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Masuda discusses about her family, schooling, and some of his early jobs. He details about religion, Japanese language school, and his home life. Masuda also discusses about discrimination, living in Fresno, California, Pearl Harbor, and its…

Masuda also discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences with forced removal. Masuda also discusses about Fresno Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Masuda discusses about being drafted and basic training. He details about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and experiences in Japan. Masuda also discusses about his family and career.

Masuda discusses about friends. He details about his time in Japan. Masuda also describes some photographs.

Masuoka discusses his parents and their personalities and occupations; discusses his siblings; and talks about values he learned growing up. He then talks about his childhood including his neighborhood; participation in youth groups and Boy Scouts;…

Masuoka talks about his experiences at Santa Anita temporary detention facility including reuniting with his girlfriend, living conditions, schools, and working at a hospital. He then talks about his wife's education; traveling to Santa Anita and…

Masuoka talks about his participation in a Japanese American pharmacy fraternity at college; discusses his wedding ring; and talks about his wife's experiences living in Colorado after she left incarceration camp. He then talks about getting drafted,…

Masuoka discusses seeing General MacArthur in Tokyo, talks about rankings within the platoon, and discusses his experiences in San Francisco during his Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) training. He then talks about traveling to Japan, his…

Masuoka talks about mentors he had in graduate school and while he was employed at a VA hospital. He then talks about his experiences traveling across the United States after he retired, and his brother's military service. Next, Masuoka introduces…

Masuoka shows and describes a photograph taken in Manila of the Civil Censorship Detachment.

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

Matsuhara discusses and gives an overview of his life. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. Matsuhara also discusses about volunteering for service, experiences at Camp Savage,…

Matsuhara discusses about working for the California Youth Authority and his retirement. He details about his involvement with the Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW) and coaching. Matsuhara also discusses about his family and friends.

Matsuhara discusses about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his fear of flying and his experiences in Japan. Matsuhara also discusses about his experiences with discrimination, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Matsuhara discusses values, playing basketball, friends, and Japanese language. He details about meeting his wife and experiences overseas. Matushara also discusses about his experiences in Japan and the legacy of the Military Intelligence Service…

Matsuhara discusses about his land lords, friends, and family. He details about his relationship with other soldiers. Matsuhara also discusses about various photographs.

George Matsui grew up in Long Beach, CA, and his parents are farmers. George's father decided to go back to Japan when George was in junior high school. In Japan, George attended Japanese Grade School and learned the Japanese language. When George…

George Matsui discusses his reaction to December 7 and the aftermath. His feeling was shikata ga nai. George evacuated to Santa Anita and Tule Lake.

At Tule Lake, George remembered the barbed wires around the parameter, barracks, and guards in…

George Matsui was reassigned to MacArthur's Headquarters, Army Intelligence G2, Natural Resources Section after Japan surrendered. He recalls traveling to Fukuoka to see his family for the first time.

After being discharged, George returned to…

Takashi Matsui begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming from Japan and moving to the west coast of the United States. At the young age of three, he would actually move back to Japan, where he would attend school…

After returning from Japan, Matsui would settle in Seattle, noticing the differences between American and Japanese community and culture. He would work as a houseboy for a caucasian family, earning $15 a month and working at the salmon cannery in…

Matsui talks about his whereabouts when he first head of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing it on the radio and getting drafted into the Army at Fort Lewis. He would attend basic training at Camp Robinson, where he would immediately get friendly…

While Matsui was at Camp Savage instructing classes, his uncle would be at Minidoka Concentration Camp, where the living conditions were very poor. He talks about how he met his wife and his outlook on the war while at Camp Savage. Shortly after, he…

Matsui continues stories from occupied Japan, including talking with desperate civilians trying to sell things on the black market. He would also help with the war crimes trials as an investigator with the 8th Army Judge Advocate section. His…

Matsui discusses a war hero that grew up in the same town as him, named Frank Hachiya. He also talks about facing discrimination after the war, including trying to buy a home in Seattle, but being denied because of prejudice. After this, he talks…

George Mitsuru Matsunaga was born on May 28, 1925, in Wailuku, Maui. George had many positive influences that shaped him during his informal educational years. At home, his parents taught him filial piety and to study hard. In English school and…

George Mitsuru Matsunaga completed training at Camp Ritchie CIC School. In 1945, he went overseas for occupation and was part of the 187th paratroopers. Briefly, George had guard duty at Camp Kuwae. Later he went to Morioka and worked for the CIC.…

During the occupation, George Mitsuru Matsunaga stayed with the CIC. He recalled a food shortage in Japan and saw the Japanese nationals trying to survive. During George's travel, he became friends with three Marines who fought in the Guadalcanal on…

Mayeda discusses about his family and his parents immigration. He details about his childhood and life on the farm. Mayeda also discusses about his schooling.

Mayeda discusses about his schooling, childhood home, and community. He details about his childhood, family, and the events prior and after Pearl Harbor. Mayeda also discusses about forced removal and his children.

Mayeda discusses about his experiences at Santa Anita Detention Center. He details about his experiences in Jerome Concentration Camp, getting drafted, and basic training. Mayeda also discusses about joining the the Military Intelligence Service…

Mayeda discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his involvement in veteran's organizations and the community. Mayeda also discusses about his post-war life and gives a message to future generations.

When World War Two ended, Ray Kuniteru Mayeda attended the University of Minnesota for a year, and his finances were running low. Therefore, he decided to volunteer for two years and enlisted when he was in Chicago. Ray went to basic training at Camp…

In October 1949, Ray Mayeda worked at the Civil Censorship until it was dissolved. Then Ray worked at Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) as a translator. He translated classified documents into English for a year.

After, Ray went…

Ray Kuniteru Mayeda was born on October 18, 1922. His parents were from Kagoshima prefecture before immigrating to the United States. Ray's father came from a family of educators in Japan.

In the United States, Ray's father was a successful farmer…

After the passing of Ray Mayeda's mother, Ray's father sent his two sisters and younger brother to live in Japan with their grandmother. Later, Ray's father and Ray went to live in Japan too. After living in Japan for a few years, in 1939, Ray…

Tommy Masakazu Mayekawa is born on April 22, 1921, in Hawthorne, CA. Tommy's parents are from Mie-ken, Japan. When Tommy's father immigrates to the United States, he works on the railroads and truck farming.

Tommy is the oldest of the children. He…

Tommy Mayekawa and his family evacuate to Santa Anita Assembly Center after receiving the evacuation orders. He describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Tommy and his family live in a horse stable, and his parents accepted the situation…

During the Military occupation in Japan, Tommy Mayekawa works for the Third Military Railway Service Headquarters as an interpreter. He guards the trains to make sure they are not pilferage.

Living in Yokohama, Japan, Tommy does not encounter…

Minato discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Minato grows up in Seattle and attends school there. He recalls December 7 and his Father being taken be the FBI. Minato is drafted while his family goes to Minidoka. He also recalls…

Minato discusses basic training and discharge. After his discharge he meets his wife and gets married. They have children and grandchildren. Minato shares his wartime experience. During Japanese Language School he discloses his memorable moments at…

Misaka discusses Ogden, Utah, his Issei parents, and siblings. In elementary school, he was the only Japanese American in his class. Also Misaka attends Japanese Language School. In high school he plays sports. His parents are supportive of Misaka…

Misaka discusses December 7, 1941 and the aftermath after Pearl Harbor. When the war happens, Misaka focuses on school and plays sports. He recalls his game in New York and Kansas for the NCAA. Misaka remembers when he receives the draft notice to…

Misaka discusses rifle training, playing touch football in basic training and making a life long friendship with Shigu Fukinama. Misaka describes the daily routine and living conditions at Fort Snelling. He spends time at Japanese Language School…

Misaka discusses bombing survey questions, the Japanese civilians reactions and treatment. He describes the devastation of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb, the different cities he surveys. After occupation, he returns home to complete his college…

Misaka discusses his basketball teammates and having reunions every five years. He also takes about his contribution to his basketball team. After basketball, gets involved in bowling and other sports. Misaka meets his wife in Salt Lake in 1947 and…

Mita discusses his experiences in Okinawa. He details about his time in Korea. Mita also discusses his reenlistment and his duties afterwards.

Mita discusses his experiences working with the Civil Censorship Detachment in occupied Japan. He also details about working with the Counter Intelligence Corps and the rest of his career in the military. Mita discusses the veteran organizations he…

Mita discusses more about his involvement with veteran organizations. He reflects on values and gives a message to future generations. Mita also discusses family and trying to find his missing brother.

Mita discusses the medals he received and the paratrooper training he went through. He reflects on joining the Military Intelligence Service and his experience during the Pacific Theatre. Mita also discusses raising his family.

Miyahara begins the interview talking about his family background and how his mother and father came over from Kyushu, Japan and settled down as farmers in the Los Angeles area. Growing up in California, he was able to live a pretty full childhood,…

Miyahara continues his recollection of his time visiting Asia in 1936 for kendo. Next, when back in America, he speaks about Pearl Harbor and the forced removal to temporary detention centers at the Pomona fairgrounds. His friends would visit him…

Miyahara discusses coming back to Japan following his discharge in the United States. Once back, he decided to re-enlist with the Army Air Force, but was sent back to Japan. While there for the third time with the Army, he met his wife but because of…

Miyahara discusses the change of Japan during the occupation, including manufacturing quality items that turned into a big part of their future economy. As a welfare officer and member of occupational forces, Miyahara helped in the recovery of Japan.…

Miyahara discusses the executive order 9066 and the procedure for getting married to a woman from Japan. Next, he speaks about the intricacies of kendo, including the senseis that had big influence on him and the specific techniques needed to prevent…

Miyamoto discusses his familial description, child rearing, and schooling. He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) an in post-war Japan. Miyamoto also discusses about his experiences with Japanese Nationals.

Miyamoto discusses about the black market. He details stories about the General Commanders about the rules and regulations in occupation in Japan. Miyamoto also talks about the new constitution of Japan, goal of occupation and illustrates the…

Miyamoto discusses going undercover to gather information during the occupation of Japan. Miyamoto recalls the Korean War and three regrets. Miyamoto discusses his post-war life and shows his achievement medals from his service in three wars.

Mori begins the interview speaking of his parent's background, immigrating from Japan to Santa Barbara, California. While attending school, Mori took an interest in horticulture and would end up farming after his high school graduation and before the…

Mori continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and the preparation for the war. After that, he was sent back to Fort Snelling before being shipped out, and at that time also got married. Next, he would be shipped…

Mori continues his discussion on cave experiences while serving overseas in Okinawa. Following Okinawa, he is moved back to the Philippines until the end of the war. After thinking they would be sent back home after the atomic bombs, they are instead…

Mori recalls a time when he was watching television with his children and saw himself on a Walter Cronkite special. Next, he gives a message for future generations, which includes enduring and persevering in everyday life. After this, he talks about…

Morishima recounts his father and mother's emigration to the United States from the Shizuoka Prefecture on the Izu Pensinsula. His father landed first in Mexico, came across the border illegally, met his mother in the U.S., and then returned to…

Morishima reflects on the ethnic slurs directed towards him and those that he directed towards others. He explains that, as children, there was rarely always mal-intent behind the use of such terms. He then describes his passage to Japan for…

Morishima reflects on the pleasant experience of attending school in Japan as a Japanese American, even after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He then describes his mother and siblings being stranded in Japan due to illness while his father was held in…

At War's end, Morishima was a Japanese soldier and feeling a sense of defeat until he met some Hawaiian soldiers who helped him secure a job with the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) in Tokyo. He excels there and is well-liked, but he conceals his…

Morishima discusses his post-War occupations and the accomplishments of his children. He speaks passionately about the value of family and about the general goodness of both Japanese and American people. He is grateful for both experiences and…

Moriyama and the interviewers introduce themselves. Moriyama talks about the surrender of Japan. He describes his experience in Military Intelligence Service Language School and Japanese language school. He discusses the languages that were spoken in…

Moriyama describes his military duties during occupation. He explains the attitudes of civilians during the occupation. He describes what he did during his leisure time. He discusses his friendship with a Japanese family. He shares his other…

Moteki discusses his family and their history. He details about visiting Japan post-World War Two.

Moteki discusses about his siblings and neighborhood. He details about his childhood. Moteki also discusses about the pre-war political situation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Moteki discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences Gila River Concentration Camp and his experiences in post-war Korea. Moteki also discusses about communication with his family and his post-war life.

Moteki discusses about veterans and post-military experiences. He details about his work in therapy. Moteki also discusses about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and his experiences in Korea.

Moteki discusses about his social life and meeting his wife. He details about his wife. Moteki also discusses about his daughter.

Mukai discusses growing up in Hawaii including talking about the plantation town he lived in; and discusses his siblings and parents. He also describes his childhood home, talks about some of the recreational activities he participated in, and…

Mukai discusses the expatriation process he went through, attending Japanese school, and getting drafted. He then talks about what life was like for Japanese Americans after the start of the war, going to basic training in Hawaii and at Fort…

Mukai talks about items sold on the black market in Japan, living in a tea house, and assignments while in Japan, including working as an interpreter for war crime trials and being an interpreter for Hideki Tojo. He then talks about Japan and…

Mukai talks about meeting his wife in Japan and having to go through an approval process in order to get married, going to business school in Minneapolis, and moving to Japan. Mukai also talks about his daughter, and provides some advice to future…

Murakami discusses his Father, Mother and siblings. Growing up Murakami does not have much communication from his Issei parents about their immigration to the United States. He contributes this upbringing to not facing discrimination or racism.…

Murakami discusses going to Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility and the living conditions. He shares his thought on how the camp experience is different from Nisei to Issei. When Murakami goes to Rochester for seminary school, he contributes…

Murakami discusses basic training and Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He goes overseas and describes the environment and climate of Japan after the bombing. During occupation, Murakami's duties deal with translation,…

Murakami discuesses being discharge and going to the University of Utah. First job as government agency and also helps his family restaurant. Later he goes to Japan and gets employment as a civil service employee. He recalls meeting his wife in Japan…

Murakami discusses his grandchildren and the Japanese American Community. Murakami is on the board of the Japanese American Citizen League for a year and the Japanese American Veteran Association for six years. Currently Murakami is involve with…

Murakami talks about his youth in Japan: living with relatives, attending school. He also discusses his experiences in MISLS training and his assignments as a Nisei soldier in ATIS; working as an interpreter for the Australian military officials.
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