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Kent Kajiwara continues to talk about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses the FBI's attempt to arrest his father. He talks about his security work while working at Hawaiian Pineapple. He talks about enlisting in the Army. He…

Kajiwara talks about his father's visits to Japan. He briefly describes working for Hawaiian Pineapple. He discusses the work he did on a sugar plantation. He talks about having a twin brother. He talks about primary school. Kajiwara describes his…

Kajiwara describes his early life on a sugar plantation. He explains how and why his father immigrated to the United States. He talks about his parents marriage. He describes Japanese language school. He describes his mother's childhood. He…

Kaji discusses about the National Japanese American Museum and reflects on his life. He details about how he met his wife and honeymoon. Kaji also discusses about his family, post-war life, and a friend.

Kaji discusses about his schooling and post-war employment. He details about the impact of the Nisei and staring a museum.

Kaji discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and experiences at Fort Snelling. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan and the Philippines. Kaji also discusses about rank, coming home and post-military life.

Kaji discuss about at his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp. He details about his family life and life after high school. Kaji also discusses about college and being drafted.

Kaji discusses about music. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kaji also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.

Kaji discusses about Boyle Heights and Little Tokyo. He details about his schooling and having to rid of personal belongings do to forced removal. Kaji also discusses about self-awareness and self-identification.

Kaji discusses about his name and family. He details about childhood and Boyle Heights. Kaji also discusses about the Great Depression and his home life.

Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts

Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…

Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…

Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Kaida met Katayama in Korea where he was employed as a translator by an intelligence attachment. Kaida updates Katayama on his personal life, his family, and lesser, the state of the country, Japan.

Transcription is attached to this item.

Kagawa talks about a Japanese American architect he worked with, and discusses his experiences as an architect in Detroit. He then talks about his involvement in veterans organizations including being president of an Anti-Tank Company chapter and…

Kagawa discusses the Lost Battalion rescue, talks about his friends who were involved in a flag bearer ceremony in France, and discusses the end of the war including his duties guarding a bridge and processing German POWs. He then talks about going…

Kagawa talks about a pre-invasion Air Force bombing; and discusses joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Bruyeres and his company's experiences assisting in the Lost Battalion rescue. He then talks about his duties in communications operating…

Kagawa talks about his experiences traveling to Camp Shelby, discusses getting assigned to an Anti-Tank Company, and talks about traveling overseas to Naples, Italy. He then talks about his experiences in Italy including discussing Italian civilians,…

Kagawa talks about growing up in Japan until he was nine; his father's employment; and his childhood in Hawaii including discussing recreational activities and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about attending high school and his…

Kagawa reflects on the war and gives a message to future generations. He details about the legacy of Nisei soldiers. Kagawa also shows some newspaper articles that his saved.

Kagawa discusses about his experiences in Bruyeres. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Kagawa also discusses about his life after returning to Hawaii.

Kagawa discusses more about the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about rest and relaxation, gaining replacements, and receiving a unit citation. Kagawa also discusses about the Arno Campaign and heading into France.

Kagawa discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and when he realized "this is war". Kagawa also discusses the duties of Headquarters Company, paying respect to deceased German soldiers, and the Battle…

Kagawa discusses growing up in Waimea, family, and his educational experiences. He details about why he volunteered for the army and what he remembers about December 7, 1941. Kagawa also discusses the events after Pearl Harbor.

Kagawa shows and discusses photographs from his album during the war and upon returning to the United States.

Kagawa discusses returning home on the Wilson Victory, treatment of Hawaiian soldiers in California, current social climates reflective of discrimination and prejudice, his communicating home while in the war, post-war treatment of Japanese American…

Kagawa discusses combat experiences including the Po Valley Campaign, recognizing German soldiers as individuals, "Ohio Mountain," capturing towns, and his feelings about taking a life. He also discusses his charge of bringing home the 442nd…

Kagawa discusses his first impressions of Camp Shelby, visiting Rohwer Concentration Camp, his brother's military experience, his boot camp experiences and the influences of cultural traditions on attitudes towards military service. He also discusses…

Kagawa discusses family, his early childhood and adolescence experiences in Gardena, California, his family's "voluntary evacuation" to Rexburg, Idaho, the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, third person accounts of incarceration camps and a visit to the…

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Form letter recognizing Sadamu Koito's "devotion and selfless consecration."

"The Army and Navy Japanese Anti-aircraft Batteries and Anti-aircraft Machine-gun Batteries have lost 40 per cent of their comrades by the fierce American air-raids and naval bombardments from June 7, 1942 to July 25, 1945. On leaving Kiska Island,…

Izumigawa discusses Sadao Munemori. He then shows and describes photographs of his family; his wedding; an image taken in Florence during his military service; Camp Shelby; and others. He also discusses his brothers' military service.

Izumigawa discusses combat experiences and describes mines; and talks about receiving a care package during the Champagne Campaign which included a Senninbari (Japanese good luck charm). He then talks about his brother's military service; the end of…

Izumigawa describes a close call in combat and talks about getting wounded. He then discusses his hospital stay and talks about his assignment in Northern Italy after rejoining his unit. Next, he talks about his combat experiences at the Gothic Line.…

Izumigawa talks about his first experiences as a replacement soldier in Europe; discusses his knowledge of the 100th Infantry Battalion prior to shipping out; and discusses the advice he received from fellow soldiers. He then talks about his…

Izumigawa talks about playing sports; discusses his interest in watching and following sports; and talks about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor including experiences with blackouts. He then talks about his post high school employment; volunteering for…

Izumigawa discusses his childhood values; New Years and Christmas celebrations; attending elementary school; and influential teachers. He then talks about childhood friendships; describes the duties of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); and talks…

Izumigawa discusses his parents including talking about his relationship with them and their personalities and physical traits; and discusses prejudice against people from Okinawa in regards to the Japanese community. He then talks about his…

Yoshio Izumi shares his story about how he knows Sadao Munemori. Both Yoshio and Sadao meet at Camp Savage and visit Manzanar on a pass. There is news of a Nisei group being formed, and Sadao volunteers for the 442nd. Yoshio describes Sadao as…

At Camp Savage, Yoshio Izumi is assigned to Headquarter Company and does clerical work. He is tasked with morning reports and supplies inventory. Yoshio recalls being inducted at the same time as John Aiso and seeing him at basic training at Fort…

On December 7, Yoshio Izumi is on his weekend leave and hears about Pearl Harbor on the radio at home. Yoshio was born and raised in the United States, and he feels he would be loyal to his homeland. He feels he is one hundred percent American.


Yoshio Izumi goes to Japanese language school first before starting English school. When his family moves from Malibu to Santa Monica, Yoshio attends Santa Monica School. The makeup of the school is primarily Caucasians students and half a dozen…

Yoshio Izumi was born September 15, 1918, in South Pasadena, CA. His parents are Riozo and Otomi Izumi. Yoshio's mother was previously married and has two children from the previous married. There are nine children in the family.

When Yoshio is…

In the final section, izui speaks about his discharge from the Korean War and going back to Chicago to open up his dentistry practice. He then discusses the redress and reparations that were given and the legacy within his family. Finally, the…

Izui discusses the end of World War II and the reaction to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Next, he talks about the starting of his post-war life in Chicago and getting his degree out of the University of Illinois. He then speaks…

Izui recollects his experiences during the war including France and Italy. In one portion, he remembers saving a lost battalion with various divisions, sending in 800 men to save 200. He also discusses the trek his division took to make the Gothic…

Izui begins his recollection of the 28 day shipment to get to Naples, Italy via the Atlantic Ocean and the initial reactions to arriving in Europe. He talks about the first time he heard gunshots in the distance, and his first day in combat, treating…

Izui begins by continuing his recollection of being separated from his father and the strength of his mother during these hard times. He then speaks about loyalty to the United States, including the loyalty questionnaires, no-no boys and reporting…

Izui speaks about growing up in Seattle, Washington and it's Japanese community. He discusses his education from elementary to high school, experiencing subtle discrimination. After this, he talks about what it was like leading up to the war and…

Iwasaki talks about his children and their occupations; discusses his grandchildren; talks about the history of his last name; and discusses the contributions of Nisei soldiers in regards to the community. He then provides a message to his children…

Iwasaki talks about the end of the war and returning to the United States where he participated in a parade in New York. He then talks about corresponding with his wife while overseas, and discusses seeing his daughter prior to going overseas. Next,…

Iwataki talks about landing in Naples, discusses Italian civilians, and talks about a good luck charm called "the flying duck". He then talks about his experiences during the Lost Battalion rescue; the battle at Bruyeres; discusses his interactions…

Iwataki discusses discrimination in the Army as well as Kibei experiences in the military. He then talks about experiences with discrimination at Fort McClellan, describes the process of getting a field commission, and describes the term, cadre.…

Iwataki talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood, attending school, friendships, experiences with discrimination, playing sports, and influential teachers. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses his…

Iwataki discusses his nickname, parents, his father's business, and his family in Japan. He then talks about how his parents met, his mother, and discipline during his childhood. Next, Iwataki talks about his siblings; and discusses his childhood…

Iwatake discusses more about his time on Chichijima. He details his life after the war had ended. Iwatake also discusses his time meeting President George H. W. Bush.

Iwatake discusses getting sunk by a submarine and arriving to Chichijima. He details about his experiences on Chichijima. He also discusses his relationship with Warren Earl Vaughn.

Iwatake discusses his early life of growing up in Hawaii, before moving to Japan. He details the events that led up to his family moving to Japan and what it was like living in Japan. Iwatake also discusses being drafted into the Japanese Army.

Iwasaki discusses the end of his military service and his post-war life. He also talks about spouse and children. He shares anecdotes regarding: time in Europe, courtship with spouse, and Nisei veterans' legacy.

Iwasaki talks about some of his experiences in Hawaii before the Pearl Harbor attack. He shares his memories of the Pearl Harbor attack and it's aftermath. He also talks about his early military experiences after getting drafted.

Iwasaki discusses his youth growing up in Manoa Valley. He talks about his father's arrival in Hawaii from Japan; and his parent's devotion to him and his siblings. He also shares anecdotes regarding: family leisure trips; working on family farm; and…

Iwasaki talks about his experiences during his rest and relaxation (R&R) period which included going into Nice and getting a new uniform. He then talks about Army food, and his experiences during the Gothic Line campaign.

Iwasaki talks about duties in communications such as laying down wires, and being a courier to deliver documents between the company and the battalion. He then talks about the potential dangers of being in communications; discusses his commanding…

Iwasaki discusses his experiences with post-war discrimination; provides some thoughts regarding racial slurs; and talks about starting his own nursery and garden store. He then talks about sharing some of his war experiences with his wife and…

Iwasaki discusses his injury and hospitalization after he was hit with shrapnel; talks about witnessing soldiers killed in action; describes tree bursts; and talks about his assignments as a radio operator and patrolman. He then talks about his…

Iwasaki talks about his siblings, parents, growing up on a farm in Oregon, school, and playing sports. He then talks about his childhood experience with discrimination, getting drafted, his brother's military service, basic training at Fort…

Iwasaki talks about his return to Hillsboro, going back to the farm and meeting his future wife. He would get married and have children, continuing on with his career in farming, growing vegetables and flowers and even experimenting with wasabi later…

Iwasaki talks about his involvement with the Lost Battalion campaign. There, he would endure cold weather, including snow, and shooting mortars through heavy forested areas. Following this, they would head to the French Riviera, where they would…

Before Iwasaki would be shipped overseas, he would be able to get a furlough to head back home to Oregon, where he would have a very emotional time with his family. After that, he talks about his first experiences while overseas, going first to…

Iwasaki talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had been deferring his induction, he would have no choice this time around, and would be inducted at Fort Lewis in Washington. He would be assigned first to the armored…

Iwasaki begins the interview talking about his family, as his parents came from Shiga prefecture in Japan and settling first in British Columbia, Canada followed by Hillsboro, Oregon. His family would own a 50-acre farm in Oregon, harvesting…


Seven men standing in kitchen. Caption identifies men, left to right as: cook, Bill, Paul, Tom, Harold, Carson and Dave. Image is a black and white photocopy; location of original image is unknown.

Copy of photograph depicting guests at "Major Dalton's birthday party." Individuals in photograph are identified as: Victor Kramalski, Dave Arseneaux, Yamasaki, "Doctor", Lieutenant Joseph Carson, Captain Kronkite, Ralph Iwamoto, Judge Halhatanaka,…

Two photographs on page depicting Ralph Shigeto Iwamoto, 441st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment soldier, on charge of quarters (CQ) duty and sitting next to a floor heater as described in photographic captions.

Copies of three photographs on a page depicting a parade in Tokyo, including female military personnel.

Copies of two black and white photographs on a single page, depicting General McArthur reviewing troops at the Imperial Palace grounds in Tokyo, Japan. Second photograph has typescript notation, "American Independence Day in Tokyo, July 1, 1947. …

Copy of four black and white photographs on page. Captions describe images as: Military Intelligence Service soldiers in front of Nippon Yusen Kaisha building; Japanese shoeshine children on building steps; 441st Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC),…

Copy of three black and white photographs on page. Allied Forces in formation and marching at the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo, Japan in March/April 1947 for inspection by General MacArthur as written on the page. Location of original photographs…

Copy of three black and white photographs on page. Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers on a coffee break at the Nippon Yuzen Kaisha building (NYK) in Tokyo, Japan; aerial photograph of Military Intelligence Service soldiers marching to…

Iwamoto discusses his experiences as a commanding officer in Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), as well as his experiences attending college and working after returning to the United States. He then talks about meeting his wife; getting recalled for…

Iwamoto discusses his nickname, his parents and the reasons why his father immigrated to the United States; his parents' employment; his parent's personalities; and working at his father's cafe. He then talks about going to church, attending school,…

In May 1984, Shigeo retires from Northrop Grumman and returns to Hawaii to live with his sister. Shigeo is grateful for those who have shown him gratitude for his service, especially his doctors. He shares his experience of appreciation with the…

In Berlin, Shigeo Iwamasa is assigned to be a driver. He describes the experience driving through the bombed cities in Germany. In Koblenz, there is a distinctive smell due to the dead bodies under the building rubbles. The bombed cities in Germany…

Shigeo Iwamasa is born November 12, 1923, in Waihee-Waiehu, Maui. Shigeo's father is an Issei from Yamaguchi Prefecture Japan, and his mother is from Hilo, Hawaii. Shigeo has five brothers and a sister.

Growing up, Shigeo has an active childhood.…

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