara and John Aiso. As a soldier he ships out and serves in the China-Burma-India theater as a translator in the MIS.

Hiro Nishimura admires Merrill's Marauders and talks about their accomplishments and the conditions they served under. He also testifies about the Japanese American incarceration which in turn psychologically prepares him to write his memoirs.

Hiro Nishimura reflects on Japanese American redress and the contributions of Nisei soldiers during World War II. He also shares some photographs from his military service.

Miyamoto begins the interview speaking about his background and his life growing up in Hilo, Hawaii. He would help his grandfather run a bathhouse and spend his free time going down to the beach to catch crabs. Next, he talks about his family…
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