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Ishida discusses his hospital stay for an ingrown toenail which caused him to miss combat duty during the Gothic Line. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn; his guard duty assignment; visiting Switzerland while on leave; getting discharged;…

Ishida discusses receiving a Purple Heart and other awards and medals; and shows and describes his honorable discharge papers and a document from President Truman praising him for his service. He then shows a Certificate of Recognition; and shows and…

Yoshioka discusses his parents including his father’s occupation, and talks about his siblings. He then talks about working on a nursery growing up, and assisting with selling carnations at flower markets in Northern California. Yoshioka also…

Yoshioka talks about religion and attending Buddhist church, discusses his sister’s name, experiences with discrimination post-war, and his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor. He then talks about the reasons why he volunteered for the…

Yoshioka discusses life at Camp Savage during Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and his assignment in Australia translating prisoners of war (POW) interrogations. He then talks about his guard duty assignment in New Guinea, other…

Yoshioka discusses the time he spent stationed in Australia including a furlough in Sydney, his whereabouts at the end of the war, and going back to the United States where he was discharged at Camp McCoy. He then talks about attending college in…

Shiozaki discusses what it was like growing up in Westport, Oregon and his family. He details about his home life . Shiozaki also discusses about his schooling and father's job.

Shiozaki discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about being drafted and his early experiences in the Army. Shiozaki also talks about the time he visited Japan in his youth.

Shiozaki discusses going overseas, landing in Italy, and life as an infantryman. He details about the Lost Battalion, The Gothic Line, and what made Nisei soldiers great. Shoizaki also discusses about General Clark and getting wounded.

Shiozaki discusses getting wounded, Champagne Campaign, The Gothic Line, and his post-war experiences in Europe. He details about coming home and his post-war life. Mrs. Shiozaki gets interviewed and Shiozaki discusses about photographs.

Uriu discusses his parents, his father’s occupation as a farmer, school; and his family’s forced removal to Colorado and the living conditions there. He then talks about his childhood including discussing working on the farm, visiting San Francisco,…

Uriu talks about the effects that the Attack on Pearl Harbor had on his family, values growing up, his mother’s death, and celebrating holidays. He then talks about getting drafted, going to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and…

Uriu talks about his siblings including the death of one of his brothers; and life while in Japan including staying in Kyoto and working on copying documents in Tokyo. He then talks about the food and civilians in Japan, sightseeing, traveling to…

Uriu discusses his children and their occupations, receiving medals, and provides a message to future generations. Lastly, Uriu shows and describes pictures of himself, his family, friends, and his discharge certificate.

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses name, birth date, birthplace and familial description. Yonemura's Father Tameki Yonemura and Mother Keku Yonemura
immigrate to the United States (US) with the early wave of Issei. When Yonemura's parents arrive…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses his parents' personality. His Father is a philosophical person who enjoys reading and subscribes to the Rafu Shimpo. His Mother is very stoic and handles the household finances. Growing up in a large family, he…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses in 1941 he is in his third year of law school and works part time as a librarian monitor. Yonemura learns at the news of Pearl Harbor through a friend. Yonemura is in disbelief by the news of events. The following…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses having a lot of support despite facing discrimination. At Camp Savage, Yonemura is on the bull gang for eight or ten days until getting into Language School. He studies hard and is class 13. Yonemura says the…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses the Battle of Solomon Sea and gets promoted to team leader in the translation group. He receives the Bronze Star for his service.

Yonemura is with Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) from October…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses being in Japan for occupation from September 1945 to late January 1946. His duties range from meeting with Nisei expatriates; working for war crime trials; and being the eyes and ears for General MacArthur for lines…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses his friendship with Mine Okubo. Okubo is a Japanese American artist who illustrates her experience in camp and is the author of "Citizen 133660".

Post-war, Yonemura works in the General Consul Office from 1953…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses translators and linguist for the Allied Translation and Interpreter Section (ATIS) during the occupation.

Doi begins the interview talking about the sugar plantation that he grew up on in Hawaii. He would attend Japanese language school while also attending Honokaʻa School. Next, he talks about his parents, coming over from Yamaguchi prefecture and…

Doi talks more about his high school education, attending Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, where he would learn social values as well as further his education. He would also partake in acting and even get to take part in a Huckleberry Finn play.…

Doi talks about his reasons leading up to joining the Army, including having feelings that the United States would get involved with the war, and forming the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He would be inducted and be shipped over to the mainland,…

Doi talks more about his time at Camp Shelby, giving a couple of stories of close-calls, one including a grenade and the other including a mine that ended up being a dud. After this, he would head to Europe, where his duties included running supplies…

Doi talks about his whereabouts when he found out about V-E day, deciding to volunteer with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) to fight in the Pacific Theater. However, while in transition between the Europe and Asia, he would be on a furlough…

Doi talks about his involvement with the Democratic Revolution, working with various senators and representatives and eventually getting appointed a judgeship. After this, he speaks about the statehood of Hawaii and what that did for the community.…

Doi finishes the interview talking about his family background and how he is getting along after retirement, doing pro bono work and sharing memories with friends.

Masato Eddy Kurushima is born on December 6, 1924, in Brawley, CA.
Masato changes his name to Eddy because of the confusion of his Japanese name with his sister's name in high school.

Eddy grows up on the farm and he describes his childhood and…

Masato Eddy Kurushima records his childhood through his drawings. He shows an illustration about his home life. During Christmas and New Year's time, the family makes mochi. Making mochi on special occasions is a Japanese tradition that Eddy's…

Masato Eddy Kurushima and his family go to Japan for a few years. During his time in Japan, he sees the country militarizing. After a year of recovery, Eddy's father decides to return to the United States earlier. After living in the United States,…

On December 7, 1941, Masato Eddy Kurushima was at the free market selling their harvest and heard the news about Pearl Harbor. Eddy was in shock and felt things would go back to normal the next day. The Pearl Harbor attack changed the lives of the…

In the six months at Fresno, the Kurushima family learns how to make the most of the situation in Jerome. Masato Eddy Kurushima says the barracks at Jerome are similar to Fresno Fair Grounds Relocation Center. He describes the living conditions and…

At Camp Savage, Masato Eddy Kurushima learns Japanese to be am interpreter. He recalls studying late at night to learn the vocabulary and kanji characters.

Eddy also goes to basic training for eight weeks. His learns infantry training and…

Masato "Eddy" Kurushima discusses why the natives in the Pacific did not like anyone with Japanese ancestry. Eddy recalled an encounter with the Filipino natives and was mistaken for Japanese soldiers. Eddy says there was always a guard with the…

Masato Eddy Kurushima discusses the contributions of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) during the Occupation of Japan. Unlike the 442nd, 100th, and 552nd, the MIS wartime efforts are not well known because they were a top-secret unit. Eddy…

Inouye discusses his father including his immigration to the United States; employment; and characteristics. He then talks about his siblings; his favorite subjects in school; languages spoken at home; attending Japanese language school; and values…

Inouye discusses the community he grew up in including attending events and church; and talks about his religion. He then talks about some of his childhood hopes and dreams for the future; learning about Japan from his parents; discusses some…

Inouye discusses his experiences applying to graduate school; and talks about taking a French language course while at Meiji University, and taking summer courses at UC Berkeley. He then talks about his father's death; returning to the United States…

Inouye discusses his experiences staying at a sanitarium while he had tuberculosis; describes the term "evacuation"; and defines "yellow peril" and "Shikata ga nai". He then talks about his experiences after forced removal; and discusses how he met…

Inouye discusses John Aiso; talks about his knowledge of the war in Europe while teaching at Military Intelligence Service (MIS); and discusses the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion. He then talks about "no-no boys"; discusses…

Inouye discusses General Ridgway; talks about his experiences an an interpreter; and discusses his desire to join the foreign service. He then talks about his post-war military service experiences; receiving the Legion of Merit; and discusses the…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

Masato Mauch Yamashita is born on December 27, 1924, in Lodi, CA. Lloyd Katsuto Fujitani is born January 1, 1917, in Lodi, CA. Both Masato and Lloyd are with 442nd Company I. Masato, and Lloyd's…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

Masato Yamashita and Lloyd Fujitani recall hearing the news about Pearl Harbor on the radio. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, anyone who is a leader of a Japanese Organization is taken away by…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

When the news of the war is over, Masato Yamashita hears that they might go to the Pacific, and soldiers from I Company sign up for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

At the end of the…

"Masa" discusses growing up in Hawaii, with Issei parents and his siblings. He talks about the ethnic enclaves that developed, due to plantation workers. He talks about family life as his parents owned a general store. He also talks about political…

"Masa" discusses his military training at Fort Hood (Texas) and how went to Europe. He shares his experiences in New York City for furlough before deployment. He also talks about his combat experiences in Europe and how his life fair after his…

Masayasu discusses growing up in Sacramento and Martha discusses growing up in Portland. They both speak about their experiences with Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Masayasu details about his time in Japan during the Occupation. They both discuss…

Tsuida discusses his family and growing up in San Diego. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Tsudia also discusses about his early experiences in the military and basic training.

Tsuida discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences in combat. Tsuida also talks about the realities of war and the Lost Battalion

Tsuida discusses about his experiences in the European Theater. He details about going home and his career. Tsuida also discusses about his family, reflects on his life, and gives his opinion on certain topics.

Yokoyama discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Yokoyama also discusses about the values taught to him and living in his hometown.

Yokoyama discusses about his childhood and the events prior to Pearl Harbor. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Yokoyama discusses about his military training. He details the wars end and going overseas . Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and post-war Japan.

Yokoyama discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about meeting his wife.

Hashimoto explains how his parents immigrated to the United States. He talks about his parents marriage. He describes his father and mother. He discusses his father's accident and the way it changed his mother's role in his family. He talks about his…

Hashimoto describes his travels across Hawaii for Judo tournaments. He talks about his memories of secondary school. He describes each of his siblings lives and careers. He briefly discusses his high school graduation and his college studies.…

Hashimoto talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly discusses his religious upbringing. He describes his work with a police department. He also talks about discrimination against Japanese Americans. Hashimoto discusses…

Hashimoto talks about Camp Savage. He describes his squad's military invasion in the Pacific. He talks about his experiences while stationed in the Pacific region. He discusses his service for the Counter Intelligence Service. Hashimoto talks about…

Hashimoto talks about his military service while in the United States. He describes the new military training he received. He talks about his retirement and his security work for defense companies. He discusses double agents and his intelligence work…


Photo of a soldier in front of the flag pole and the MASH HQ sign

Photo of MASH HQ sign and American flag

Photo of a soldier receiving anesthesia. The back of the picture reads: Toshiko: This is a typical scene in one of our advance Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in Korea. There are about 5 of these. I took this picture with you in mind - the nurse at…

Masuo Tsuda talks about his family coming from the Ehime prefecture in Japan, and settling in the Watsonville area of California, starting a farm. Masuo would grow up on that farm, learning how to farm while attending both english and Japanese…

Tsuda discusses playing football in high school and being named the team captain. Next, he talks about where he was when he first heard on the radio that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. Due to the executive order 9066, he and his family would…

Tsuda talks about facing discrimination after the war and not being served at a gas station. He would go on to volunteer with the Army, get inducted at Fort Douglas and began basic training at Camp Shelby. There, he would join up with E company and…

Tsuda continues his recollection of his experiences overseas including getting trench foot and dealing with cold weather. He next talks about the various campaigns he was involved with including Bruyeres and the experience of liberating that area.…

After his time overseas, Tsuda would head back to the United States and get his discharge from the Army. He would attend school with the GI Bill and learn about horticulture. He would become a landscape contractor and would marry and have children.…

In this segment, Matsuji Sakumoto begins by introducing himself and proceeds to describe his childhood home in Hawaii. He also discusses a variety of other topics, including school, his family, and different activities he participated in as a child.…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including the Japanese language and culture, sports, his family religion, and taking up smoking cigarettes. Throughout the storytelling, Sakumoto also discusses his parents in…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto begins by discussing his favorite school subjects before elaborating on his interest in history, and specifically military history. He then recalls visiting Gettysburg while stationed on the East coast and how…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recounts parts of his military service. He begins by discussing his time at basic training before moving on to his unit, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He elaborates by discussing the chemistry between the…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses his memories from combat in Europe with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He goes into detail when talking about specific battles and also talks about the mission to rescue the "Lost Battalion."

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recalls more memories from his days in combat. He begins by remembering soldiers that were killed in action before moving on to discussing his trench foot and the time he spent in the hospital treating that.…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including family, post-war activities, and his career working overseas. Specifically, Sakumoto discusses his feelings on General Dahlquist before concluding on his war…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mutt" Sakumoto first recalls meeting Jack Wilson, a member of the "Lost Battalion," at a military hospital. He elaborates, stating that he and Wilson had remained in touch for several years after the war ended. Sakumoto…

Matsumato on the stairs to 4th Plattoon Co. [Company] C-29 Battalion barracks.


Maya Miyamoto was born on January 28, 1922, in Carmel Valley, CA. His father and mother were from Kumamoto, Japan. Maya's father taught him respect, how to get along with others, honesty, and do not shame the family. Maya said his parents wished him…
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