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During the Occupation of Japan, Isamu "Sam" Saito got an opportunity to travel around Japan. He recalls visiting Osaka, and the locals have their dialect. Luckily, his cousin from Yokohama helps translate for him.

The cities affected by the…

After Camp Shelby, Isamu "Sam" Saito went to Fort Snelling. There were approximately 2,000 soldiers at Fort Snelling training to go overseas. The curriculum focused on reading and writing. Sam discusses his daily schedule at the Japanese school.

Isamu "Sam" Saito describes life in the camp. Minidoka was the third-largest in Idaho, with approximately 12,000 Japanese American internees. Inside the camp, the people developed a police station, fire station, hospital, and administration.…

Isamu "Sam" Saito discusses his friends' and parents' reactions after Pearl Harbor. One evening after the attack, Sam's parents burned items connected with Japan.

When Executive Order 9066 (EO9066) was announced, Sam's family prepared for…

Isamu "Sam" Saito recalls his school years. At school, the students are primarily Japanese Americans. The teachers had a hard time pronouncing the Japanese names. Therefore, many of the Japanese American students used English names for the benefit of…

Isamu "Sam" Saito was born on April 27, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. His parents are from Japan and immigrated to the United States for a better opportunity. Sam's parents are instrumental in shaping him in his informal years of education.


Kumagai talks about his combat experiences at Po Valley; volunteering to be a litter bearer; and his assignment processing German POWs. He then talks about returning back to the United States and his post-war employment in welding; getting married;…

Kumagai discusses having to leave his belongings behind after his family’s forced removal to Walerga temporary detention facility. He then talks about his brother’s military service, his experiences at Tule Lake incarceration camp, and describes…

Kumagai talks about working at a farm full-time after graduating high school, and discusses his uncle who was in the Japanese Army. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination; and discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath…

Kumagai discusses his father's various jobs, and talks about his mother, siblings, religion, and speaking Japanese at home. He then talks about his experiences growing up during the depression, discusses the community he grew up in, and talks about…

Tsuchimochi talks about his involvement in a local veterans group; reminisces about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) class and classmates; and talks about his experiences in the Philippines. Lastly, Tsuchimochi talks about some of his…

Tsuchimochi talks about receiving senninbari (good luck charm) from his mother; creating a rubber compound during his job as a chemist; and recreational activities after retirement such as golf, poker, and reading. He then talks about the differences…

Tsuchimochi discusses the loyalty questionnaire, getting his draft notice, and being assigned to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He then talks about basic training at Fort McClellan, training at Fort Snelling, and censorship…

Tsuchimochi discusses the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor including talking about curfew, having to leave belongings behind during forced removal, and discussing Japanese American community leaders getting picked up by the FBI. He then talks…

Tsuchimochi discusses his nickname; and talks about his childhood in Tacoma, Washington including discussing attending school, playing sports, and talking about the Japanese community and his involvement in community activities. He then talks about…

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about the legacy of the Nisei. Shimizu also discusses about his hope for future generations and barbed wire.

Shimizu discusses about Nisei units and the war's end. He details about coming home, meeting his wife, and his life after the war. Shimizu also discusses about his family.

Shimizu discusses about the realities of war and experiences in France. He details about close calls. Shimizu also discusses about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Shimizu discusses about having pride, trying to volunteer , and getting drafted. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences from Poston Concentration Camp. Shimizu also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Shimizu discusses about his childhood. He details about his household, self identification, and school years. Shimizu also discusses his life after high school, geopolitics, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about growing up in Clovis, California. Shimizu also discusses about his schooling.

Umeda discusses his Army life. He details about funniest moments in the Army. Umdea also gives his closing remarks.

Umeda discusses about his experiences at Camp Savage and Fort Snelling. He details his wife career, family, and the values he was taught growing up. Umeda also discusses about how his background translated to his military service, his childhood,…

Discussing his experiences in the Philippines, discussing Sister Kenny, and trying to find a home. He details about the interrogation techniques he used. Umeda also discusses about a typical day in the South Pacific.

Umeda discusses about taking a furlough, being discharged, and finding a job. He details about his career, family, travel, and friends. Umeda also discusses about attending the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS).

Umeda discusses about growing up in Sacramento, California and his family. He details about being drafted, aftermath from Pearl, and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Umeda also discusses about his experiences in the Military…

Toke Yonekawa speaks about visiting his Japanese family while serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) during the occupation of Japan after World War II. He also talks about how his family and other Japanese citizens dealt with their lives…

Toke Yonekawa describes his experiences during the American occupation of Japan after the end of World War II. He works as a translator and interpreter in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) with General Douglas MacArthur in the Dai-Ichi…

Doi reads a description about special services. He details about his post-war career. He details about his family. Doi discusses about his antiwar protest and retirement.

Doi discusses about why he joined and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about the role of Special Services and his interactions with Hawaiian soldiers. Doi also discusses about his family and experiences at…

Doi discusses his experiences Fort Snelling, Camp Savage, and discussing Military Intelligence Service (MIS) personnel. He details his assignment in Headquarters Company. Doi also discusses about picnics and banking at Camp Savage.

Doi discusses about living in Seattle. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Doi also discusses about volunteering for service, the affects of incarceration, and his wife.

Doi discusses about schooling, friends, and social activities. He details about the Japanese community growing up and religion. Doi also discusses about high school, life afterwards, the Great Depression, and living own his own.

Doi discusses about he parents and siblings. He details about his home life. Doi also discusses about his childhood.

Oshiro finishes up the interview with a few experiences he had while living in occupied Japan. He talks about a nurse that committed suicide, a Soviet prisoner-of-war they found dead, and climbing Mt.Fuji during a fog. He also talks about traveling…

After his time in occupied Japan, Oshiro would be discharged from the Army, as he wanted to pursue his higher education. He discusses the success of the occupation and the role of Nisei linguists and why that model should be used in future…

Oshiro continues speaking on his time in occupied Japan and the language training that he received once he arrived there. He talks about the conditions of the Japanese civilians and the struggles that they faced on a daily basis. He talks about the…

Oshiro begins the interview with a short introduction and talking about his whereabouts during the Japanese surrender during World War Two. Next, he talks about his childhood, growing up in Hawaii and being brought up with a heavy influence of…

Oshiro talks about his life in Washington D.C. and his marriage. He discusses his life in Minnesota and his participation in veterans clubs. He explains how a 8th grade history project on the Nisei veterans launched his own research projects. He…

same as part 1

Oshiro describes the 1946 tsunami that hit Hilo and the surrounding areas. He talks about being inducted into the Army. He discusses the surrender of Japan and his subsequent journey to Japan. Oshiro talks about his time with the Counter Intelligence…

Oshiro discusses Japanese language school and Japanese cultural values. He revisits the topic of leisure time and he describes his community. He explains the role of Pidgin English in his early life. Oshiro also describes his grandfather and other…

Oshiro describes his early life in Papa'aloa. He describes his parents and siblings. He talks about the chores that he had as child. He describes what he would do in his leisure time, including fishing. Oshiro talks about school and the learning…

Nakasone talks more about the movie "Pearl Harbor" and his disappointment in the accuracy of the film. After this, he talks about the military programs that he has been involved with, including one that helps the Navy establish educational programs.…

Nakasone discusses his marriage and how he met her at the University of Minnesota while he was a student and she was a librarian. He talks more about his family and names his grandchildren. Next, he talks about settling in Minnesota and his military…

Nakasone talks more about the occupation of Japan and the recreational activities such as dancing and the caucasian soldiers that were there. Next, he goes back and talks about his language courses at Fort Snelling, learning kanji and the root…

Nakasone talks about the reactions to the Japanese attacking the Americans at Pearl Harbor and the effect that it had on his family. His parents understood that they would be seen as enemy aliens after the attacks but also understood that their…

Nakasone discusses attending Japanese language school and his involvement with Buddhism and judo. After this, he talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor; living just three miles from Pearl Harbor, he would see firsthand the Japanese zero's flying…

Nakasone begins the interview talking about his family background and how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work as a farmer. He talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including the food he would eat, and growing up during the…

Inami discusses about the effectiveness of Japanese Americans during the Occupation of Japan, loyalty, and visiting Japan post-occupation. He details about the Occupation of Japan. Inami also discusses about his family and the "Zebra platoon".

Inami discusses about his time living in Japan and childhood. He details cultural differences and Japan's surrender. Imani also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, the Nisei mindset, Japanese culture, and Japanese Americans.

Inami shows and describes photographs of his wedding, in uniform, and a picture taken while he was in Korea. He also discusses his rank in the military,

Inami talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, getting discharged, and going back to college post-war. He then talks about receiving a commission for signal corps and getting recalled into the Korean War, as well as his duties during the Korean…

Inami talks about his reasons for volunteering for Military Intelligence Service (MIS), discusses joining ROTC in college, and talks about the reasons why he wanted to be in the military. He then talks about induction and basic trianing before going…

Inami talks about his freshman orientation at UC Berkeley and his experiences with discrimination, and discusses how his military service as well as the existence of the 442nd helped him with his career. He then talks about his family's forced…

Inami talks about what he learned in Japanese language school including Japanese ethics (shushin) and values,. He then talks about school and the community he grew up in; childhood experiences with discrimination; and discusses the reasons why he…

Inami discusses his parents immigrating from Japan to Madera, California, and talks about his father's work as a farmer. He then talks about his childhood and discusses his siblings, chores, helping out on the farm, going to school, and the values he…

Taketa continues to give an overview of how his unit attempted to stop the Axis powers in Burma. He describes his return to the United States and reconnecting with his family. He talks about his military language work at Fort Snelling. He explains…

Taketa describes a cartoon strip about Project 9. He explains the differences between the Air Force and the Army. He discusses Camp Savage, military ranks, and his furlough. He talks about his time in Jonesboro, Arkansas. He describes his journey to…

Taketa continued to talk about his family's forced removal and Tule Lake. He discusses employment options at Tule Lake. He talks about the loyalty questionnaire and volunteering for military service. Taketa shares his experiences with discrimination.…

Taketa talks about his college studies. He shares his knowledge of World War Two. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his theories on the reasons for World War Two. He talks about his brother's military career.…

Taketa discusses a meeting he had with a reporter and other MIS veterans. He describes his family homes. He talks about his favorite foods when he was a child. He describes his mother's family and her personality. Taketa discusses his religious…

Taketa shares his parent's immigration stories. He talks about his early childhood in Florin, California. He discuses his life while living in Marysville, California. He talks about his family's vineyard and how the Great Depression impacted their…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses translators and linguist for the Allied Translation and Interpreter Section (ATIS) during the occupation.

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses his friendship with Mine Okubo. Okubo is a Japanese American artist who illustrates her experience in camp and is the author of "Citizen 133660".

Post-war, Yonemura works in the General Consul Office from 1953…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses being in Japan for occupation from September 1945 to late January 1946. His duties range from meeting with Nisei expatriates; working for war crime trials; and being the eyes and ears for General MacArthur for lines…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses the Battle of Solomon Sea and gets promoted to team leader in the translation group. He receives the Bronze Star for his service.

Yonemura is with Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) from October…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses having a lot of support despite facing discrimination. At Camp Savage, Yonemura is on the bull gang for eight or ten days until getting into Language School. He studies hard and is class 13. Yonemura says the…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses in 1941 he is in his third year of law school and works part time as a librarian monitor. Yonemura learns at the news of Pearl Harbor through a friend. Yonemura is in disbelief by the news of events. The following…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses his parents' personality. His Father is a philosophical person who enjoys reading and subscribes to the Rafu Shimpo. His Mother is very stoic and handles the household finances. Growing up in a large family, he…

Masatatsu "Mas" Yonemura discusses name, birth date, birthplace and familial description. Yonemura's Father Tameki Yonemura and Mother Keku Yonemura
immigrate to the United States (US) with the early wave of Issei. When Yonemura's parents arrive…

Hirose discusses the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and the relationship they have with Issei and Nisei in its early years.

After working for as a teacher for 40 plus years, he recalls on the experiences that forces him into early…

Hirose discusses playing baseball in the military and shares memorable stories. In the military here is segregation units and Hirose reflects on discrimination.

During Hirose's time in occupation there are many orphan children in Japan and he…

Hirose discusses the difficulties of transitioning into the school life after being in camp. At 18 years old, Hirose is drafted and recalls a special moment on the troopship playing chess.

Post-war, Hirose goes to Japan for occupation. He passes…

Hirose discusses his Father being arrested and going to North Dakota in suspicions of using a short wave radio. Hirose's Father rejoins the family at Tule Lake Concnetration Camp. Hirose recalls going to Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp, Ellis…

Hirose discusses forced removal and the management of Rolling Heights kicking them out earlier than Executive Order 9066. Hirose then moves to Los Angeles to live with his Father's friend before going to camp.

Hirose recalls going to Santa Anita…

Hirose discusses what is blue stone and his experience in court. He shares his interment camp and military service experiences to the Judge. Hirose is only fined a small fee and is place on probation.

Hirose recalls his Father wanting to make a…

Hirose discusses his birth date and being born in San Pedro, California. Growing up he lives in Rolling Heights, California near the Peninsula. Part of his childhood activities includes fishing and skin diving. He recalls one incident with blue…

Okabayashi discusses about his life and career after the war. He details about his hobbies and family. Okabayashi also gives a message to future generations.

Okabayashi discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about capturing a PT Boat in France. Okabayashi also discusses about some general experiences in Europe and coming home.

Okabayashi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about being his duties within Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Okabayashi also discusses about going overseas and his first combat…

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Gustafson discusses losing men and the restructure of the division. He details about close combat with German soldiers and when the German soldiers surrender. Gustafson discusses a story about crabs and other wartime shares, and his promotion.

Gustafson discusses Anzio Beach, first combat and casualties. He also recalls the Gothic Line, Bruyeres, and the Lost Battalion. Gustafson also discusses about getting injured and trench feet.

Gustafson discusses military school and graduating from Reserve Officer Training Corps and going to Camp Shelby to be with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about discrimination in the military by sharing Lieutenant Yanamura's experiences…

Gustafson discusses growing in Illinois in a farming community. His father is well known surgeon. Gustafson shares who are his favorite teachers in school and playing golf. He continues his education after high school by joining the Reserve Officer…

Endo shows and describes photographs in a scrapbook during his time in Europe as a medic. Photographs depict fellow soldiers, a first aid station, medical supply truck, the 232nd Combat Engineer Company, experiences during the Gothic Line, and other…

Endo discusses his experiences while applying to work at UCLA; talks about visiting California prior to moving back there and seeing his mentors again; and talks about working at UCLA and getting transferred to work at University of California,…

Endo discusses his experiences at University of Florence learning about Italian culture; talks about returning to the United States; and discusses marching in a parade in Washington D.C. He then talks about getting discharged and going back to…

Endo discusses his thoughts about serving in the Army and with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and talks about being stationed with the 92nd Infantry Division. He then discusses a fellow medic; talks about his relationship with fellow soldiers; and…

Endo discusses his truck driving assignment in basic training; shows and describes photographs of his family; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during basic training. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and his duties there as…

Endo discusses working for a family in Philadelphia; talks about a scholarship he received to attend a Quaker high school; discusses the childhood car accident he was in; and talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath which included…

Endo discusses the reasons why he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name; and talks about his parents and grandparents including disucssing his grandparents immigration and his parents employment. He then talks about a fatal car accident…

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…
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