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Kono discusses he experiences at Camp Shelby and during basic training. He details the structure of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion and about the duties if the wire section. Kono also discusses about going overseas and landing in Italy.

Kono discusses his early experiences in Italy, laying the wire, and the Arno-Rome Campaign. He details about heading and his experiences in France. Kono also discusses about his experiences in Germany and liberating Dachau Concentration Camp.

Kono discusses receiving passes, traveling, and communicating with his family during the war. He details about awards received and coming home. Kono also discusses his career and family (wife, children, grandchildren).

Koyano talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He describes his early life in Northern California and the dynamics in his family. He also describes his parents personalities. He discusses a trip he made to Japan when he was child.…

Koyano continues to discuss a trip he took to Japan when he was a child. He talks about being drafted and his duties shortly before his deployment. He describes Camp Shelby. He discusses concentration camps and racial discrimination. Koyano talks…

Koyano describes the state of Italy after World War Two ended. He talks about his guard duties in Italy. He describes the black markets and his guard tower. He discuses his relationships with other soldiers. He explains how he was discharged. Koyano…

Koyano talks about training soldiers in the 171st unit. He describes his wartime mementos and his attempts to readjust to his family life. He shares his feelings about being drafted. He discusses his marriage. He talks about moving to California and…

Koyano talks about the impact of his military experiences. He reflects on his Japanese American identity. He leaves a message to his family. He discusses the 442nd Memorial and his education. He describes his civic engagement activities.

Kubota discusses his prefecture origin and his Issei parents coming to Hawaii from Japan. Kubota's Father is contact to work in Hawaii for a few months but ends up staying longer to pay off his Brother's debt. Kubota recalls his childhood and his…

Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…

Kubota discusses changing from 442nd Regimental Combat Team to Military Intelligence Service. Arriving at Camp Savage, the camp is surrounded by riflemen and explains the reason of racism. Kubota discusses language school, Language Officers and going…

Kubota discusses going to Asia and wartime experiences in India, China, and Burma. In Burma he encounters funny situations with civilians. While in China, he gets word that Japan surrenders. Towards the end of the war, he is protected by Japanese…

Kubota discusses Major Stanley Uno and reuniting with his Brother. During the war, Kubota encounters a Chinese girl and shares his interactions of helping her. In 1946 Kubota is discharge and returns back to Hawaii. His family later finds out that he…

Kubota discusses meeting his wife and being married for 45 years. Post-war, Kubota and his wife move to California where he finds a job at the VA Hospital in West Los Angeles. He works for teh VA Hospital for 25 years before retiring. Kubota and his…

Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…

Kubota discusses his decision to enlist. At the beginning of the war, non-citizens are barred from enlisting due to the enemy alien law. Kubota first learns about the Nisei Regiment Formation assembly from Japanese Community Leaders and decides to…

Kubota discusses meeting Sus Oshabata at basic training. The two becomes friends when Sus takes care of Kubota when he is sick. In mid-training Sus is selected as jeep driver and goes to a different company. After the war, they remain friends even…

Kubota discusses about digging a trenches for sleeping during wartime and how he suffers from a back injury. In the Vosges Mountain, soldiers are afraid of tree burst from shrapnel. So the trenches are covered to protect them from danger. In the…

Kubota discusses about that during the Lost Battalion Rescue mission, he is in hospital for his leg injury.

After the Lost Battalion rescue, Kubota rejoins I Company on November 3 when he hears the company is getting ready to head south for…

Kubota discuss sharing war experiences as a Scout Master at camp with children. He would tell the kids the funny experiences from the war.

Another way that Kubota shares his war experiences is in the I Company book. In 1943, Kubota goes to have…

Kubota discusses his war memorabilia: invasion money printed by US military; war patches; tissue from ration; infantry badges; and war photographs.

Kubota discusses his family and growing up in Kailua. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kubota also discusses enlisting into the service and his experiences Camp Shelby. Kubota gives insight about being wounded.

Kubota discusses about his time in Atlantic City after returning home. He details about using the G.I. Bill and the benefits he has received. Kubota also discusses the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Kudo discusses about his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the Army. Kudo also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, heading overseas, and arriving in Italy.

Kudo discusses about his experiences in the European Theater and how he received the Bronze Star. He details about his life after discharge and his family. Kudo also gives a message to future generation and discusses about his political career.

Harry Kuga begins the interview speaking about his family background and living in Wyoming and Colorado. His mother would run a popular Japanese restaurant, while he and his siblings attended school, Japanese language school and played sports. During…

Kuga speaks about how he was drafted into the Army and began his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. While there, he made friends with many Hawaiian soldiers, visited Rohwer concentration camp, and boxed. Next, he discusses various Japanese…

Kuga continues his interview speaking about the medals and awards that were given throughout the war. Next, he speaks about his marriage and career backgrounds, including working for the NRA. After this he speaks about the impact that the niseis have…

Kumagai discusses his father's various jobs, and talks about his mother, siblings, religion, and speaking Japanese at home. He then talks about his experiences growing up during the depression, discusses the community he grew up in, and talks about…

Kumagai talks about working at a farm full-time after graduating high school, and discusses his uncle who was in the Japanese Army. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination; and discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath…

Kumagai discusses having to leave his belongings behind after his family’s forced removal to Walerga temporary detention facility. He then talks about his brother’s military service, his experiences at Tule Lake incarceration camp, and describes…

Kumagai talks about his combat experiences at Po Valley; volunteering to be a litter bearer; and his assignment processing German POWs. He then talks about returning back to the United States and his post-war employment in welding; getting married;…

Kunihiro discusses his early years growing up in southern California: Imperial Valley and Sierra Madre. He also talks about his father's immigration to the U.S. and how he became established in farming. Kunihiro shares anecdotes regarding: childhood…

Kunihiro discusses his youth working and attending school in Southern California. He also talks about getting drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and how the attack impacted his family. He also discusses the different basic training camps he…

Kunihiro discusses his experiences in Europe during World War 2. He talks about how illness with Bronchitis affected him. He shares anecdotes regarding: when he got married, his experiences with Hawaiian Niseis, and battle scenes he witnessed.

Kunihiro talks about his experiences in combat and how he had to be reassigned due to Bronchitis. He shares anecdotes about sight seeing he did in Europe; his experience supervising German and Italian POWs laborers; and his being hospitalized. He…

Kunihiro discusses his post-war life. He talks about returning home to his wife, raising his children, and his career. He also talks about his participation in veteran organizations.

Kurahara discusses his Mother Kisa being born in Hawaii and works in the sugar mill and as a maid. His Father Mitsuo is born in Japan and immigrates to the United States. Kurahara's Father works as a truck driver and cement worker.

Kurahara has…

Arthur Kurahara discusses working in the sugar mill as a mechanic in 1939 until the war. After being discharge from the war, he goes back to the sugar mill and gets promoted as supervisor.

Kurahara learns about the Pearl Harbor attack through…

Arthur Kurahara discusses leaving Camp Shelby and goes overseas. When he lands in Naples, Kurahara is a replacement for 442nd Regimental Combat Team . After landing in Naples, he goes to Anzio on a boat. In Anzio, Kurahara is now a replacement for…

Kurahara discusses a close encounter overseas. He witnesses how the US soldiers gets out of the foxhole at the right time when the German bomb goes into their foxhole. He explain how fate plays a factor.

During the war, Kurahara is a radio man…

Kurasaki talks about his other names and his childhood. He talks about his parents and his family's income. He discusses primary school and Japanese language school. He describes his education and carpentry work. Kurasaki explains what life was like…

Kurasaki describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He also describes his basic training. He discusses his relationships with other soldiers and what he did in his leisure time. He talks about his life while at Camp Shelby. Kurasaki describes the other…

Kurasaki continues to describe solider mementos and his journey to Europe. He talks about the best kind of military boots. He describes his interactions with local Europeans. He discusses his first battle near Rome. He briefly talks about the horrors…

Kurasaki continues to describe his recovery. He explains how he returned to his unit. He describes how his unit attempted to capture high vantage points. He discuses his journey's through Italy and France. Kurasaki talks about his combat experiences…

Kurasaki continues to talk about the Lost Battalion. He discusses his combat experiences in Italy. He describes the changes within his regiment. He talks about the end of World War Two. Whitey Kurasaki describes his travels after the war ended.

Kurasaki explains his journey back to Hawaii. He describes a trip to Reno, Nevada. He talks about his KP duties while stationed in the United States. He discusses reuniting with his family. He explains why he doesn’t share his war stories with his…

Kurihara discusses growing up in Visalia, California, family, and his high school experiences. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Kurihara also discusses about his family experiences with forced removal and their experiences…

Kurihara discusses leaving Poston Concentration Camp and about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and landing in Naples. Kurihara discusses about his first combat experiences in Italy, becoming a runner for the 442nd…

Kurihara discusses about his experiences during the Lost Battalion and Champagne Campaign. He details about a mine accident, The Gothic Line, and his post-war military service. Kurihara also discusses about his best and worst experiences during the…

Kurihara discusses about traveling to back to California upon returning to the United States and his reunion with his family. He details about how he met his and their children. Kurihara also discusses about the legacy of Nisei veterans and gives a…

Kuwabara discusses growing up in Idaho, working on his parents farm; and becoming a state champion in a public speaking contest along with his experiences going to the national championship. He also talks about living in Utah, Japan, and California;…

Kuwabara describes life at Gila River Incarceration Camp including the living quarters, the types of employment opportunities inside the camp for incarcerees, and his experiences as block manager. He also talks about his reasons for volunteering for…

Kuwabara discusses life at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) including the recruitment process, learning Kanji, and giving a speech at graduation. He then talks about his first assignments overseas to India and Burma, an…

Kuwabara discusses his experiences at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) including the demographics of the graduates and his thoughts on discrimination in the military. He also talks about interrogation techniques taught at MISLS,…

Kuwabara discusses his experiences being assigned to the 36th Infantry Division (British) and the differences between American and British operations; and what it was like to earn a British Empire Medal and Bronze Stars for his service in North Burma…

Kuwabara describes his last assignment before retirement; and moving to Japan and getting a job at a public relations company as a translator. He also talks about the differences between civilian and military employment, his three marriages, and…

Kuwahara discusses his childhood and growing in Maui. He details about the events of Pearl Harbor and enlisting into the service. Kuwahara also discusses what it was like at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi. He also details about his experiences and…

Kuwahara discusses more about fate and The lost Battalion. He details about about why he stayed in Italy after the war ended. Kuwahara also discusses his interactions with the Italian people and guarding German prisoners.

Kuwayama discusses his father's upbringing and his subsequent move to New York City. Upon arriving in New York, Kuwayama's father opened a Japanese restaurant and worked in the import/export business. Kuwayama concludes by describing his own…

Kuwayama discusses the origin and meaning of his name also giving his siblings' names and order of birth. He continues on to describe his childhood activities with his neighborhood friends and discuss attending Japanese school at a church near his…

Kuwayama discusses fond family memories and fishing trips he took with his family and siblings. He then talks about his family's austere qualities and how they did not show their emotions often, sometimes to the chagrin of Kuwayama. He concludes…

Kuwayama discusses moving to Queens with his family when he was twelve and describes his neighborhood and playmates. He recalls his college career, discussing his major, the social groups at his school, and how his family was able to finance his…

Kuwayama discusses his time just prior to being shipped out overseas, including assignment to a station hospital in Texas. Kuwayama describes traveling on a liberty ship as well as his first day in battle upon arrival in Italy. His missions took him…

Kuwayama discusses his time serving as a medic on the frontline and describes his materials and the procedures for helping wounded soldiers. Awarded the Silver Star for acts of valor, Kuwayama also briefly discusses his award. To conclude the…

Kuwayama discusses receiving a French award for his military service and describes his feelings upon receiving news that the war had ended. He next discusses his career after the war, which including him attending Harvard Business School, working in…

Part 8 concludes the interview with Kuwayama and includes a few wrap-up questions. Kuwayama gives his thoughts on the legacy of the 442nd in regards to the nation and offers advice to the next generation of listeners and viewers.

Meada discusses his childhood and religion. He details about being drafted into the Army and December 7, 1941. Meada also discusses working at the post exchange and his journey to California.

Maeda discusses his journey to Camp McCoy, his experiences at Camp McCoy, Camp Shelby, and in Louisiana. He details about the voyage to and experiences in North Africa and Italy. Maeda also discusses the events after Rome and what it was like being a…

Maeda discusses about his experiences during the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Maeda also discusses about readjusting to civilian life and tells stories about Nisei veterans.

Maeda discusses his adolescent years growing up on a plantation in Paia, Hawaii and the Japanese Community. He details his schooling including Japanese language school. Meada also discusses speaking Hawaiian Pidgin while in the 442nd Regimental…

Maeda discussed Japan attacking Pearl Harbor and volunteering for military service. Maeda received basic training at Camp Shelby and went overseas the first time. He experienced culture shock when he went to the Mainland. Maeda was in E Company…

Maeda discussed basic training and corresponding to family back home in Paia. Maeda's first battle experience is at Belvedere and Hill 140. Maeda also describes his BAR rifle "Brownie" and events in Italy.

Maeda discussing the battle of Bruyeres, duty in 2nd platoon for Lost Battalion, taking care of the Prisoners of War and plans after retiring from service.

Maeda recalls his favorite story of receiving a religious cross during the war, getting married and starting a family. Maeda also discusses his military awards. Later in the interview, his wife Lily Chisato Maeda joins in. Lily recalls the Pearl…

Makino discusses his father and his employment; his parents' marriage; his sisters; and his parents market. He then talks about attending Japanese language school, speaking English at home, friendships, grammar school, and his neighborhood growing…

Makino talks about traveling to Tulare temporary detention center and Gila River Concentration Camp; discipline he experienced growing up; working at post office in Gila River, and his enemy alien classification. He then talks about volunteering for…

Makino talks about basic training, tells a story about an officer who was killed in action, and discusses meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Italy. He then talks about some of his combat experiences overseas; his interactions with…

Makino talks about getting injured while in combat and his hospital stay; tells a story regarding Colonel Pence; and discusses a heroic Hawaiian soldier. He then talks about his friends who were killed in action, discusses his combat experiences at…

Makino talks about bathing and laundry while on patrol, discusses casualties of war, and talks about "bed check Charlie”. He then talks about Tokyo Rose and Berlin Sally; discusses his sleeping quarters while overseas; talks about his uniform; and…

Makino talks about moving back to the west coast; his post-war employment; experiences with discrimination; and shooting at the enemy during the war. He then talks about his post-war home, meeting his wife, adopting a daughter, and discusses his…

Masunaga discusses his family, the family farm, and growing up in Colorado. He details growing up during The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Mansunaga also discusses about joining the service, becoming a medic, and basic training.

Masunaga discusses about his combat experiences as a medic. He details being reassigned, being discharged, and the horrors of war. Masunaga also discusses about post-war discrimination, his career, and his family. The interview closes out with…

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

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