Iwasaki talks about his involvement with the Lost Battalion campaign. There, he would endure cold weather, including snow, and shooting mortars through heavy forested areas. Following this, they would head to the French Riviera, where they would…
Minamide discusses the war ending and homecoming. Before being discharge at Camp Beale, he is ask to join the Military Intelligence Service . Since his Father is passed away, he feels his duties are to return home to his family. When returning home,…
Akira Otani continues to talk about how he ensured that his father safely returned to Hawaii. He also talks about reuniting with his family. He shares his father's feelings toward the United States government after his imprisonment. He discusses his…
Lasseigne discusses being a replacement and scout. He shares his experience being part of the Lost Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team rescue. He recalls the first time meeting Nisei and learning about the interment camp. Post-war,…
Arthur Warren Cunningham continues to talks about having trench foot. He shares his best experiences during his military service. He talks about the capture of his Commander Marty Higgins. He explains how he reconnected with the 141st Infantry…
Nishioka describes the European countryside and Bruyères. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and European locals. He discusses the end of World War Two and his subsequent tour of Florence, Italy. He explains how he got back to Hawaii. Nishioka…
Umeda talks a little bit more about his time in Seoul, translating newspapers during the occupation. He would return to Japan, where they gave him the option of staying in the military or heading home and a friend convinced him to go home and…
In this segment, Uyemura talks about firing off different kinds of weapons while at Camp Roberts. Based off of points he accumulated while serving, he was able to go home before his group and was later discharged. After finding his family, they…
Akamine continues to describes his end of war duties. He talks about his wartime injury. He describes an encounter he had with two Italian women. He explains the relationship between Hawaiian soldiers and reading. Akamine talks about weapons…
Nishimura describes his recovery time in a hospital. He explains what happened as he awaited transport to the hospital. He talks about the fruits and vegetables in Italy. He discusses his time in a field hospital. He briefly describes the 100th…
Ozaki talks more about what it was like to grow up in Florida, including the segregation that he saw, being in the South and how that compared to the segregation at Camp Shelby. Next, he talks about his assignment while in Italy, which was to guard…
Saiki continues his conversation about being in Camp Shelby and they would be given the chance to take a furlough to the American concentration camps where he had cousins living. After that, he would be shipped out to Europe, joining up with the…
Charles "Charley" Toyoji Ijima is born on January 8, 1925, in Makaweli, Kauai, Hawaii. His family lives on a sugar cane plantation. His parents are from Niigata Prefecture of Japan. Charley's father, Shozo Ijima, comes to Hawaii by himself first.…
Choichi discusses being discharged, his journey back to Hawaii and how he met his wife. He details about his admiration for Nisei veterans and gives a message to future generations. Choichi also discusses about his life and career after the army.
Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses basic training and learning about relocation camps. Training with K Company is rough because it is day and night training. He recalls going overseas takes over a month and lands in Italy. On the journey overseas,…
Dan Uchimoto discusses the effects of war and the atomic bomb. He shares his opinion of having a military career for future generations. Dan feels going to college and educating yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Don discusses his last duties towards the end of the war are marching and holding positions. Don mentions the dangers of minefields and German Schu-mines. Two weeks after the Gothic Line breaks, he recalls encountering friendly fire and witnessing…
Kodama continues his recollection of his time visiting family in Hiroshima and seeing the devastation of the city a year after the atomic bomb had been dropped. Shortly after this, he had the chance to re-enlist in the Army as a 2nd lieutenant but…
Edward Fujii's interview is with his wife, Aya Fujii.
When Edward Fujii receives his draft notice, he reports to Fort Dix, Utah, for his induction into the Army and then goes to Camp Fannin, TX, for basic training.
Edward Kanaya talks about his visits to an Italian opera and symphony. He describes being attached to the Service Company. He discusses playing at military dances. Kanaya explains his duties at the division headquarters. He describes the type of…
Nakamura continues his recollection of his time visiting Hiroshima and how the Japanese there were very welcoming to him. Next, he speaks about his discharge from the Army and staying in Tokyo to work as a civilian. He first joined the Civil…
Nakasone discusses his marriage and how he met her at the University of Minnesota while he was a student and she was a librarian. He talks more about his family and names his grandchildren. Next, he talks about settling in Minnesota and his military…
Suyama continues to talk about his first encounter with German soldiers. He discusses his studies at the University of Florence. He describes being discharged. He talks about discrimination in higher education. He discusses the first Nisei soldier to…
Fukuhara would finish up his assignments in Japan, working in Kumamoto and befriending the Yakuza. However, before heading back home, he decided to go AWOL and see other parts of Japan while he was there. He would end up seeing his father and…
At Fort Snelling, Frank Hiratsuka works in the postal section processing incoming mail. On his weekends off, sometimes Frank flies home to visit his parents. Frank is later assigned to go to Schofield in Honolulu, HI.
In this segment, Kimura talks about his time in Nice and how fast his company came to the rescue of the 92nd division. He also mentions his reaction to hearing the war had ended. Kimura also talks about his time as Sergeant and the special treatment…
Morimoto describes the time that he tripped on a booby trap and was injured, and his comrades' experiences gambling in Monte Carlo. He also talks about going to the hospital due to his trench foot condition which caused him to get reclassified as…
Frank Matsuda hears the news the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp to take his physical exam. He passes the physical exam and goes to Camp Shelby for basic training. Frank is a BAR man…
Fujimoto talks about his family background and his childhood, growing up in southern California. Next, he speaks about his self identity and what it was like to grow up being a Japanese American, amongst a neighborhood of caucasians. Next, the…
Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…
Kitada discusses a soldier who was killed in action, talks about his experiences in Pompeii, and discusses black market trading and selling. He then talks about German artillery, combat experiences in Italy, and recalls some good experiences during…
Kitada talks about getting discharged, his post-war employment as a gardener, and discusses his children and grandchildren. He then talks about the differences between pre-war and present day segregation, discusses his thoughts regarding the 442nd…
Matsumura discusses the friendships he made in the field during the War - one friend who was killed in action towards the end of the War, and another who he remained friends with for decades. He then lists the numerous decorations and medals he…
Shiosaki discusses the [Saito] brothers' military service; talks about a Staff Sergeant; and discusses the end of the war including assisting with processing POWs. He then discusses the Army point system; discusses learning about President Franklin…
Yasukochi continues talking about seeing Dachau Concentration Camp and what it was like to interact with the prisoners of the camp. Next, he briefly talks about his ship ride back to the United States, getting discharged out of Camp Chesterfield.…
Fujimoto continues his recollection of Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of the attacks, including curfews and getting rid of all illegal contraband. Shortly after, they would get notification of Executive Order 9066, which would force them to be moved…
Minata continues to talk about his leave in Europe. He talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat team's sports league. He describes the end of World War Two and his journey home. He discusses his return to college and subsequent career as a…
George Oiye begins this interview part by describing the similarity and differences between American and German concentration camps. Next, describes some photographs in his possession, his feelings about Dachau, and recollecting meeting German youth…
George Suzuki was drafted and went to Military Intelligence Service Language School. The experience at Fort Snelling was easygoing because he already knew some of the Niseis. Also, his girlfriend lived in St. Paul.
Takabayashi discusses being stationed in Seattle before going overseas. He describes his journey to the South Pacific. He talks about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He discusses reconnecting with his relatives who lived in Japan. He…
Yoshino continues his recollection of his time overseas in Japan during the occupation. First, he speaks about the different assignments that he had, working as an overseer for reporting and as an interpreter for officers. Next, he speaks about the…
Uchimiya continues his recollection of his war time overseas, beginning with the Lost Battalion campaign. He talks about the process that they took to save the 36th Division and General Dahlquists reaction afterwards. He would also receive a wound…
Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.
Riess discusses his free time in Japan and how his time in Japan helped his future career path. Next, he talks about visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bombs and how manufacturing in Japan took off after the war for companies like Honda…
Miyamoto talks about earning a Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about his post-war experiences in Italy, traveling home to Hawaii, getting discharged, and bringing home wartime souvenirs. Lastly, Miyamoto talks…
Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…
Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…
Tokashiki explains how his unit rescued the Lost Battalion. He describes how he guarded a hillside. He talks about his journey to Italy from France. He discusses the Gothic Line and Po Valley. He talks about the end of World War Two and his final…
Nakabe discusses his friendships with fellow soldiers; talks about combat experiences; and discusses his experiences in Bruyeres. He then talks about his hospital stay after getting wounded; discusses the Maginot Line and guard duty assignment; and…
Tanaka discusses taking a furlough to Sydney before going to the Philippines. Tanaka is diagnosis with tuberculosis. He then is sent back to the mainland to Denver for treatment and then back to Hawaii for discharge.
Sakaji talks about receiving a Presidential Unit Citation; discusses getting discharged and returning home; and talks about seeing friends in Chicago while on route to California. Next, Sakaji discusses his brother’s military service and sister’s…
After Germany, Henry Gary Shiota is discharged from the Army. Later he re-enlists and goes to Military Intelligence Services Language School (MISLS). Gary goes through intense training to learn about Japan. At MISLS, Gary is one of the oldest…
Henry Gary Shiota's primary duty is to work on the war crime trials at Sugamo Prison. He discusses war crime trials in Japan and the atrocities in the Philippines and Dutch East Indies.
On Gary's days off, he visits Tokyo and relatives who live…
Hayashi discusses Menton and leisure periods. He details about his experiences in Italy and the end of the war in Europe. Hayashi also discusses about returning home and reflects on his time spent in Europe.
Kimoto discuses his involvement in campaigns in France before returning to Italy as the war wound down. He describes a comical celebration among his army friends and discusses returning to the United States. Receiving his discharge in Honolulu, Mr.…
In the second part of Herbert Yanamura's interview, he recounts his experience attempting to convince General Amamiya to surrender at Mayahira. He also talks about the successful war propaganda of the Japanese, the suffering of civilians during…
Kuniyoshi discusses the action he saw throughout Europe, including battles which liberated the city of Bruyeres, France and helped rescue the "Lost Battalion." Shortly after fighting in the Gothic Line, the war ended in Europe and he was discharged…
Suehiro discusses more of his war experiences, including receiving a wound on his leg from shrapnel. He would help get his friends that was also wounded, back to safety and would head to the Red Cross to take care of his own wound, taking many…
Kuida speaks about the end of the war in Europe, where he spent the last leg of the trip visiting Rome, attending courses at the University of Florence and guarding an ammunition depot. Next, they were sent back to the United States and he would get…
Shishido discusses more about going to the prisoner of war camps in Nagasaki and what it was like to interpret in that situation. He also talks about recreational activities during that time and the high costs for certain foods. After this, he would…
Tanaka talks about the surrender of both the German and the Japanese Armies and how he had to stay in Italy for a little bit longer, guarding prisoners of war. Next, he talks about the medals and awards that were received for his time with the 442nd…
Yoshimoto discusses about his time in Japan during the occupation. He also details about meeting Tojo Hideki. Yoshimoto discusses his life once he was discharged from the Army.
Ichigi Robert Kashiwagi talks about what happened after the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He discusses the Lost Battalion. He talks about his injury and subsequent hospitalization. He describes his friendship with an Englishman. He describes his…
While recovering from his wound, Tsuji would be given a 45 day furlough, in which he originally wanted to go back home to Hawaii, however, after talking with officers, he decided upon traveling and seeing Chicago and New York and when he returned, he…
Kawanishi continues his recollection of his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi as he began his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. He talks about the Hawaiian soldiers and segregation he saw in the South, as well as a few times he got in trouble…
Kaneshiro begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when Japan surrendered. As he was already on a ship heading to Manila with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), he would go to the Philippines first, then head to Tokyo. Once he…
During the Occupation of Japan, Isamu "Sam" Saito got an opportunity to travel around Japan. He recalls visiting Osaka, and the locals have their dialect. Luckily, his cousin from Yokohama helps translate for him.
Isamu Sugimoto talks about what it was like spending time with other Nisei soldiers. He discusses being discharged. He describes his life in Kansas City, Missouri. He talks about his employment after the war. He discusses reuniting with his…
James Jin Kobayashi goes overseas and meets with the 442nd in Southern France. He is part of F Company. He recalls going up the Northern Apennine Mountains and being at the frontlines.
James is at the frontline for two weeks before the…
James Murata described his war experience as embittered and prideful. He discusses the consequences of human beings’ actions. He believed the Nisei served their country with loyalty and honor during World War Two. James does not think about…
Inami discusses the aftermath of Hiroshima from the atomic bomb and the Japanese Nationals. Inami is discharge in 1946 and goes home to help his parents with the grocery store. While in service, Inami's family is relocated from Jerome to Rohwer and…
Joe Saito discusses Japanese traditions and Japanese being able to receive citizenship in 1952. Post-war he meets his wife at a YMCA dance and marries her in 1947. They have three children and grandchildren. Saito gets involve in civic work after his…
Murakami describes his experiences with discrimination in the military. He talks about his military training. He discusses the dangers of being in combat. He talks about his time in Bruyeres, France. He explains how he was injured. He discusses the…
Murakami continues to talk about his injury. He explains how he felt about serving in the military while Japanese Americans were being mistreated. He briefly explains the legacy of the Nisei. He describes his first combat experience. He continues to…
Murakami gives a summary of his injuries. He talks about his friends who were killed in combat. He describes the other units within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He reflects on his military service. He discusses his return to the United States.…
Post-war, John Akira Takekawa sat in on the war crime trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. The General Yamashita trial was daily and took approximately 30 to 60 days for the hearing. John also attended General Masaharu Homma's trial in Manila.
John Togashi discusses his ambulance ride to the field hospital with Daniel Inouye. Next he describes the end of the war in Europe and the feelings he had about the atomic bombs being used on Japan. Lastly he describes his discharge and return to…
Joseph Ichiuji begins the interview talking about growing up in Pacific Grove, California, fishing and playing football with his siblings. He talks about facing discrimination in the job market and attending Japanese language school while also…
Ichiuji would be drafted into the Army, getting inducted in San Francisco and taking his basic training at Camp Roberts. There, he would learn to shoot the Howitzer gun and join in on maneuvers. However, once the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred, he…
Ichiuji continues to talk about the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp and the inhumanity of it. Next, he talks about the end of the war and his trip back to the United States, celebrating when he saw the Statue of Liberty. He would be…
Asato continues talking about his first combat while in Italy, at the Rome-Arno area. He talks about being able to see Florence from a distance and the tree bursts that could kill a soldier instantly. While there, he would get sick and end up in a…
Fukushima discusses tactics that were used when interrogating POWs; talks about his duties as a replacement soldier; and discusses his experiences in Leyte. Fukushima also talks about his experiences in Luzon; the surrender of Japan; duties in Kyoto…
Toyota discusses General Dahlquist's leadership and his Second Lieutenant getting killed during the rescue of the Lost Battalion. In the course of wartime, Toyota's regret is that he did not correspond with his family as much as he…
Yagura talks about the end of World War Two. He briefly talks about the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and enlisting. He discusses his translation work while in Japan. He describes his social activities while stationed overseas. Yagura talks…
Yamada continues his recollection of being shipped out from San Francisco and taking a month long ship ride to New Zealand, followed by Australia. There, he would get his first assignment, and join the 24th Division, where they would translate and…
Hamasaki discusses his time overseas fighting in the war. To begin, he talks about his combat experience at Hill 140, Bruyeres, and the Vosges Mountains. Next, he talks about the Champagne campaign in France, which would be his final campaign before…
Kazuma Taguchi talks about his military leaders. He continues to describe the events of the Champaign Campaign. He talks about his employment in the United States Navy. He discusses his activities as a union officer. He briefly talks about his…
Muto discusses his journey returning to the United States, getting discharged, and getting married. He then talks about his children, attending reunions, and discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army. He then talks about the living…
Kazuo Komoto concludes this interview by showing some personal photographs taken while in the military, family photos, and then some military documents and a selective service ribbon.
Miya discuses after the war staying with a provisional company until he gets assign to another company. Among his peers he is treated well by the original soldiers and did not feel any discrimination. Miya recalls his being a parameter guard at…
Miya discusses discharge in 1946 in Chicago. In Chicago Miya is reunites with other Nisei soldiers who serve in the Military. He describes the contribution of the Nisei soldiers to World War Two.
Post-war, Ken Nihei and five other 442nd men escorted 400 German POWs to Rosenheim, Germany. Ken was in Italy for a year and eight months before going home.
In August 1946, Ken returned to the United States, and he took a short road trip to San…
Onodera discusses about his experiences in Japan and his discharge. He details about his wife and family. Onodera also discusses about his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei.
Sato continues his recollection of being an interpreter and interrogator in the Philippines. When arriving there, he would immediately notice the devastation and flatness that the war had caused. He talks about the children there seeing Japanese…
Inada continues talking about his war experiences, including joining up with I Company, before getting wounded in action. He talks about being in combat and getting a hand injury, causing him to leave and head to a field hospital. There, he begged…
Mitsunaga discusses his post-war life. He reflects on his overall war experiences and awards he received. He also talks about his family life and career after the war; and talks about his children's lives.
Takehara discusses his responsibilities and experiences as a medic during combat. He would end up treating a lot of soldiers' wounds and seeing a lot of casualties as he would run around through combat to those in need. Along with that, he also…
Kajiwara talks about his guard duty assignments. He briefly talks about the Champagne Campaign. He describes his unit's successful attempt to take a hillside from German soldiers. He discussing being discharged and his return to the United States.…
Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses he would not do anything different in his battle field experiences. He got along well with the other officers and his rank during the war is Tech Sargent. In his company, the Platoon Sargent gets injured and…
Hirano continues his recollection of his time in Japan, starting with his arrival in Hiroshima. There, he would see the devastation after the atomic bomb and be assigned to the Counter Intelligence Cops (CIC). After leaving that, he would stay in…