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George Suzuki discusses Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and his experiences there. He details about his social activities in Santa Anita and Gila River.Suzuki also discusses about his experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp.

Suzuki discusses leaving Gila River Concentration Camp and going to Chicago. He details about his experiences in Chicago and being drafted. Suzuki also discusses about his experiences in basic training.

Suzuki discusses being at Fort Benning when the war ends and going to Japan for occupation. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan.
Suzuki discusses his military career and the additional training he received.

Suzuki discusses his military history and changing assignments during his 28 years of service. He details about his family and his experiences in post-war Japan. Suzuki also discusses about his views of the military, camp experience, and the Nisei…

Kawaguchi discusses his childhood growing up in San Francisco, California, including talking about going to school, his hobbies, religion and his involvement with the church, and going to Japanese school. He also recalls a story regarding the…

Kawaguchi discusses his experiences at Topaz Incarceration Camp in terms of signing a statement to pledge his allegiance against Japan; and provides an explanation of the term "concentration camps" in regards to Japanese incarceration. He also…

Kawaguchi discusses his duties running a military training school, writing to his family while he was living in Japan, and recalls stories regarding resettlement after World War Two. He then goes on to talk about returning to the United States and…

Kawaguchi discusses training at Fort Snelling for an anticipated invasion of Japan and having to learn Japanese language as part of his training. He also provides his thoughts about the future of Japanese Americans and Japanese culture, and the…

Kawaguchi discusses about learning of Japan's surrender, his journey to Japan, and his early experiences in Japan. He details about what Tokyo looked like, he experiences in Fukuoka, and his interactions with both Japanese and American citizens.…

Kawaguchi discusses the roles that censorship played. He details about the Americans trapped in Japan during the war, those kicked out of the America, and his thoughts towards the loyalty questionnaire. Kawaguchi also discusses his experiences as an…

Kawaguchi discusses more about censorship, education reform, and traveling throughout Japan. He details about his experiences in Niigata and his reasons for coming home. Kawaguchi also discusses about is involvement with veteran organizations,…

Fujimoto discusses about his family and early life. He details about his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details about getting drafted and training. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences as a replacement in Italy.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Mr. Fujimoto discusses about his family message to future generations, and photographs. Mrs. discusses about about her family. She also details about going to Japan and her experiences there.

Yokogawa discusses moving to the mainland from Hawaii as a child and settling in Los Angeles, as well as what life was like after relocating to Japan after high school. He also talks about returning back to the United States, getting drafted, and his…

Yokogawa discusses experiences with discrimination growing up, and includes a story where his wife was treated unfairly due to race. He also recalls life at Fort Riley and at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) at Camp Savage,…

Yokogawa discusses his experiences in Rangoon, including staying in a Baptist mission house, and visiting a temple while sightseeing. He also talks about the many locations he was stationed within India and Pakistan and being stationed with a British…

Takimoto discusses about his family and childhood. He details bout Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takimto also discusses about his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.

Takimoto discusses about the loyalty questionnaire and his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp. He details about leaving camp and going to school. Takimoto also discusses about being drafted and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his experiences during the Korean War. Takimoto also discusses about his experiences post Korean War.

Takimoto discusses his experiences during the Vietnam War. He details about his his family and experiences in Okinawa. Takimoto also discusses about his employment, current events, and the role Nisei women played.

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…

Guy talks more about his combat experiences, including taking heavy casualties at the Battle of Rapido River. There he would receive a wound and be hospitalized, requiring surgery in Naples. While there, he would meet members of the 100th Infantry…

Guy discusses the German weapons that were used in the war, including the screaming mimi's which is what ended up wounding him during combat. Next, he talks about the Alamo Regiment from San Antonio, combat throughout Southern France, which earned…

Guy discusses more about his war experiences, and how he came to befriend Marty Higgins. He talks about about his combat towards the end of the war, and getting liberated. After this, he would return to the United States, where he would settle back…

Oka discusses what it was like growing up in Watsonville, California. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while living there. Oka also discusses what it was like upon returning to the United States.

Oka discusses his family and living situation once his father decided to go to Japan. He details Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and basic training. Oka also discusses about working as a truck driver, infantry training, joining the Military…

Oka discusses his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) while stationed in the Philippines. He details about his family that were in Japan during World War Two and his experiences while in Japan. Oka also discusses returning to the…

Oka discusses finding a career and other aspects of his post-war military life. He shows of his medals and gives a message to future generations. Oka also shows a number of photographs.

Oka discusses living in pre-war Japan. He details about his duties while in the Philippines and arriving in Japan. Oka also discusses his duties while in Japan and his interactions with Japanese citizens.

Oka discusses the translation process and helping the Japanese citizens. He details about culture differences and reflects on time that he spent in Japan. Oka also gives advice to the United States Army regarding occupation.

Moteki discusses his family and their history. He details about visiting Japan post-World War Two.

Moteki discusses about his siblings and neighborhood. He details about his childhood. Moteki also discusses about the pre-war political situation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Moteki discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences Gila River Concentration Camp and his experiences in post-war Korea. Moteki also discusses about communication with his family and his post-war life.

Moteki discusses about veterans and post-military experiences. He details about his work in therapy. Moteki also discusses about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and his experiences in Korea.

Moteki discusses about his social life and meeting his wife. He details about his wife. Moteki also discusses about his daughter.

Shindo discusses growing up in Los Angeles, family, and Japanese language school. He details about his love for music came to be and his experiences as a musician. Shindo also discusses about high school.

Shindo discusses attending college for engineering and how his interest switched to music. He details about December 7, 1941 and his experiences with discrimination. Shindo also discusses about volunteering for relocation to Manzanar Concentration…

Shindo discusses his experiences in Manzanar. He details about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service, and becoming instructor. Shindo also discusses his interactions with German prisoners, favorite music, and his feelings towards…

Shindo discusses about taking the opportunity to earn more about music and visiting his family in Manzanar. He details about his life after being discharged, forming his first band, and pursing a career in music. Shindo also discusses about his…

Shindo discusses his mindset while composing music. He details about how his background played a role in his career and the Nikkei social scene. Shindo also discusses about his family Sammy Davis Jr., and gives advice to those wanting to be in…

Shindo discusses his favorite projects and his trip to Japan. He details about becoming a professor, how education played a part in his education, and gives a message to future generations. Shibdo also discusses albums and photographs.

Hanamura discussing growing up in Alameda California; discusses his father, mother, and their marriage; and talks about his father's involvement with church. He then talks about his siblings including discussing his brother getting drafted, his other…

Hanamura discusses prejudice he faced growing up, and also discusses his childhood friendships. He then talks about going to college, working on an apple farm, getting drafted, and his experiences after the attack on Pearl Harbor including leaving…

Hanamura talks about his duties while at Camp Grant as part of the Quartermaster Corps; discusses receiving weapons at Camp Shelby; and talks about some of the other officers in his group and best friend in the Army. He then talks about visiting his…

Hanamura talks about his combat experiences in Bruyeres, discusses his friend who was killed in action, and talks about becoming an assistant squad leader. He then talks about the weather in Southern France, Army food, the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Hanamura talks about church services while overseas, interactions with German POWs; and discusses the Gothic Line battle including his experiences getting shot and taken to the aid station, and his leg amputation as a result of that wound. He then…

Hanamura recites a poem he learned in school, discusses how he would like to be remembered, talks about his friendships with other veterans, and discusses meeting his wife. Lastly, Hanamura talks about his children, discusses the differences between…

Ken Nihei was born in 1925 in Sacramento, CA. Ken grew up in Sacramento until he was seven years old and moved to Hayward (Bay Area) during the Great Depression.

Ken's father immigrated to the United States from Fukushima-ken, Japan, to help his…

Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.

Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…

Overseas, every two months Ken's company moved to a different area.
Ken's first battle was on Mount Fogarito. In the Headquarters Platoon, Ken did various assignments. One job was to be a litter-bearer and carry the wounded soldiers off the…

Post-war, Ken Nihei and five other 442nd men escorted 400 German POWs to Rosenheim, Germany. Ken was in Italy for a year and eight months before going home.

In August 1946, Ken returned to the United States, and he took a short road trip to San…

Ken Nihei discussed the poem If by Rudyard Kipling and how it applies to life.

Ken recalls his wife Masuko and life with their children, Westley Paul and Judith Ann. Ken hopes his children to live a good life and enjoy every moment.

Yamate talks about his parent's early lives. He describes his family farm in Modesto, California. He discusses the dynamics in his family's home. He talks about his childhood visit to Japan. He describes the farm work that his family performed.…

Yamate talks about his Japanese identity and values. He continues to discuss his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences in Japanese language school. He describes the nature of his family's contact with relatives with Japan. Yamate…

Yamate talks about his family's forced removal. He talks about his brief stint in medical school. He discusses his visits with his family while they were in Amache Concentration Camp. He describes his family's life in Colorado. Yamate talks about…

Yamate talks about the Battle of Bulge. He discusses 552nd Field Artillery Battalion and the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his unit, 44th division. He describes the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He talks about the end of World War Two and…

Yamate explains how he returned to civilian life. He talks about making a home in Chula Vista, California. He continues to discuss his wife. He talks about the Nisei Memorial and citizenship rights for Japanese Americans. Yamate explains how he met…

Tsuida discusses his family and growing up in San Diego. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Tsudia also discusses about his early experiences in the military and basic training.

Tsuida discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences in combat. Tsuida also talks about the realities of war and the Lost Battalion

Tsuida discusses about his experiences in the European Theater. He details about going home and his career. Tsuida also discusses about his family, reflects on his life, and gives his opinion on certain topics.

Yamada discusses being born on August 21, 1940 in Hawaii. His parents
immigrated in 1910 from Japan for the opportunity to be a contract labor. In Japan, their families are farmers. Yamada admires his Father because he bought rental property,…

Yamada discusses playing sports in his childhood such as barefoot football, tennis and fishing with his friends. One holiday that his family celebrates annually is the Emperor of Japan's birthday and New Year (because of the food). They also sing…

Yamada discusses his experience on the Mainland and going overseas. Yamada is not at Camp McCoy for very long. Only a few months for infantry training for the 100th Infantry Battalion. Later he volunteers for Military Intelligence Service.


Yamada discusses his time in the Dutch East Indies now know as Indonesia. He describes seeing a lot of casualties of Prisoners of War (POWs). He says the action happens so quickly that bodies keeping piling up.

During his time overseas, Yamada…

Tom Yamada discusses stories from his time in service. During occupation in Japan, Yamada works with naval officer Lieutenant Lim. 20 years later, Yamada runs into Lieutenant Lim at Radio City Music Hall and thinks of him kindly . Yamada also thinks…

Ozaki discusses his upbringing in Long Beach. Ozaki also talks about his friendships with people of other ethnicities and his siblings. He also talks about trips to Little Tokyo and his encounter with a samurai. Ozaki discusses his religious…

Ozaki talks about his experiences while attending college. Ozaki explains how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his family. He goes on to discuss his time living and working in Manzanar Concentration Camp. Ozaki reveals that he worked in Conrad,…

Yoji Ozaki describes what life was like in the Jerome Concentration Camp. Ozaki explains what happened after he was drafted into the Army and he talks about his voyage to France. He describes what life was like oversees when he was serving with the…

Ozaki talks about his experiences on the Gothic Line. He goes on to talk about his V-E Day experiences in Genoa. Ozaki also talks about the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…

Ken Tamura severes in the 442nd Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.
He is born in Okmulgee, OK on March 27, 1923. His parents are from Japan, and he has three sisters and a brother. Ken grows up in an isolated area on a farm.

At home, Ken speaks…

Ken Tamura discusses his childhood friend Woody and their friendship. The Tamura family sells their farm in Oklahoma and moves to Japan. Before arriving in Japan, the Tamura family visits California and Hawaii.

In Japan, Ken and his family live…

Ken Tamura discusses camp life and waiting to leave. His first opportunity to leave Heart Mountain is to work on a sugar beet farm. Another time Ken receives a sponsor to go to Chicago. In Chicago, Ken gets a job at the Chicago Bar Association.…

Ken Tamura discusses the effects of war on the soldiers, civilians, and the country. When Ken first arrives in France, many of the 442nd are either killed in action or wounded in action from the Lost Battalion rescue. In Europe during this time,…

Ken Tamura discusses his war experiences in Italy. He says it is scary times, but he is thankful to be alive. Ken believes the Nisei contribution in World War Two will help future generations against discrimination. Ken says he is an American, he has…

Ken Tamura discusses his friendship with other translators. In Japan, there is a shortage of food, and the locals did not have money to buy anything. The locals sometimes will befriend the GIs to get supplies to survive.

Ken returns to Chicago in…

Ken Tamura discusses his watch store and sharing his war experience with his customers who will listen. Ken recollects one customer who will not acknowledge the contribution of the Nisei during World War Two.

Ken shares a message for future…

Saiki and the interviewers introduce themselves. Saiki describes his parents immigration to America. He talks about farming. He lists his siblings. He discusses what he did in his childhood leisure time. He describes family meals. He explains how his…

Saiki shares the values that he learned from his parents. He describes the Japanese American community in his neighborhood. He talks about being drafted to go to Japan. He explains his religious background. He discusses living in a church dormitory…

Saiki talks about Japanese prisoners of war. He describes the clerical work that he did for the MIS. He discusses being discharged. He talks about his return to the market business in Hawaii. He describes his miscellaneous travels through Japan. He…

Saiki continues to describe the post-war living conditions in Japan. He talks about his wife. He discusses his work for a market in Hawaii. He explains how his military background helped him in other aspects of his life. He discusses his journey back…

Mr. Hajiro describes his early childhood growing up during the Depression on the island of Maui. As his parents were poor, Mr. Hajiro was forced to drop out of school to work in the plantations to help support his family. He eventually traveled to…

Mr. Hajiro discusses his first court martial, which in turn led to his transfer to I Company and his training with the BAR machine gun. He continues on to talk about combat he saw in Bruyeres and Biffontaine, where he captured several German POWs.…

Mr. Hajiro discusses life after the war, including his return trip home, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and later the Medal of Honor, and his career after the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects on what helped him survive during the war and gives his…

In this brief final portion, Mr. Hajiro talks about how he met and married his wife. He goes on to talk about visiting his parents after the war and reflects on some of the aspirations he held prior to the start of the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects of his…

Akamine describes his family structure and history. He describes what life was like on a plantation. He talks about his primary school education and Japanese language school. Akamine briefly talks about what he did in his leisure time as a child. He…

Akamine talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He also explains the hierarchy among his fathers siblings. He discusses Japanese cultural values and his experiences while working in a hotel. Akamine talks about learning a trade and…

Akamine reveals the effects of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the Big Five companies in Hawaii, his electric work, and the draft. Akamine talks about his basic training experiences and the journey to Europe. He elaborates on his struggles…
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