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Yasukochi talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the effects it had on his family. His father would be taken by the FBI along with his brother and put into prisons for a few days, while his mother and other siblings were taken to Poston…

Yasukochi continues talking about seeing Dachau Concentration Camp and what it was like to interact with the prisoners of the camp. Next, he briefly talks about his ship ride back to the United States, getting discharged out of Camp Chesterfield.…

Yasukochi talks about his involvement in the Lost Battalion campaign, saving the 36th Division, that had been stranded. He talks about stuffing shells full of supplies and shooting it over to them so that they had supplies as they awaited their…

Yasukochi talks about his time at UC Davis, studying botany as he educated himself for a future in plant breeding. After this, he talks about his shipment to Italy, taking 35 days as the convoy zig zagged across the ocean. Next, he talks about his…

Yasukochi talks about farming life while living in California, driving a truck up and down the coast to pick up fertilizer in San Pedro and back to Oceanside at the age of 11. Next, he talks more about what it was like to grow up in California,…

Yasukochi begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Japan and becoming a farmer in California despite alien land laws. They would become known for their chili peppers at the farm. Next, he talks about…

Fukasawa discusses moving to to Oelwein, Iowa because his wife has a teaching job there. He gets a job at John Deere and saves enough money to buy a house. Later he joins the National Guard in 1947 until 1952.

Fukasawa is sent to Korea and says…

Fukasawa discusses living off the land and surviving off the rations. In the rations there are meat, eggs, can vegetates, rice and bread. The Caucasian soldiers did not want the rice, therefore he is able to have a good amount of rice to eat. In…

Peter Fukasawa discusses his happiest moment at Camp Shelby. On September 3, 1943 gets married. Fukasawa previously knows his wife due to their parents' friendship.

On the ship going overseas, Fukasawa has KP duty. He recalls the soldiers are…

Peter Fukasawa discusses on the day of Peal Harbor's attack. He learns about the news when he returns back from fishing . After Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 is announced for the evacuation of Japanese Americans. Fukasawa's parents are…

Fukasawa discusses his Father immigrating to the United States in 1905 and his Mother immigration in 1909. Fukasawa has two sisters and two brothers, The Fukasawa family lives in Fillmore, California on a ranch until a flod washes away their home.…

Tokuda discusses his life after World War Two. He talks about his marriage and children. He describes discriminatory events he endured while looking for work. Tokuda also reflects on his war experiences and the legacy of WW2 Nisei veterans.

Tokuda talks about his experiences in the European Theater of World War Two and his participation in veteran organizations. He describes Nisei soldier friends of his from his unit; and he describes some of the military tactics he had to carry out. He…

Tokuda discusses his experiences in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. He talks about his duties a cook and his combat experiences. He shares anecdotes regarding: Hawaiian/Mainland soldier relations; getting injured; and how his service impacted…

"Tadd" Tokuda discusses events immediately before and after America's participation in World War Two. He talks about being drafted right before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He shares anecdotes about: his family being evacuated from home; being…

Tokuda talks about his childhood in California's Imperial Valley. He describes his childhood home life balancing work and school. He also shares anecdotes regarding: his parents lives before his birth; race relations in his farming community; and…

Mori continues to talk about Dachau Concentration Camp. He describes how he reunited with a man he meet near Dachau. He discusses the Lost Battalion. Mori talks about marching into Germany towards the end of World War Two. He explains how he was…

Mori describes his second round of basic training and maneuvers. He talks about his first combat experience. He explains how he got supplies while overseas. He discusses his relationship with other soldiers. Mori talks about the Dachau Concentration…

Mori talks about how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his status as a soldiers. He discusses his father's imprisonment after Pearl Harbor. He briefly talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans and remedial jobs he performed while in the…

Mori continues to talk about Japanese language school. He discusses citizenship and sumo wrestling. He describes being drafted and inducted into the Army. Mori discusses basic training. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and how it caused…

Mori explains how his parents immigrated to America. He describes his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farming background and his primary school experiences. Mori discusses his families frequent moves. He explains childhood conceptions…

Hara discusses how the Japanese American Plaza comes about and how the moment is significant to the Japanese American Community . Hara is active in the community and participates in the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for awhile. He…

Hara discusses his occupation experience in Japan and his contribution as a Nisei. During occupation, Hara's duties involve translation and interpreting. Hara describes first experience in an interrogation is with a Japanese Admiral. He also helps…

Hara discusses his military routines in basic training and the relationship between Mainland boys and Hawaiian boys. When Hara graduates basic training, there is discrimination in the military. The Caucasian soldiers receives the higher ranks than…

George Hara discusses temporary detention center and camp life at Minidoka Concentration Camp before leaving to Delaware for medical school. While in college, Hara experience a few discrimination experiences. He gets fired for being Japanese…

Hara discusses his influential teachers during his school years and before evacuation, the High Y Club through him a banquet. As a a result of his Mother's values to work hard and higher education, Hara's aspiration is to go to medical school. He…

Hara discusses his name, date of birth and birth place. His parents are Issei and his Father comes to the United States for better opportunities. Hara's Father works in various places before leasing a hotel in Portland called Austria Hotel. Growing…

Iwasaki talks about his return to Hillsboro, going back to the farm and meeting his future wife. He would get married and have children, continuing on with his career in farming, growing vegetables and flowers and even experimenting with wasabi later…

Iwasaki talks about his involvement with the Lost Battalion campaign. There, he would endure cold weather, including snow, and shooting mortars through heavy forested areas. Following this, they would head to the French Riviera, where they would…

Before Iwasaki would be shipped overseas, he would be able to get a furlough to head back home to Oregon, where he would have a very emotional time with his family. After that, he talks about his first experiences while overseas, going first to…

Iwasaki talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had been deferring his induction, he would have no choice this time around, and would be inducted at Fort Lewis in Washington. He would be assigned first to the armored…

Iwasaki begins the interview talking about his family, as his parents came from Shiga prefecture in Japan and settling first in British Columbia, Canada followed by Hillsboro, Oregon. His family would own a 50-acre farm in Oregon, harvesting…

Kinoshita discusses being sent to mechanic school, and then losing his rank as sergeant when Japanese American soldiers were transferred out of the 92nd Reconnaissance. He then talks about going to Camp Shelby and his encounters with local…

Kinoshita discusses his experiences being a litter-bearer, and picking up wounded soldiers. He then talks about his experience learning about the end of the war in Europe and recalls Italians civilians' reactions to this news. He also talks about his…

Kinoshita discusses dances at Camp Shelby; and talks about Hawaiian soldiers speaking Pidgin English and the interactions between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. After Camp Shelby, Kinoshita traveled by train to Camp Henry, and recalls a story…

Kinoshita discusses the reasons why his parents moved from Japan to Oregon and growing up in Oregon in a farming community. He also talks about attending Japanese language school, his sister's experience being sent to Japan to attend school, his…

Namba discusses his post-war experiences with discrimination in Oregon and talks about a local pastor who showed kindness to Japanese Americans during that time. He then talks about his brother's military experiences including his involvement as part…

Namba discusses a Sergeant who was killed in action, as well as other soldiers who were wounded and killed in action when a mine was set off during a night patrol. He then discusses how war is portrayed in movies and television; provides some…

Namba talks about leaving Minidoka to go to Fort Douglas for induction; describes barbed wire; and talks about basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. He then talks about his brother's military service; traveling overseas on the Queen Mary;…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Namba discusses his childhood and post-war experiences with racism and discrimination. He then provides some thoughts about what the Pledge of Alligence and United States national anthem mean to him; discusses his childhood ambitions and heroes; and…

Namba discusses his siblings; and talks about his parents immigrating to the United States from Japan, his father's work as a farmer, and his mother's education in Japan. He then talks about traditional Japanese family values; his father's…

Kosobayashi discusses his experiences in Tokyo and the role that the Military Intelligence Service played. He details about his experiences about working with the 8th Army JAG and the trials he assisted on. Kosobayashi discusses about his life…

Kosobayashi discusses about his family, schooling, and briefly moving to Japan as a child. Kosobayashi details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. He also discusses about his induction into the…

Matsumoto discusses his family losing their possessions after they were incarcerated, and describes his childhood home. He then discusses the scholarship he received because of the American Friends of Service Committee that allowed him to attend…

Matsumoto discusses growing up in San Diego, and talks about his parents, his siblings, and attending Japanese language school. He then shares his reactions and feelings regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor, his experiences with discrimination, and…

Isamu Sugimoto talks about what it was like spending time with other Nisei soldiers. He discusses being discharged. He describes his life in Kansas City, Missouri. He talks about his employment after the war. He discusses reuniting with his…

Sugimoto talks about his friendship with Marvin Smith. He discusses the people who supported Japanese Americans amid their forced removal. He describes his family's forced removal. He explains what happened to his family's property after they were…

Sugimoto talks about his birthplace in Yuma, Arizona. He shares his parents backstories. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his parents marriage. He discusses his siblings. He talks about high school. He…

Teragawa discusses his time overseas in both Manila and Japan, working as an interpreter and translator. Spending over two years in Japan, he was able to do some exploring, including visiting his family, and seeing Mt. Fuji. After his discharge from…

After the forced removal from Los Angeles, Teragawa and family were rounded up and sent to the temporary detention center at the Santa Anita race tracks, where they would live in a horse stall with other families. After a couple of months, they were…

Teragawa begins the interview speaking about his family background and early childhood, where he moved to Japan at the age of four with his brother to get a Japanese education. Next, he speaks about moving back to the United States to work at his…

Same as part 2

Shimada continues his conversation about his work in California prior to joining the Army. At the time, he was one of the best in his business. Next, he speaks about being a cook in the Army, and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Finally, he…

Isamu Shimada begins the interview with his family background and what it was like to grow up in California. As his family was poor, he would grow up in a small house and would work for most of his childhood on the farms. It was there that he learned…

Yoshino continues his recollection of his time overseas in Japan during the occupation. First, he speaks about the different assignments that he had, working as an overseer for reporting and as an interpreter for officers. Next, he speaks about the…

Yoshino begins the interview speaking about the surrender of Japan and a little about his childhood, growing up as a Japanese American. Next, he talks about spending a small amount of time at Tule Lake Concentration Camp and working at farms and on…

Yoshino discusses about going overseas and his experiences in both Manila and Japan. He details being discharged, going to college, and meeting his wife. Yoshino also talks about his life during retirement and the legacy of the Niseis.

Yoshino discusses about growing up on a farm, his home life, and his family. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experience with forced removal. Yoshino also discusses about his experiences in Pinedale Temporary Detention Center…

Kitajima discusses his journey back home and his life after the army. He details about meeting his wife and his involvement the community. Kitajima also discusses his family and gives a message to future generations.

Kitajima discusses more about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his experiences in Korea and Russia post-war. Kitajima also discusses about Communism.

Kitajima discusses his family situation during the war. He details about being sent to the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and his experiences at Camp Savage and Fort Snelling. Kitajima also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines.

Kitajima discusses about his childhood and family. He details about living in Honolulu and moving to California. Kitajima also discusses about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and the events that followed.

Tanaka discusses his family. He gives a message to future generations. Tanaka also describes various photographs.

Tanaka discusses about Hideki Tojo, He details about his experiences in post-war Japan. Tanka also discusses about his family.

Tanaka discusses about Hideki Tojo. He details about his role as an interpreter and Japanese politics. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan.

Tanaka discusses about his interactions with Japanese soldiers and interrogations. He tells a story a about friend. Tanaka also about the contribution of Nisei linguist.

Tanaka discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his early experiences in the Military Intelligence Service at Camp Savage. Tanaka also discusses about his journey overseas and interrogations.

Tanaka discusses his childhood. He details about his schooling. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences with discrimination and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor.

Tanaka discusses about joining the service and his early experiences in the military. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. Tanaka also discusses about hid family.

Tanaka discusses about his family. He details his childhood. Tanaka also discusses about farming.

Post-war, John Akira Takekawa sat in on the war crime trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. The General Yamashita trial was daily and took approximately 30 to 60 days for the hearing. John also attended General Masaharu Homma's trial in Manila.

John Akira Takekawa was born on August 27, 1923, in Seattle, WA. John's parents immigrated from Japan to the United States. John lost his father when he was ten years old. John's mother raised three boys by herself. John recalls his mother was a…

Honda discusses about Seabrook Farms and working for 3M. He details about his wife, children, grandchildren, and the relationship with his brother. Honda also discusses about his involvement with Japanese Redress, his hopes for the future, and giving…

Honda continues to discuss the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and sheds some light on his high school sports career. He details about his experiences at the Fresno Temporary Detention Center, Jerome Concentration Camp, and in Cleveland, Ohio. Honda…

Honda discusses about his family and childhood upbringing. He details about his childhood friends, social activities, and his health as a child. Honda also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

This segment starts "in medias res" in which Uchiyama talks about his Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) experiences. He also discusses his participation in the Yokohama trials, where he worked on the defense counsel. He shares more recollections of…

Uchiyama talks about his training and experiences serving as an agent of the army's counterintelligence corps (CIC). As part of his assignment he was sent to Japan during the U.S. occupation. He talks about how he went through CIC training in the…

Uchiyama talks about how the war started while he was a student at UC Berkeley. He details about his experiences at internment camps. He also discusses how he attended law school at both Texas University and Harvard; and how he got drafted while he…

Uchiyama discusses his childhood experiences growing up in farming community in central California. He shares information of how his parents immigrated to the U.S. from Japan and what it was like for him living in a primarily Caucasian neighborhood…

Shintani speaks about the various weapons that the German soldiers used and more of his combat duties, including the Gothic Line push. Next, he talks about his various combat duties in France, including the rescue of the Lost Battalion. Once the war…

After graduating from high school, Shintani joined the Army, going to basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. It was here that he saw firsthand, the segregation throughout the South. At the same time, he would see fighting between Hawaiian and…

Shintani begins the interview giving an in depth description of his family background. As his father passed away when he was only 1, most of his childhood was impacted by his mother and siblings. Moving from Seattle to Chicago, his mother worked at a…

Sasaki discusses about the relationship between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers, being assigned to the Antitank Company, and going overseas. He details his combat experiences, the realities of war, and his experiences in France. Sasaki also discusses…

Sasaki discusses about his family, home life, schooling, and childhood. He details about college and his experiences with discrimination. Sasaki also discusses about Pearl Harbor, the aftermath, his experiences Puyallup Temporary Detention Center and…

Fujimoto continues to talk about the extent to which he heard stories from soldiers that returned from Europe. He discusses his return to Colorado. He shares his thoughts on the end of World War Two and the atomic bombing of Japan. He describes his…

Fujimoto shares his knowledge of World War Two in Europe. He describes the different means of communication his family had in the 1940s. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his experiences with discrimination. He…

Fujimoto talks about his birthplace in California. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his parents physical appearances. He discusses his parent's marriage. He lists his siblings. He talks about his family's move…

Kishiue displays photographs of himself in military uniform while at Schofield Barracks and Makin Island. He also shows photographs of personnel from a civilian camp in Saipan. There is also a display of medals he earned from the Military.

Kishiue talks about medals and honors he received in the military; and his experiences regarding returning to the United States. He talks about his life after his military discharge, and his family.

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating prisoners of war and cave flushing. He also discusses experiences in Okinawa and working for one week with CIC. In addition he shares a story regarding a Japanese military officer who…

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating Japanese soldiers and civilians. He describes what the civilian camps were like; and military combat he had participated in.

Kishibue talks about his MISLS training at Camp Savage, and how he spent his free time in Minnesota. He talks about basic training experiences at Camp Robinson and his experiences at Makin Island. He also talks about race issues he faced in the…

Kishiue discusses his early years in California's King County. He talks about his family background and their experiences evacuating their home during WW2. He also talks about being drafted in the military before the Pearl Harbor attack; and race…

Nishio discusses his family and post-war life. He details about his thoughts on the atomic bombings. Nishio also discusses his community activities and then gives advice to future generations.
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