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Hashimoto talks about Camp Savage. He describes his squad's military invasion in the Pacific. He talks about his experiences while stationed in the Pacific region. He discusses his service for the Counter Intelligence Service. Hashimoto talks about…

Hashimoto talks about his military service while in the United States. He describes the new military training he received. He talks about his retirement and his security work for defense companies. He discusses double agents and his intelligence work…

Maya Miyamoto was born on January 28, 1922, in Carmel Valley, CA. His father and mother were from Kumamoto, Japan. Maya's father taught him respect, how to get along with others, honesty, and do not shame the family. Maya said his parents wished him…

During the occupation of Japan, Maya Miyamoto worked in Tokyo. He had a driver's license and could drive jeeps, tanks, and other vehicles. Therefore, a Lieutenant asked him to stay in Tokyo.

Maya's assignment was to drive the gas truck and…

Maya Miyamoto narrates photographs from the occupation of Japan. The pictures range from baseball games, family, relatives, friends, Japanese nationalist's daily life, and pets.

Maya also shares how he met his wife at Poston. His grandson,…

Uchiyama discusses his childhood experiences growing up in farming community in central California. He shares information of how his parents immigrated to the U.S. from Japan and what it was like for him living in a primarily Caucasian neighborhood…

Uchiyama talks about how the war started while he was a student at UC Berkeley. He details about his experiences at internment camps. He also discusses how he attended law school at both Texas University and Harvard; and how he got drafted while he…

Uchiyama talks about his training and experiences serving as an agent of the army's counterintelligence corps (CIC). As part of his assignment he was sent to Japan during the U.S. occupation. He talks about how he went through CIC training in the…

This segment starts "in medias res" in which Uchiyama talks about his Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) experiences. He also discusses his participation in the Yokohama trials, where he worked on the defense counsel. He shares more recollections of…

Shinmoto discusses name, birth date, birthplace and growing up during the Great Depression. He recalls his Father and Mother's personality and child rearing. Shinmoto's Father is a quiet man and he learns about his Father history through his Uncle. …

Shinmoto discusses moving to Kingsburg a Swedish farming community. Transitioning in High School is a difficult time for Shinmoto. He recalls sports help him make friends but is lonely during lunchtime. He is also put in the same grade with his…

Shinmoto discusses Gila River Concentration Camp and the living conditions. Approximately 10,000 Japanese Americans are interned there. At Gila River, Shinmoto finishes Senior year of High School and enjoys art classes. He creates an oil painting…

Shinmoto discusses moving to Burlington, Iowa due to the efforts of War Relocation Authority. His family also moves to Iowa and helps at the Hotel to get away from poor living conditions. At Gila River, Shinmoto recalls taking the loyal…

Shinmoto discusses his Mother's reaction to hearing about the atomic bomb and their relatives survival. Going overseas, he arrives in Japan and sees the devastation of Hiroshima. He describes the aftermath of the city from the bomb. He recalls his…

Shinmoto discusses the family business and meeting his wife. Shinmoto and his wife have three children, two grandchildren, and a great grandchild. He shares advice for the future generation and photographs prewar and post-war.

Takimoto discusses about his family and childhood. He details bout Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takimto also discusses about his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.

Takimoto discusses about the loyalty questionnaire and his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp. He details about leaving camp and going to school. Takimoto also discusses about being drafted and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his experiences during the Korean War. Takimoto also discusses about his experiences post Korean War.

Takimoto discusses his experiences during the Vietnam War. He details about his his family and experiences in Okinawa. Takimoto also discusses about his employment, current events, and the role Nisei women played.

Tsuchimochi discusses his nickname; and talks about his childhood in Tacoma, Washington including discussing attending school, playing sports, and talking about the Japanese community and his involvement in community activities. He then talks about…

Tsuchimochi discusses the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor including talking about curfew, having to leave belongings behind during forced removal, and discussing Japanese American community leaders getting picked up by the FBI. He then talks…

Tsuchimochi discusses the loyalty questionnaire, getting his draft notice, and being assigned to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He then talks about basic training at Fort McClellan, training at Fort Snelling, and censorship…

Tsuchimochi talks about receiving senninbari (good luck charm) from his mother; creating a rubber compound during his job as a chemist; and recreational activities after retirement such as golf, poker, and reading. He then talks about the differences…

Tsuchimochi talks about his involvement in a local veterans group; reminisces about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) class and classmates; and talks about his experiences in the Philippines. Lastly, Tsuchimochi talks about some of his…

Ishikawa discusses growing up in San Jose, California's Japantown including talking about his parents; discussing childhood discipline and values; recreational activities; his childhood home; and experiences going to a public bathhouse as a child. He…

Ishikawa discusses the forced removal of Japanese Americans during World War Two; discrimination against Asian Americans; provides some thoughts regarding citizenship and loyalty; and discusses his experiences at Fort Riley including what happened…

Ishikawa discusses Japan's surrender; his experiences on Negros and Panay Islands; describes a Japanese battle flag he found; and talks about his experiences after landing in Korea including his interactions with Korean civilians and Japanese…

Okusa begins the interview speaking about his time living in Japan as a child. He would attend middle school and high school before going back to the United States. Next, he talks about the end of the war and going to the occupied Japan to begin work…

Okusa discusses his position as an interrogator during occupied Japan. During his assignments there, he would interrogate a lot of prisoners of war to obtain as much information as possible to send back to the NYK building in Tokyo. He would end up…

Hirose discusses his birth date and being born in San Pedro, California. Growing up he lives in Rolling Heights, California near the Peninsula. Part of his childhood activities includes fishing and skin diving. He recalls one incident with blue…

Hirose discusses what is blue stone and his experience in court. He shares his interment camp and military service experiences to the Judge. Hirose is only fined a small fee and is place on probation.

Hirose recalls his Father wanting to make a…

Hirose discusses forced removal and the management of Rolling Heights kicking them out earlier than Executive Order 9066. Hirose then moves to Los Angeles to live with his Father's friend before going to camp.

Hirose recalls going to Santa Anita…

Hirose discusses his Father being arrested and going to North Dakota in suspicions of using a short wave radio. Hirose's Father rejoins the family at Tule Lake Concnetration Camp. Hirose recalls going to Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp, Ellis…

Hirose discusses the difficulties of transitioning into the school life after being in camp. At 18 years old, Hirose is drafted and recalls a special moment on the troopship playing chess.

Post-war, Hirose goes to Japan for occupation. He passes…

Hirose discusses playing baseball in the military and shares memorable stories. In the military here is segregation units and Hirose reflects on discrimination.

During Hirose's time in occupation there are many orphan children in Japan and he…

Hirose discusses the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and the relationship they have with Issei and Nisei in its early years.

After working for as a teacher for 40 plus years, he recalls on the experiences that forces him into early…

Iwamoto discusses his nickname, his parents and the reasons why his father immigrated to the United States; his parents' employment; his parent's personalities; and working at his father's cafe. He then talks about going to church, attending school,…

Iwamoto discusses his experiences as a commanding officer in Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), as well as his experiences attending college and working after returning to the United States. He then talks about meeting his wife; getting recalled for…

Kishiue discusses his early years in California's King County. He talks about his family background and their experiences evacuating their home during WW2. He also talks about being drafted in the military before the Pearl Harbor attack; and race…

Kishibue talks about his MISLS training at Camp Savage, and how he spent his free time in Minnesota. He talks about basic training experiences at Camp Robinson and his experiences at Makin Island. He also talks about race issues he faced in the…

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating Japanese soldiers and civilians. He describes what the civilian camps were like; and military combat he had participated in.

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating prisoners of war and cave flushing. He also discusses experiences in Okinawa and working for one week with CIC. In addition he shares a story regarding a Japanese military officer who…

Kishiue talks about medals and honors he received in the military; and his experiences regarding returning to the United States. He talks about his life after his military discharge, and his family.

Kishiue displays photographs of himself in military uniform while at Schofield Barracks and Makin Island. He also shows photographs of personnel from a civilian camp in Saipan. There is also a display of medals he earned from the Military.

Masuda discusses about her family, schooling, and some of his early jobs. He details about religion, Japanese language school, and his home life. Masuda also discusses about discrimination, living in Fresno, California, Pearl Harbor, and its…

Masuda also discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences with forced removal. Masuda also discusses about Fresno Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Masuda discusses about being drafted and basic training. He details about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and experiences in Japan. Masuda also discusses about his family and career.

Masuda discusses about friends. He details about his time in Japan. Masuda also describes some photographs.

Hashisaka begins the interview talking about his life, growing up on Kauai and moving to Honolulu and attending McKinley High School. He then talks about his family background, his parents came from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and would settle in…

Hashisaka would work at the post office as clerk until he volunteered for the Army as part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He would first head to Schofield Barracks in Honolulu before being sent out on a victory ship to California, where…

Hashisaka talks about his assignment in the Philippines with the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, capturing documents and translating them. He talks about one of the diaries that he has and the contents of it. He also talks about the…

Hashisaka discusses the war crimes trials that he was involved with, acting as a court interpreter. He brings a charge document from one of the defendants and talks about the intricacies of the trials. He would continue working at the trials until he…

Hashisaka discusses his family background, including his children and grandchildren and their involvement in the oral history program and continuing the history of the Japanese Americans. Next, he discusses telling his own personal story to his…

Tsukazaki talks about his parents and siblings including discussing their education and employment. He then talks about his childhood and discusses playing baseball and fishing; and talks about his father’s writing hobby and learning Kendo. Next,…

Tsukazaki discusses Hawaiian fish ponds including his family’s fish pond, friendships growing up, his involvement with the Varsity Victory Volunteers(VVV), and his friendship with the YMCA director at University of Hawaii. He then talks about a…

Tsukazaki talks about going to Japanese school, classes he took while at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and his assignments while in Orlando for more intelligence school. He then talks about getting married while at Camp…

Tsukazaki describes post-war Japan including talking about visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He then talks about the head of the Varsity Victory Volunteers(VVV) who helped raise scholarship money in Hawaii, his thoughts regarding the attack on Pearl…

Paul Takeo Bannai is born July 4, 1920, in Delta, Colorado. Paul explains the meaning of this name. Paul grows up in Utah and Colorado before moving to Boyle Heights, CA.

On December 7, Paul hears about the Pearl Harbor attack, and he reports to…

During Paul Takao Bannai's school years in Utah, and Colorado there are no Japanese American students. Paul's friends are mainly white. When he moves to Los Angeles, CA, his friends are more diverse, and he meets other Japanese Americans. Paul…

When Paul Takao Bannai hears the news of Pearl Harbor on December 7, his reaction is to help and defend the United States. Paul's parents support him and encourage him to defend America. By joining the 442nd and serving with the Military…

Paul Takao Bannai discusses Nisei in the Japanese Army and wants to learn more about their experience. In Kyoto, Paul helps organize the breweries to sell alcohol to the United States military.

After Japan, Paul has one more year of service. He…

Paul Takao Bannai's political career starts in 1972 when he is elected to Gardena City Council. Later, in 1973, he is elected to California State Legislature with the help of President Reagan and the widow of an Assemblyman. Paul is the first…

Paul Takao Bannai recalls meeting Ken Nakaoka and working in real estate in Gardena. Ken is active in the community and runs for city council, and Paul himself becomes active. Paul's political career starts when he is the Planning Commissioner. Later…

Paul Takao Bannai likes to be active in the community, but there is not enough time. Paul is part of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for more than 60 years. Paul would like to put more time into helping Go For Broke. However, if they…

During wartime, Paul Takao Bannai receives correspondence from family and people he meets. Letters from his family wanting him to return home safely and reunite with the family. There are letters from his Army friends in Australia acknowledging his…

Terumoto "Paul" Ichiuji was born in Pacific Grove. He was very active in high school with sports and the student body and had many friends.

Before December 7, 1941, Paul's brother, Joe, and cousin were drafted into service. Paul recalls hearing…

During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…

Ito briefly talks about his family history and childhood, then he talks about how he got drafted while at an internment camp. Ito recounts the assignments he carried out during the post-war U.S. occupation of Japan. He discusses some specifics of his…

Ito talks about his birthplace, Fresno, California. He discusses his experiences in primary school. He describes how and why his parents immigrated to America. He talks about his father's work at a cannery. He discusses his father's launch into…

Ito discusses his experiences interacting with his extended family members while in Japan during the occupation. He also reflects on the legacy of the participation of Nisei soldiers in World War 2 and how Japanese nationals reacted to U.S.…

Ito talks about his religious background. He discusses his church attendance. He shares his knowledge of World War Two overseas. He continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about his family's forced removal. He…

Ito talks about a bulletin for weary Caucasian soldiers. He discusses his military government unit. He describes his interpretation work. He talks about his work at the Presidio SF. He discusses his family's lives after the war. He describes his new…

Kaseguma discusses his family and childhood. He details his experiences attending Japanese language school and college. Kaseguma also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Kaseguma discusses the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal. He details his experiences at Minidoka Concentration Camp. Kaseguma also discusses being drafted, basic training, joining the Military Intelligence Service…

Kaseguma discusses his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his family life and revisiting Japan. Kaseguma also discusses his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei generation.

Okada discusses his early years growing up in Los Angeles and Long Beach. He talks about his father's background in Japan, and immigration to the United States. He also discusses how his father's death in 1928 impacted his family and their economic…

Okada discusses growing up in Los Angeles and Long Beach. He talks about his mother's background in Japan, and immigration to the United States. He also discusses how his father's death, and how after his high school graduation he helped his mother…

Okada discusses his experiences shortly before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor.He talks about giving up his independent gardening business for a job as a civil service worker. He also talks about how Executive Order 9066 impacted him and his…

Okada discusses his experiences living at Father Flanagan's Boys Town. He also talks about how and why he enlisted in the U.S. military; and his participation in Occupied Japan. He shares anecdotes regarding: social activist Lily Okura, post-war…

Okada describes details of the work he did in Occupied Japan in both military and civilian jobs. He talks about how his wife and mother moved to Japan to live with him. He shares anecdotes regarding: social activities he participated in; language…

Okada describes details of the work he did in Occupied Japan and his subsequent career as a businessman in international trade. He talks about experiences with his wife and mother living in Japan with him. He also talks about his children's lives.…

Hishinuma talks about his birthplace in Oahu, Hawaii. He explains how he got his name. He describes his family's poverty. He discusses his life on a plantation. He talks about his father's early life. He describes the Concentration Camps built for…

Hishinuma describes his proficiency in Japanese. He continues to talk about his experiences in Japanese language school. He continues to discuss his induction. He shares his feeling about leaving his home. He talks about the assignments given to…

Hishinuma continues to talk about his work for the Atomic Printing Company. He describes how he and his future wife applied for a marriage license. He discusses his wife application for citizenship. He talks about the female companions that his job…
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